The Doll is Worth Every Bit of It

"Whoa!" Eternity gasped, and her emerald eyes widened in surprise as a strong gust of wind blew, sending a couple of leaves and petals flying.

After that, she started giggling.

"Are you okay?" Evan asked as he carried a picnic basket, following her trail. "Careful now."

She spun around, revealing that the wind had ruffled her hair and that a few loose strands had landed on her face. She immediately reached up and brushed them aside, her fingers lightly caressing the red locks.

"It's just the wind, Evan," Eternity pointed out. "It just caught me by surprise, that's all."

Evan nodded uneasily, his eyes darting from side to side as he noticed that people were staring at Eternity with awestruck expressions, as if she were a goddess and they were lucky enough to see her beauty in broad daylight.

Minus the goddess part, Evan believed this to be true. 

After their breakfast, the two immediately headed to a park in the city.