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In Colin's kitchen

Sula sat Colin on his bed while the boys walked around the house following the cat 295

 Uncle Colin closed his eyes and went to sleep while Sula went looking for the kitchen to prepare lunch

She is heading to the kitchen 296

The cat had arrived before her, thinking about meat. The boy, Sayle, was looking for something to eat for him and his sister

Sula entered the kitchen when she heard their voice and said to them, "Come, children, I want to cook bread for you." 297

The children stood next to their mother, their teeth trembling from hunger, and they said: "Mom, our intestines are empty."

Our cat will die 298

The mother laughs: The monster cat does not die. It does not know hunger. If it is hungry, it will eat you 299

Vizuela was frightened and said to her brother, "Come on, get her away from me. She might eat me."

Sally: My sister is not afraid of her. She ate all the frozen fish. Mom, why do you scare my sister? My cat is everyone's friend. I love her.

Sula: Damn, Capelli, they took your money 

Suddenly that cat is hiding near the wild wolves 300

Sula prepared a plate of eggs and bread while Sally carried orange juice and they headed to Colin's room to wake him up and have lunch with them.