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Kabili character in left eye

The left eye opens and the robot sees the character of Kabili, his personal life, how he lived in his house, village and workplace. Kabili used to spend most of his time working, going in his small wooden car to his only institution in the village, which he was responsible for, and many of the villagers worked in it. He loved helping its residents and the needy. 496

One day, he was very tired, and he was in his office when a human entered him wanting help. He said to him, "Kabili, you good man, I want you to help me. Lend me money, I will return it to you, and I am at your service when I return from my trip. I will help you with what you need." Kabili asked him for a period of time to think because he was very tired. 497

Kabili had some doubts about this man because he was a stranger to the village, but the man's trick was to put his web like a spider from every direction that Kabili thought about, which made Kabili fall into those nets, so he gave him the village money that the villagers had put for him. The monster man came out running like a cat, meowing and laughing, "I will return it to you for an endless day." Kabili returned to his wife and said to her, "A man visited me."

He will help me whenever I need him at any time 498

Sola his wife cries and says to him do you know him

Kabili: No

Sola shouts: They took your key from you, Kabili

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