I- Direwolves in the Red Keep

The first impression he got of King's Landing wasn't the view, it was the smell. Arthur Stark had smelled some disgusting things during his eighteen years of existence, yet, nothing he could think of could compare to the horrible stench that emanated from the capital of the Seven Kingdoms. He cursed his uncle Rickon for the mission that had been given to him, despite the fact that he understood why he had been chosen to do it.

Arthur was what his brothers called 'a book-eater', he had learned how to read faster than any of his siblings and cousins, and at the age of five, he was already found reading every tome he could get his tiny hands on, in Winterfell's library. His uncle Rickon praised his mind as quietly as often, and when little Cregan grew, Arthur took it upon himself to instruct his little cousin. His brother Benjen had once called him a « southern Stark » for his knowledge of history and politics, and had ended up with a broken nose.

Despite his intelligence and his vast knowledge, Arthur Stark was and will always be a Direwolf, the Old Gods themselves had seen to that when he had been fifteen.

At this time, Lord Rickon had selected him and thirty other young lads to aid the rangers of the Night's Watch in a mission beyond the Wall. Bennard Stark had vehemently protested, he argued that his firstborn was too young, but Lord Rickon had been adamant.

"He is almost a man grown, and Starks need to bleed early to prepare for Winter."

Arthur had not protested, nor did he disagree with his uncle. He had simply sharpened his sword and dagger, and packed enough furs. When he came back from this mission, his left arm was in a sling and two dire wolves pups were in his leather bag. He gifted the brown one to his delighted cousin, earning his uncle's respect and gratitude, and the second one, a black beast with golden eyes, was by his sides as he was riding towards King's Landing. 'Shadow' -for that's what he was to Arthur- was now the size of a poney, his fur as dark as coal made him invisible at night and an unstoppable threat for any unfortunate prey. Thanks to him, Arthur had not needed an escort to travel along the King's Road, nor did he stop at an inn or demanded a Lord's hospitality for a night. He was a Stark of Winterfell, he knew how to survive in the Lands beyond the Wall, he wasn't about to spend the few golden coins that he had before arriving at the Capital. All he had to do was to make camp and hunt, his direwolf was more than enough to repel any kind of bandits.

He had bathed in a river on Lord Mallery's lands, shaved with his dagger and cleaned himself with a piece of black soap. His hair had been another matter entirely, he had to carefully wash his black straight hair with ash and herbs, to make it shiny and sweet-smelling. Then he used his dagger to give himself a proper cut. He couldn't care less if southern lords and ladies would find him handsome or civilized, but it wasn't about him, it was about the North and House Stark, and as their representative at Court, he had to look proper. So he changed his traveling clothes for a doublet with a direwolf sewn on it and put on freshly polished boots. He stretched, ignoring the abominable stench of the city, and finished his travel.

Unfortunately, the stench of the city did not lessen at all as he drew closer to the city gates. But by the time he had reached the River Gate, he had at least, somewhat, gotten used to the smell. Not enough to dismiss it entirely, but enough so that it wasn't the only thing that he was able to focus on as he passed through the gate with his Shadow, who looked even more annoyed by the smell as he was. The guards at the Gate had poorly tried to bribe him to allow his wolf inside the city, but his noble name was enough for them to dismiss this ridiculous idea. For they didn't know how King Viserys would react if he were to learn that one of his warden's house was denied its sigil inside the capital of the Seven Kingdoms. Arthur had made sure to inform them that he was going to the Red Keep, the King could deal with the wolf himself if he had to, a Dire wolf was little challenge for a Dragon.

"And they call us savages," Arthur thought as he trotted in the streets of the city. "People are practically standing atop each other with barely enough place to live. What a nightmare. "

It took him more time than he had wanted to reach the Red Keep, and when he finally arrived, he was stopped at the entrance by the guard at the top of the watchtower.

"Halt, identify yourself !"

"Arthur Stark, Nephew of the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, Rickon Stark!"

"If you're a Stark, then where is your escort ?!" The guard almost cackled at the lone young man on a horse.

Arthur lazily pointed at his direwolf with his thumb.

"Right here." He said as Shadow emerged from behind his stallion for the guards to see him.

The man bit back any retort he had in mind when he saw the large beast with golden eyes, he took a short moment to recompose himself, and said:

"I'm afraid your beast can't enter the Red Keep, m'lord."

" My beast as you say, is my escort, he goes wherever I go."

"Not inside the Keep, m'lord." The guard stubbornly answered. "Forgive me, but we cannot know if it's safe for a creature this size to venture inside the castle."

"I'm willing to wait for the King's permission or refusal." Arthur answered diplomatically. "I understand your mistrust, however my direwolf is my only escort and my responsibility, should I be offered guest rights, I'll swear by the Old Gods and the New that Shadow here, will not harm anyone that means no harm. "

The guard scratched his chin.

"It might take time, today is Prince Aegon's second nameday, the King is busy entertaining his guests."

"I'm in no hurry." Arthur answered.


King Viserys Targaryen, the First of his Name, was frustrated. Today was his son's second nameday, and many lords and ladies had agglutinated around him to congratulate him and exchange pleasantries. Yet, despite this perfect opportunity to gain any political advantage, his daughter the crown Princess, was nowhere to be found. Viserys worried that this might send the wrong message to his subjects, the House of the Dragon should have looked strong and united during this day, but his daughter made them look divided. Her jealousy and frustration were now obvious to the rest of the Court, and Viserys was worried for Rhaenyra's future as heir and Queen if she kept acting like that. His frustration ended up growing so much that he had let his temper get the best of him, and rudely raised his voice, making a scene during the festivities. When he realized his mistake, he bit his tongue but it was too late. Everyone was already casting him worried glances.

Fortunately for him, a guard had chosen this moment to enter the room and attract all the attention on him.

"Apologies your Grace, there is a man at the gate claiming to be a Stark, he demands permission to enter the Red Keep with his wolf."

Viserys widened his eyes in surprise while many ladies were heard gasping, he wasn't sure if he had heard right.

"His wolf?"

"Aye, your Grace. Largest beast I've ever seen, he claims its his escort."

Now that information truly left Viserys dumbfounded, while Lord Hightower and his brother, the Hand of the King, merely frowned in dismay. Ser Otto took it upon himself to answer for his liege.

"Inform Lord Stark that the Red Keep isn't a kennel, and that a wild beast doesn't belong anywhere near the Court…"

"Wait," Viserys interrupted his hand. "You said that beast was large, is it per chance a Direwolf ?"

More gasps erupted from the ladies, the Queen in particular, looked quite worried.

" I think he said so, Your Grace. " The guard answered after a moment of thinking.

If the Ladies looked even more aghast and the Lords and guards even more concerned, a childish wonder and a curious look grew swiftly on Viserys' face.

"Your Grace," Otto Hightower intervened, "such a beast should have never been allowed inside the capital in the first place."

"Come now Otto, such creatures can only be found North of the Wall." Viserys said, brushing his worries. "And if this Stark truly traveled this far with only his direwolf as an escort, without any incidents, it must mean that the Beast is tamed enough to serve its master properly."

"Your Grace…"

"Is he at the gate ?" The King asked the guard, ignoring his hand.

"Yes my King, he said he was willing to wait for your permission or refusal to enter. And he promised that if he should be accorded guest rights, he would vouch for his wolf."

"Wonderful !" Then I believe he has waited long enough."

Viserys left the room, ignoring his Hand's and his wife's looks of disbelief.


Truth be told, Arthur had expected to wait for more than half an hour. That's why he had dismounted his horse and had started to speak with one of the guards about his trip, the North, and the latest gossip at the Red Keep. So he was fairly surprised when the gate suddenly opened, and even more so when he spotted the King and what he assumed to be some members of the Court, all were safely standing behind the rank of Kingsguards that were standing adamantly, with their hands on their swords' hilt.

Arthur didn't need to look further when he spotted Viserys' silver golden hair and the golden Crown atop his head, he immediately bowed perfectly to his King. Who was pleasantly surprised to see the Direwolf bow in the same way.

"Your Grace."

Viserys approached, with his Kingsguard still in front of him. The look of wonder he arbored was not what Arthur had expected.

"Welcome to the Red Keep, my young Lord Stark." He beamed. "I was told that should your wolf be allowed inside my walls, you would vouch for his behaviour."

"Thank you for welcoming me in person, my King." Arthur answered diplomatically. "I'm no Lord, merely the nephew of the Lord of Winterfell, and yes. I swear by the Old Gods and the New, Shadow will not harm anyone if no one wishes him harm."

"Wonderful !"

The King motioned for a servant to bring bread and salt, the servant did so but was visibly shaken in fear.

"In the Light of the Seven… and the Old Gods…" Viserys added quickly. "I extend to you the hospitality and protection of House Targaryen, Young Stark. Eat my bread and salt and be a guest in my home."

Arthur ignored the servant's looks of fear directed at his wolf, took a piece of the offered bread and dipped it in the salt, he took a small nibble from it and passed it to Shadow who ate the rest.

Strangely, the fact that Shadow had eaten the bread enhanced, somehow, the look of wonder on Viserys' face.

"Thank you, Your Grace." He said before pulling a sealed parchment off his doublet. "A message from my Uncle, Lord Rickon Stark, your warden of the North."

A Kingsguard took the message from Arthur's hand and passed it to his liege, the King quickly unsealed it and read it.

"Your uncle wishes for you to represent the North at my Court ?" Viserys read with surprise evident in his voice.

Behind him, several noblemen and women were frowning.

"Lord Rickon felt that it was time for the North to have a voice in the Capital." Arthur explained with a smile.

Viserys smiled in return.

"A most judicious proposition ! I shall have some quarters ready for you in the Red Keep ! "

He motioned for the servant that brought the bread to take care of the arrangements, the poor lad was too eager to leave.

"I believe I am the first Targaryen King that will have a Stark of Winterfell in his Court."

Arthur took a moment to think, before nodding.

"I believe you're right, Your Grace."

"Perfect." Viserys smiled before looking back at Shadow, who was scratching himself. "Now tell me, your wolf, is it truly a Direwolf ?"

"He is." Arthur said, petting the beast's skull. "He hasn't grown fully yet, his mother was the size of a large stallion."

Bewildered looks and frightened gasps emerged from the crowd of nobles, but Viserys could only smile.

"And is he tamed enough for me to pet him?" He asked almost childishly.

"Shadow, sit". Arthur commanded and the wolf sat down. "Yes, your grace. Everything will be fine, I promise".

Motioning for his Kingsguard to stand down, Viserys approached Shadow without showing an int of fear, and the wolf allowed himself to be stroked on the head. The King truly looked delighted by the impressive creature that was enjoying his caresses.

"Tell me, how do you wish for him to be fed during your stay?"

"Oh, don't concern yourself too much with any arrangements, Your Grace. Just allow him safe passage to the Kingswood, and he will hunt his own food by himself. "

"Perfect !" Viserys clapped his hands, Arthur noticed that he was missing two fingers. "Then you must accompany us on our hunt. I believe Shadow here would be a great asset to us."

Arthur actually laughed at his King's antics, internally, he was relieved. He hadn't expected his King to be so open towards his direwolf. Truth be told, he really hadn't thought Shadow would have been accepted inside the Red Keep. He would have settled with a permission to let him roam the Kingswood, but his wolf's popularity was truly a pleasant surprise.

"I would be delighted, and so would be Shadow." He answered sincerely.

"Wonderful, but I am sure that after such a long journey, you must be exhausted. A servant will show you to your chambers. We'll leave in an hour, if you don't feel too tired for one more journey."

Arthur brushed his worries with a smile.

"I'll settle quickly, then it would be an honor to accompany you, Your Grace."

"As it would be for me, young man, I'm sure you have many tales to regal us with."

Viserys clasped Arthur's shoulder, before returning inside the keep followed by his crowd, Arthur noticed the strange look sent to him by the Hand but choose to ignore it in order to follow the servant that was to show him to his quarters. Once accommodated, he sat by his window and let out a long and tired sigh in order to release some of the tension that had infiltrated his muscles. Shadow actually laid on the bed for a short, yet well deserved nap.

"Seven hells… " He thought. "Years of training and studying to serve the North and I end up playing the bloody Game of Thrones in the most disgusting city of the Continent. If I do my job properly, I will probably die here… My corpse would rote too fast in this shithole for it to be sent to Winterfell."

Fortunately for him, a familiar sight eased his worries. Indeed, right under his window, the red leaves of a weirwood were shining under the Sun's beams.

"Well… it appears the Gods haven't abandoned me just yet."

He considered praying for a second, but the sight of a bard playing the luth and a pregnant lady walking towards the tree dissuaded him. Plus, Shadow deserved to have a nap.

Instead, he chose to sharpen his blades, he would need it in the hunt.

However, the small dispute that happened under the weirwood tree caught his attention, and he raised an eyebrow in surprise when he saw a young woman with long silver golden hair appear from behind the tree and storm inside the castle while the pregnant lady looked sorrowful and apologetic.

"This must be our dear princess." He realized. "The Realm's delight, and our future first ruling Queen."

A long sigh escaped Arthur's lips, in truth, he regretted accepting the King's offer. He was tired, so was Shadow. But he couldn't let the good impression he had made today, go to waste so quickly, he had a job to do, his uncle and the North were counting on him.

"I should stop complaining." he sighed. "I'm a Stark of Winterfell not a damn southern lady."

He finished sharpening his blades, and left the room, he felt slightly sorry when he heard Shadow's yawn. Him too, would have preferred to nap.


The Royal procession was large, filled with knights and carts, though, Arthur could not even began to comprehend why so many knights had chosen to ride with the procession. The King had his soldiers and his Kingsguard to guard him and his family, and his own hunters and hounds to hunt. Those gentlemen had no purpose in the King's wood but to use their charms on whatever lady they might get their hands on. Though, Arthur noticed that the wary and curious looks sent to him from the carriages' windows by the same ladies would probably results in him being a subject of gossip. Knowing the North's reputation in the South, he half-expected them to fear that he would kidnap one of them and force her to be his bride. As he would be interested by a Southern lady. When they settled in a clearing after a two hours long ride, the young Stark didn't have a tent to sleep under, nor did he have servants to prepare his stay, he simply chose to sit under a tree with Shadow's head on his laps. His horse went to graze somewhere while he pulled a book of his bag and began to read, in order to focus on something else than the weird looks everyone kept throwing at him.

It took almost one more hour for the King's carriage to arrive, the camp was almost settled when Viserys came out of it, with his pregnant wife, his son and his handmaidens behind him. Arthur clapped with the others to welcome him, but his gaze stayed focus on Alicent Hightower.

"So that was the Queen." He thought.

He couldn't think further though, for Lord Hobert Hightower's speech caught his attention, and everyone else's in the process.

"Hail, hail, Aegon the Conqueror babe, second of his name ! Praise to his Grace on his second nameday !"

Arthur rolled his eyes when he heard that, he knew exactly what the Lord of Oldtown was doing. Arthur's own father, Bennard, had tried to praise him in the same light in front of the other Northern Lords years ago, after he had come back from Beyond the Wall with two direwolves pups. Fortunately, neither he nor Lord Rickon would have any of this. Cregan was to be Lord of Winterfell, and Arthur would help him in anyway he could, but he would never usurp him.

Arthur half expected the Princess Rhaenyra to throw a dirty look in Lord Hobert's direction. But to his surprise, the heir to the Throne was nowhere to be seen. He frowned, for the Royal family to be so openly divided was not a sight he'd expected. Though, he guessed he couldn't really blame the princess, given the Hightowers' open lack of respect towards her claim, their King's wish and even the oath they had taken themselves almost three years ago.

"That was one of the reasons why Uncle sent me to Court. " he thought bitterly. "It wasn't just because of my skills, by sending me away, he put a stop to father's ambition and boasting regarding me. Wise move… A shame that I had to pay for it… but wise move nonetheless."

He was honestly disgusted by his father, the man acted like a damn Southern lord because of ambition, but Starks hadn't taken the Winter Crown because of ambition. They did so to serve and better the North, a goal that Bennard Stark seemed to have forgotten.

Shadow sensed his anger, and instantly rubbed his muzzle against his hand, making Arthur smile.

"Thank you, old friend," he whispered, and brushed away his feelings to focus on the game.

He assumed that going straight to the Royal tent would be a mistake with Shadow by his sides, there were many ladies and their guards and knights, some of them even had dogs. Bringing a Direwolf inside would cause alarm and discomfort. All the meat in the camp was making his companion's belly roar in hunger, perhaps it was for the best to just let him hunt for now.

Shadow seemed to be of the same mind, for he left for the woods in the second, eager to stuff its stomach with boars, deers and ducks.

Now Arthur wasn't sure what to do, fortunately he noticed that some knights and squires had started to spare while waiting for the hounds to pick the scent of an animal worthy of a King.

So he joined them, after all, what better way to make friends than to pick a fight ?