Berij Blaze - 9!

The empire received the report from the spies.

The report clearly mentioned that the Duke went inside an abandoned dungeon where there was a gathering being held by men in counts of thousands.

Following this report, the empire had gained a reason to investigate the duke officially.

The royal investigation unit was dispatched to search the duke's mansions for evidence that pointed at his treason.

Without proof, even the empire couldn't punish the duke without facing retaliation in return.

As they suspected, letters were found in the Duke's secret room which was only revealed after the mansion was searched using magic.

These letters had an unfamiliar insignia in dark purple color ink.

However, the language used in the letters was foreign and no one could understand what was written in them.

However, there was one letter that was written in a common language.

It was from Duke Ombor of the Alusta empire.