The flying eyes woke up, the robot looks out of it
The robot monster asks questions about who is the main character in the movie 518
The flying eyes write the boy Saili
The robot monster: How will the movie end?
The flying eyes: When the king's horse appears
The robot monster: Where is the horse? 519
Flying Eyes Writes
The horse of Aling was owned by King Theoga, Queen Myrta named it after her son, Syaile 520
When the monsters invaded the castle, the horse disappeared
The leader of the monsters, the dragon, orders the monsters to search for it and capture it 521
Some say that the horse turned into a monster of another species that the dragon does not control
The monster horse has its frog soldiers, as it put the keys to the castle in the mouth of the frog Ganyol 523
The monster Merkur, the dragon soldiers, found inscriptions in the castle indicating that the horse will return and fight with the boy Syaile and they will absorb the green beam when the stars rotate
The monster Magis also told his friend Merkur that there are giant plants that will appear that will help them in the fight
The monsters suspect that tall tree overlooking the castle that appeared before the time of the monsters 524
The monsters tried to uproot it but they could not because its roots are watered with the tears of the dead