Final Encounter with the Tutor (1)

"Are you absolutely sure—" Evan began, standing in front of Eternity as she occupied one of the dining chairs inside a cafe.

"Yes, Evan," Eternity said impatiently, massaging the bridge of her nose in irritation. "I'm absolutely sure that I don't need you hovering behind me while I wait for Olivia to arrive."

"But—" he tried to argue.

"What could she possibly do to me?" Eternity pointed out with an exasperated sigh. "And if she does something funny—which I doubt—we both know that I'm more than capable of protecting myself."

"But—" Evan tried again.

"Evan," Neither of them believed it was possible, but Eternity sounded more pissed than she already did than the previous times.

Thankfully, even though Eternity said it quite loudly, it was still quite early in the morning, so there weren't many customers yet in the cafe that Evan suggested be her meeting place with Olivia.