The End

Against better judgment, the trio followed the Maestra to the lake.

The trek, while uneventful, was a relief for Evan—it wasn't as taxing as the climb up the mountain. Still, Eternity insisted on carrying him the entire way after the Maestra's warning.

Evan only had a matter of hours left before he dies.

Eternity didn't want to worsen his condition and lessen the remaining life span he had by forcing Evan to hike down the mountain.

"We're here," the mysterious Maestra announced as she stopped walking.

The comforting clicking sound of her wooden sandals every time they collided with the ground no longer comforted Evan's ears. Freiheit and Eternity halted as well, and they looked around to observe their surroundings. 

Calling the lake beautiful would be an understatement.

"Wow," Evan breathed, wide-eyed.

"This is the clearest, cleanest body of water I've ever seen!" Eternity marveled.

"So do I," Freiheit nodded in agreement.