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Eyes flying

The burning birds approached the beam. The flying eyes wanted to see inside it, so they descended and saw the village. They were shouting, ghosts have appeared. Eyes, O Capelli, are looking at us, still coveting our money.338

Burning birds: Look, cat, they are gathering around my eyes. I will bring fire down on them 339

Monster Cat: Come on, just one. I don't want you to burn my friends' house. Meteors of fire descended on the village. The people ran away. Then the flying eyes rose and approached the burning birds.340

The cat was laughing at her and saying that going down is dangerous. If your monster knows what you are doing, he will snatch you and throw you away. Maybe he is busy with something else. 341

Flying Eyes: They scream. Capelli's eyes are watching us

Monster Cat: Do you know why you couldn't cross the green beam?

 Flying eyes: Are there other eyes that came down with me?

Monster Cat: He is the glory of their leader Capelli, the warrior and the queen, but we want the glory of the monsters to prevail 342

Whenever we see a key entering a door we steal, let's open all the doors

I will tell you a story about that son of glory. One time I visited him as one of the good guests. I was carrying a gift that I used as a deadly poison. During this visit, my eyes were fixed on me. 342

 He welcomed me and said, "Make me your loyal friend. I am at your help at any time. Please give me this gift."

You are a man who had a good reputation in your village, and suddenly he was happy with my words and said to me, "I have their money. If I need it, I will lend it to you. I am ready." I picked up those words and said to him, "Do you like my gift?" 343

He said: Yes, but I will pay you for it

I said: No, take it, but insist on paying the amount

I said: Okay, next visit, give me the money

I left and went to my world of monsters singing:

He became my friend. I told him to prepare lunch

I gave him gifts

My eyes did not fly away or stare at him

 I left him and he thought I was an investor

My eyes will fly away and I will pick it

He liked the gift and quickly told his family

I made a rich friend

My eyes fell from his