Chapter 3: The Nutcracker Part 2

 Ben looks at Vincent, whose gaze is locked on the file that he is holding. Ben sighed and asked if he was curious about the case he was having, which contained an unsolved case about a serial killer who had killed many people in this town for a total of 10 years from the years 1990-1999. The killer was never found and is believed to still live in this town. Vincent responded, "Well, I'm just surprised you were tasked with sorting unsolved cases when you're a high-ranked officer." "Since you're still a rookie, Vincent, you should know that we take turns sorting files every morning when needed every month," said Ben. Vincent nodded in response and asked Ben about the car outside. Ben explained that the parents saw two nutcrackers in their children's backpacks and didn't know where they came from. Ben said it was not a big deal since he talked to them and came here to explain his side of the story. Ben says he thinks he is the town's local dentist, Diego Kujo. After hearing his name, Vincent frowned, which caused Ben to ask him if he had had a bad morning. Vincent replied that he and Diego never got along when they were younger. Vincent leaves Ben's office to allow him to finish his work and walk toward his office. On the way there, he caught a glimpse of the integration room, where he saw a familiar face, Diego.

Diego was a pretty tall 21-year-old man with messy black hair. He had sharp green eyes, which made him pretty intimidating. He was sitting on the opposite side of the table from the parents and the chief. One thing Vincent noticed was two nutcrackers on the interrogation table. The two nutcrackers had a vintage look, with one being red and the other green. The red one had a gold bell in its hand, and the green one had a silver bell. As Vincent walked to his office, he wondered why those nutcrackers were on the table. The parent and Diego were gone 15 minutes later, and that is when Ben came to get Vincent to inform him of the recent events.

The nutcrackers Diego gave the children had an alarm that created a pleasant frequency to the human ear but not to animals. Diego said he gave it to them to protect them against potential predators in the forest. The parents told Diego off for not staying with the kids. Still, Diego retorted by saying they should teach their kids more common sense so they wouldn't be in that situation and that it wasn't his job. "Oh, and also, Diego asked if you were here, Vincent," Ben stated. Vincent grew tense as Ben said that comment. Vincent asked Ben if Diego was still there, but Ben said he had left for work. Vincent sighed with relief, and Ben noticed it and asked Vincent how they knew each other. Vincent explained that they had known each other since elementary school and had a bit of a rivalry from then to the end of high school. Vincent and Diego would compete against each other, trying to outdo each other in academics and some leisurely activities like gaming. Their rivalry began as they shared a dream of becoming doctors. Still, as time went on, their goals shifted elsewhere, with Diego changing to wanting to become a dentist. And Vincent wants to be a police officer instead of being a doctor. Vincent did explain to Ben that they didn't get along as Diego had a big ego and was a complete narcissist. Vincent was about to take a leave to finish his paperwork, but Ben asked him another question. "There is a new exhibit on the Rikiel Zoo which has saltwater crocodiles, so I and some of the others were going to check it after we clocked out, so wanna join us," Ben asked. "Thanks for the offer, but I already have plans, so I kindly have to refuse." "Plus, I've already been to that zoo so much, and I'm bored every time I go there now." "When I go, I only look forward to seeing the polar bears and tigers, and I don't think going to see just one extra animal will be worth it," said Vincent. "It's okay, Vincent, don't worry about it," said Ben. Vincent returned to his office to finish his paperwork, which he managed to finish 1 hour earlier, so the chief allowed him to go home early. Vincent left the police office around 5:00 pm. He noticed it was already getting dark but decided to go to the premium donut place since he still had time to get a dozen donuts for him and Samuel. When Vince reached the donut place, he noticed a familiar face, and it was Kosaku Kramer in the line. Vincent waves over to him, and Kosaku waves back. Vincent had known Kosaku since he was his dad's old friend, but since the two weren't as close, he hadn't seen Kosaku in a while. The two made small talk until Kosaku's dozen donuts were done and had to leave immediately, shocking Vincent.

Kosaku said his dad was visiting, so he had to go home fast, but they should catch up another day. Vincent waited for his donuts to be ready and then left for home. After arriving home, Vincent bathed and then cooked dinner while watching TV. Samuel came home around 8:00 pm, just 30 minutes before Dad would phone about the job. At 8:30 pm, Dad calls Samuel, so Samuel puts his phone on speaker. Dad asked how they were doing before getting straight to the point and explaining the job in more detail. The job will take place from November 12th to December 11th, but the shifts will only occur on the weekends from Friday to Sunday. The shift will be from 10:00 pm to 4:00 am, and it will be at an old family manor located east of the Pumpkin Theater. If you accept the job, the location will be sent to you by text. The father reminds Vincent that after the job is done, he will be paid 5k. The father then asks what his decision is. Vincent replied with a YES.