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Investor Protigano

Investor Protegano has arrived at the farm wanting to buy the crop of wheat 322

He parked his car and headed towards his house. He found the door open and entered, calling Colin, where are you, your friend?

Colin asks Sula to go to him and bring him. This is the harvest season. Buyers will flock to him from all over the world 323

Sula headed towards the door and saw him entering the kitchen

Sula: Listen, I entered a house and reached the kitchen where she lived 

Bottagano: Lady here at home, I thought Colin lived alone 324

Sola: Shut up, I'm his sister

Botgano: I am an investor and I want to buy the crop

Sula: Harvest what monsters will take everything

Botgano: Madam, what are you talking about? I am not a monster

Sola come follow me 

Sula and the investor entered Uncle Colin's room while he was in a weak state and unable to stand

 Investor Botgano is astonished, Colin, hello, I see you lying on the bed. I saw you working on your farm and guarding it like a lion. Your wolves are not watching you while you work. 325

I entered your farm and found it barren, and your wolves did not receive me as usual

Uncle Colin: Sit down and taste our food

Portagano: I am in a hurry. I want to catch the Chinese plane that is about to take off 326

Uncle Colin: This is good news. My sister wants to go there with her children. She wants to enter the art of investment 327

Portagano: And you, my friend

Uncle Colin: Don't worry about me. Friends will come after you and sit with me 328

Botgano: Then there is nothing to buy from you

 Uncle Colin: The farm

Sola: Why, brother, where are we going?

Uncle Colin: Your husband is condemned by the villagers. I want to help you 328

Botgano: You embarrassed me, Colin. We will discuss the matter next time when I return

Come on, kids, load your luggage to the car 329

 Sula was sad, crying, bidding farewell to Colin, saying to him, "I will miss you very much, brother," while Colin was smiling at the kids and telling her, "Your keys, Sally, don't waste them."