Chapter 5: The Wine Shop

November 11, 2011 (8:55 am)

"Took you long enough, and by the way, do you have work today by any chance, Vincent?" said Samuel. "No, I have the day off, and why is Jeff here?" asked Vincent. "He came to ask me if I could drive him to his fishing spot," explains Samuel. "Jeff, don't you already have a car, so why would he need a ride from Samuel?" asked Vincent. "Well, my car had gotten into an accident recently, so I had to get it towed," said Jeff. "With lousy timing, too, as we agreed one week ago to go on a fishing trip and usually take our car there, but I guess we have to go together now," said Samuel. As the two got up to leave, Samuel told Vincent he got him some breakfast from the nearest fast food place, and it was on the kitchen table. As the two took their leave, Jeff asked Vincent how he was doing with some concern in his voice. Vincent scoffed that he was fine but was interrupted by Jeff asking if he was still letting that clown's words get to him. "Clown, what does a clown have to do with this?" asked Vincent. "C'mon, you know who I'm referring to, especially since nothing huge happens in this town so every significant event will be news for the town." "You were one of his patients, too, if I remember correctly." "Yay, he incorrectly diagnosed you as a sociopath, and I remember your dad telling me that you started acting differently after hearing it, but I guess it makes sense as if you were a kid when you heard it." "I hope you still don't think what he says is true, as that guy was a criminal," asked Jeff. Vincent simply shakes his head in response to Jeff's question.

"Well, that's good to hear, and if memory serves correctly, his name is Izumi Wilson." "He was the guy who every Halloween would wear a clown costume in our neighbourhood and worked as a psychiatrist where it was eventually found out he was giving false diagnoses for fun and was a pedophile too." "Guess he was a psychopath the whole time, but at least the way he was arrested was funny." "He was found in an alleyway being beaten up by clowns while he was wearing his business suit," said Jeff. Samuel returned as he finished, and the pair prepared to leave. Vincent said goodbye to the two as they finally left for their fishing trip. Vincent went into the kitchen to grab his breakfast on the kitchen table. The breakfast was still warm and smelled great.

Vincent took out the two items from the bag: hotcakes and a bacon sandwich, the typical meal they would get from Raccoon Diner. He puts maple syrup and butter on his hotcakes and places them on the dinner table, then goes into the living room in the next room to turn on the TV. He put a VHS tape of a generic action movie on and started watching it. While eating, Vincent thought about what he should get Ben for his birthday on November 30th. Ben said he didn't want any fancy gifts and would prefer a beer case or a Wine bottle. He thought about which choice would be the better option, wine or a beer case and decided on the wine bottle since it was closer to him. Since he was off for the day, he decided to go to the wine shop to pick up the wine early since he wanted to get it done before his security job started. Once Vincent finished eating breakfast, he cleaned up the house before changing into more suitable clothes, such as a blue button-up sweater and black jeans. Exiting his house, he felt a cool breeze pass him as he walked to his car to head to the wine shop. It took 7 minutes to get to the wine shop, which wasn't too packed. He quickly entered the shop to finish his business but saw an old face. It was Kosaku who noticed Vincent when he saw him. "I sincerely apologize for leaving last time rather quickly, Vincent." "I had an urgent issue at home that I had to deal with," Kosaku said while bowing his head to Vincent. Vincent told him it was fine and asked Kosaku what he was doing there.

"Well, I heard a new collectible wine bottle was releasing today, so I thought I would go and buy it for my wine collection," said Kosaku. "I'm honestly surprised you collect wine bottles, Kosaku since you don't look like the type to be interested in that sort of thing," said Vincent. "Well, honestly, it was a hobby I picked up from my father, as he owns a wine company with a vast collection of wines." "I guess I look the look of rare wine bottles since look at this bottle, it had a beautiful sliver wolf on it," answered Kosaku after saying that Kosaku asked Vincent why he was at the wine shop so early. "Well, I'm here to pick a wine bottle for a co-worker as a birthday gift, so do you have any suggestions, Kosaku?" said Vincent. "The Maple Yoshi wine bottle should be good for a birthday present," answered Kosaku. Kosaku glanced at his watch and noticed it was nearly 11:00 am, so he excused himself and told Vincent his cousin was coming, so he had to leave now. Vincent thanked Kosaku for his help but thought it strange that he was always in a hurry. Vincent just passed it off as him being a bizarre person and headed to the aisle that had the Maple Yoshi wine. Once he reached the aisle, he noticed a weird person holding one of the wine bottles. The man was tall and had waver blonde hair and sharp brown eyes. One other peculiar thing about him was that he had a golden tooth.