Storm's end

Arthur Stark rushed to the side of the ship he was on to empty his stomach, he heard Rhaenyra laugh behind his back.

"It's my first time at sea," he barked angrily before he was forced to lean forward to vomit.

Rhaenyra just laughed louder, and kneeled next to Shadow in order to rub his hears.

The Direwolf looked as uneasy as its best friend, the Realm's Delight was more sorry for the beast though.

It had been three days since they had sailed from King's landing, and both Arthur and Shadow had been sick since then. The Northerner had barely gotten any sleep and struggled to keep even the bare minimum of water inside his stomach, Shadow had not been able to eat either.

Fortunately, the journey to Storm's End would end in a few hours, for the wind had been on their side. And if she was honest with herself, the Princess was dreading her welcome.

The preparation of her courtship had taken weeks, many lords of the Riverlands, the Reach, the Westernlands and the Stormlands had traveled to Storm's end in order to properly court her for her hand. Rhaenyra did not know how long they would stay, but she still felt like it would last an eternity. In the meantime, she could not even possibly start to understand how she was supposed to be courted by so many men at the same time. She wasn't just looking for a good match, she wanted a happy marriage, no matter how much she hated the thought of being married.

Her mother's ghost was haunting her, like it had been for the last three years. Rhaenyra was terrified of the thought of giving her life away for her husband to do as he pleased, what if he decided that he wanted nothing to do with the Throne and refused to let their children being named Targaryen? What would she be supposed to do if that were to happen? Would she unleash Ser Criston on him? Would Ser Criston even accept to murder her husband? Would Arthur keep advising her or would he start advising her husband instead? What would she do if…?

"You look even more miserable than I do," commented Arthur with a pale face as he sat next to Shadow, rinsing his mouth with water. He spat in a bucket and asked :

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid of anything," she replied with a stern look.

Arthur rolled his eyes in amusement.

"If that were true, then I'd declare you insane, everyone is afraid of something. Can't be brave without fear."

Rhaenyra was already tired of this conversation, she hated when Arthur spoke to her as if she was an idiot.

"Just tell me what you want to tell me, will you?"

Her Stark adviser rose an eyebrow in surprise.

"Would some advice about the best way to approach the Lords you're about to meet, ease your temper?"

He had spoken calmly and with compassion as if he understood what she was going through.

Rhaenyra sighed, it wasn't Arthur she should be angry with, he was here to help her, even though he had limits.

"You can always try."

A heavy silence followed her words, the Northerner broke it before it became an uneasy one.

"The lords, heirs and sons of the noble families that you'll meet, will all court you in a different manner, with a very specific purpose in mind. Remember that the majority of them don't expect to see you sit on the Iron Throne one day, they'll try to turn you into their lady rather than seek the position of consort. Most of those lords, will be rather easy to spot."

Rhaenyra's attention was now fully his.


"They'll brag about their lands and castles. You must know that none of them were taught how to court a princess, though I doubt such a thing could ever be taught."

She chuckled, by now, he knew how to make her laugh and ease her worries. She was starting to view him as her only friend beside Ser Criston.

"So they'll try to tempt you into becoming the lady of their house with their lands, fortune, sit, name and history. That's how many Lord Paramour 'seduce' their lady, they make them want to be part of their history and carry their name, but you and I both know you'll never give up your name."

Rhaenyra merely rolled her eyes in disgust, as if she'd ever consider something so degrading!

"Those who actually support your claim, will also brag about their history and name, but not about their lands or castle. They will do so in order to offer you the strength of their house to add to your claim. A nuance that you must be able to spot and remember, someone that courts you in such a way, basically describes himself as a supporter of your claim and a potential ally in the future. Thank them for the support when it is shown, and at least offer your friendship. It's very important that you're aware of how many supporters you have and if there is a way to gain others. Remember that them too, will use this opportunity to judge you, never fail to be polite and never fail to show strength, wisdom and firmness when you deem it necessary. You're the Crown princess, not a defenseless lady that swoons easily, that's how many will view you."

Rhaenyra nodded firmly, feeling the fire rise in her chest. She truly hoped that many lords will be stupid enough to treat her as a broodmare, when she sits the Iron Throne, she'll make sure to repay them tenfold every time they'll try to redeem themselves.

"Now be on your guard, and don't insult or mock anyone, or, at the very least, be subtle about it. If the Lords find you petulant, rumors will spread quickly enough and noblemen and smallfolk alike will bend the truth in their favor. You don't need that, however, don't hesitate to put a presumptuous Lord back to his place in order to show strength. Such a Lord has ennemies and people that despise him, rumors of his humiliation will travel quicker than the ones about you."

Now Rhaenyra was truly impressed by how much thought Arthur had put into this, and she actually surprised herself by feeling eager to prove herself. Now Storm's End didn't sound as dreadful as she had previously thought, the challenge was exciting her in a way she hadn't felt before.

"Mother's battlefield was her childbed," she thought sadly, "but mine will be Storm's End, where those Lords, who think me weak and stupid, will learn not to underestimate me, or they will suffer the consequences."

She took a deep breath to soothe her burning blood, her violet eyes crossed Arthur's grey look.

She felt much better, and she was grateful to her Stark friend for that.

Despite his pale face, he put on a comforting smile, as if he was happy that he had succeeded to reassure her. Rhaenyra felt butterflies in her stomach.

For a shameless moment, she wished for him to court her too.


Ser Criston Cole wasn't particularly fond of Arthur Stark, but he didn't despise him either. The Northerner wasn't his friend, and they hardly spoke together. They both served the Princess and that was it. However, since Arthur had been here, Rhaenyra had spent an unusual amount of time talking with the Stark than with him.

Ser Criston wasn't exactly bothered by this situation, the Northerner was her adviser, and he always kept their conversation focused on Court business. Yet, some kind of familiarity had emerged between the Stark boy and the Targaryen Princess. He had started to care about her feelings and often tried to appease her when he deemed it necessary, so much so that Ser Criston had started suspecting the Princess to seek the presence of her adviser specifically to be reassured and ease her mind. The Kingsguard didn't like that, for months he used to be the Princess's only confident, the only one to truly know her mind and secrets, her only ally since she had given him his white cloak. But he was a Cole of the Stormlands, he knew how to fight and his cloak was proof enough that he was one of the best in the Seven Kingdoms. He wasn't a politician though, and he couldn't properly advise and help the Princess the way Arthur had done since they had met in the forest. Perhaps he was putting too much thought in this, he had never had a good opinion on Northerners - like most Southerners-, so maybe he was a bit jealous of a barbarian's mind for politics. Yet he had realized soon enough that many used to think lowly of him too, and still did even after he had joined the Kingsguard. There was no real reason for him to be upset except petty jealousy that he should be able to brush away.

But still… Why was the Princess smiling so much every time Arthur opened his damn mouth?


Lord Boremund, King Jaehaerys' half brother, had welcomed them with opened arms and a booming speech the moment they docked at the harbor.

Rhaenyra had all the difficulty in the world not to burst out laughing when she saw that Arthur had not listened to Lord Baratheon's words. He seemed ready to run inside the castle to find a bed on which to collapse. She couldn't really blame him, he was more exhausted from the journey than any of them more relieved than her to be back on solid ground.

At the end of his speech, Lord Boremund politely informed Arthur that Shadow was not allowed inside the castle. Rhaenyra was about to protest when her Stark friend merely replied that he understood and asked for the Lord's permission to allow his direwolf to hunt on his lands. Lord Baratheon accepted, as long as the beast didn't hurt any of his people.

The Princess was sadder than she should have been when she saw Shadow leave her party for the closest wood, but Arthur was quick to tell her that the animal would be happier in the wild than in a castle. She made her peace with the direwolf's absence despite the fact that she would have liked to keep him with her, given Syrax's absence.

When they were walking alongside the corridors, her Stark friend kindly informed Lord Boremund that he wouldn't be dining with them given his terrible state, and would rather rest as quickly as possible. Lord Baratheon actually laughed, and told him he would forgive his absence if his direwolf were to bring him a stag for tomorrow's diner. Arthur merely smiled and told him he would take care of that. Leaving Rhaenyra perplexed at the way he would use to contact his best friend.

Lord Boremund then offered the Princess to introduce her to her many suitors. She had panicked when she did so but kept it to herself, and told her host that she was unfortunately too tired by her travels to meet so many men in such a short amount of time. She would properly introduce herself to them and thank them for coming at tomorrow's first light. She noticed some kind of shadow passing over Lord Boremund's eyes but wasn't able to identify its meaning. Her host told her he understood, then had a servant lead Arthur to his chamber in order for him to finally obtain the rest he had craved.

Now Rhaenyra felt alone. Her dinner with Lord Boremund was uneventful; he spent the entire meal boasting about his house and castle, if the Princess didn't know better, she would have thought he was trying to court her. Fortunately, he did ask a few questions about the capital and the court business. She tried as best as she could to show him her knowledge about the affairs of the Crown and her role in supporting her uncle in his war. Yet, the Baratheon had looked either unimpressed, or uninterested, as if he had already made up his mind regarding her.

Rhaenyra went to bed frustrated. Gods how she hated those men and their seven damned arrogance! She wasn't an idiot! She didn't waste her time boasting and participating in pissing contests to show that she was more than a pretty face! She was the heir to Iron Throne, she was a dragon! And she swore to herself that everyone in this gods forsaken castle would now that by the time she left!


The next morning Arthur had awoken with renewed strength, a wolfish hunger and a smile on his face. His body had rested for more than ten hours, yet his mind had been restless. He quickly cleaned himself and went to the Castle's gate in order to welcome his best friend, who was dragging -under the eyes of the flabbergasted guards- a massive stag by the neck. He presented the game to Lord Boremund who was clearly impressed by the size of the prey, so much so that he actually granted the permission he hadn't granted the day before, and allowed Shadow to remain inside his walls. On the condition that the direwolf would join them on the next hunt, a condition that Arthur accepted with a smile.

With his best friend back by his sides, the Stark went to his Princess's quarters. When he finally spotted Ser Criston guarding his door, he noticed the kings guard was surprised by the direwolf's presence and was about to ask him about it, when three handmaidens left the Princess's chambers and gasped when they saw the massive wolf.

"Shadow, sit." Arthur commanded, and the beast did so. "There is no need to be afraid, ladies, he is a fearsome beast against his ennemies, but he enjoys having his hears scratched as anyone."

Since the handmaidens weren't convinced, he put on a charming smile and offered his hand to the closest girl there was. She hesitated for a second before accepting his hand with a heavy blush and a shy smile, she slightly gasped when the Stark led her to his wolf's head, and sighed in relief when she started rubbing it. She actually smiled in delight when Shadow responded favorably to her caresses. The two other handmaidens hesitantly walked forward, and let the Northerner guide them to his beast for them to enjoy his warm fur and friendly behavior. They almost laughed when the giant wolf started groaning in delight.

Satisfied, Arthur left them with his best friend and reached Ser Criston's level.

"I thought Lord Baratheon had forbidden your direwolf's presence inside his walls."

"He changed his mind when he saw the size of the stag that Shadow brought to his gates this morning. Is the Princess awake?"

"Yes she is." Rhaenyra said as she exited her chambers, she smiled in delight when she saw that the direwolf was back, but quickly frowned when she noticed the handmaidens surrounding it. Arthur noticed her displeasure and snorted in amusement.

"He ain't yar puppy, ya know?"

At his words, the Princess through him a mischievous and challenging smile before opening her arms in the beast's direction.

"Shadow, come here boy!"

The direwolf suddenly abandoned the disappointed handmaidens and came to the Targaryen level, who then proceeded to rub him from head to toe like a five year old with a puppy.

Arthur frowned when he heard -and felt- his best friend's satisfaction.

"You're spoiling him." He almost accused her.

Rhaenyra held out her tongue in response.

"You're just jealous that I'm petting him and not you."

An undignified sound escaped Arthur's lips as Ser Criston chuckled in his hand.

Rhaenyra could have pet Shadow all day long if she had all the time in the world, unfortunately, she had duties to uphold. So she reluctantly let go of her hairy friend.

Arthur swallowed his pride back in order to do his job properly.


The Princess scratched Shadow's head.

"Yes." She stated firmly. "Time to show the lords, who it is that they so wish to court and who is the Queen that will rule them."

The Stark smiled at her self-confidence and iron resolve, he praised himself for that.


For the first time since he had become Lord Baratheon, Lord Boremund didn't sit on the ancestral throne of the Durrandon, it was an honor he had decided to grant his guest. Instead, he had a sit brought next to it. The massive lord of the Stormlands still climbed the steps of his sit to overlook all the other lords that he was hosting on this day.

"My Lords!" He beamed with his usual booming voice. "Allow to welcome you all, once again, to Storm's end! And to introduce to you, the Princess Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone, and heir to the Iron Throne!"

Rhaenyra entered the main hall less than a second later, with Shadow by her side, and her adviser and sworn shield behind her. She kept a dignified composure all the way to the Durrandon's throne, ignoring the murmurs and lustful looks send in her direction. She thanked Lord Boremund with a polite nod when he motioned for her to take his sit. However she didn't sit immediately, and instead turned to look at the horde of lords that had assembled for the sole purpose of biding their fates tohers.

"Welcome my lords," she said, with what Arthur had described as her 'queenly voice', "and thank you for coming. It warms my heart to see so many dutiful noblemen ready to serve the Realm, as my consort when my time to sit on the Iron Throne will come. I know many of you came to this castle with expectations and will leave disappointed. However, I hope that during my time in Storm's End, you and I will learn to know each other, for if you were to fail to gain a bride, at least you'd gain a new friend."

Many lords inclined their heads at her words, some more than others, Rhaenyra took her sit with a satisfied expression, catching glimpses of Lord Baratheon's and Arthur's approval.

Then the suitors formed a line and while others and some ladies sat on the provided benches, Rhaenyra silently counted the ones that would court her today and armed herself with courage. Shadow suddenly but calmly climbed the steps, and put his head on the Princess's thighs. She welcomed his presence with a smile and gently rubbed its head. Had she been more attentive, she might have noticed Arthur's brief milky eyes.

The first suitor took a few steps forward, and Rhaenyra's trial began.