Fire Emperor - 5!

"Come!" Elgamor yelled, ready to bear the impact.

The spinning trident appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye. The ethereal blue Silhouette accompanying the real trident body.

The first Barrier came in contact with the silhouette, It was a wind barrier made by compressing the wind to a high level and to prevent it from liquefying, dark element was used. 

The dark element provided the barrier with more strength and sturdiness.

Due to the dark element, this light green barrier had little dark spots in it.

The second barrier, made of ice element was of snowy blue color. It emanated an icy aura, however, was sturdier than the first barrier.

This barrier was capable of withstanding a full powered 9th rank magic spell.

The third barrier was his main shield, made of Fire, earth and lightning, It was seemingly unbreakable. It was brownish red in color with yellow lightning flowing around it.