CHAPTER 6: The Mohan (Part 4)

The creature is right in front of us. His eyes are wide open and filled with rage. I can see how he tenses his body ready to bite our heads up. I'm scared, I'm really scared, but I can't leave Miss Chía behind.


̅ Ofelia, leave me… please. – says Miss Chía.


Then, the Mohan calms down and adopts a relaxed position. He even smiles.


̅ Hehehe, ok. It's my fault – says the Mohan –. I should have beaten that woman up as soon as I took her to my room. But instead, I decided to sleep. Not the brightest decision, considering how sly Chía can be. But you know what? Nevermind. Sorry for my "rude" behavior some seconds ago. As a matter of fact. I'm letting you leave right now.


The creature moves his hand and the exit behind us reopens. I don't trust him and keep my guarding position.


̅ What? Not enough for ya? Then how about this? If you leave me with Chía right now, not only I guarantee your safety, but the entire town as well. I will no longer kidnap women and I'll take no retaliation against any of you. Even better, I'll leave my spell of prosperity here and you'll never hear from me again. My quest for wives is over. Chía is the only thing I need. She's much better that you all pieces of trash I've been taking over the years.

̅ Ofelia… take the offer, please. – says Miss Chía.

̅ Why is Miss Chía so important to you? – I ask.

̅ Hehehe, my patience is running out, child. But if you wanna know, I'll tell ya. It may not look like it, but that little tramp you see there was actually a goddess.

̅ A goddess?!

̅ Damn right she was... Chía, Goddess of the Moon… Or was is it Huitaca, Goddess of Chaos? No matter. I was one of her underlings for centuries. I metaphorically and literally licked her feet and the soil she stepped on. I was one, if not her most loyal follower. And still, she never valued what I did for her… all my love and devotion turn into hate. I wanted to make her pay for her ingratitude, but how could a lesser demon as myself take revenge against an almighty goddess? Let me tell you, Chía. Watching you being vanished to the moon was beautiful, but watching you here, as a simple, filthy and weak human is a dream come true.


My ears cannot believe what the Mohan says. Miss Chía, a goddess? No wonder why he's so obsessed on having her.

̅ … I'm not giving her to you.

̅ Ofelia… what are you doing? – says Miss Chía.

̅ Oh really? You're seriously risking the safety and prosperity of an entire town just for a stinky fallen goddess? She used to hate you; you know? When she was a goddess, she used to see you even less than trash. Compared to her I'm the friendliest creature ever.


The Mohan takes a cigar from his loincloth. He puts it in his mouth and keep talking.


̅ Let me tell you, child. it's a shame my wives had escaped a few moments ago. Pretty sure they would accept my generous offer… Last chance. Leave, now, or I'll go back to your stinky little town and kill every single person in it, and the last thing they're going to hear is me laughing out loud and saying "Ofelia made me do this". You will wish me to kill you. But I won't do it. I'll tear up your limbs one for one until you look like a shy tortoise and I'm gonna keep you as a pet, watching how I torture that WHORE YOU'RE PROTECTING FOR ALL ETERNITY! YA HEAR ME?!


Mother… father… everyone… I'm sorry for what I'm about to do.


 I clench my fists and adopt a fighting position…


̅ … No!

̅ Ofelia!! – yells Miss Chía.



Tired of me, the Mohan jumps right to kill me. Times goes slower. The only thing I can hear is Miss Chía desperately yelling at me to move… is this my end? Probably. I'm just a shy 14 years old peasant facing a huge demon. But you know what?





… Good values were not the only things my parents taught to me… 


Before the Mohan could land a hit, I grab his arm and, with a sweep move, I throw the creature out of his lair, landing on a puddle of mud.


̅ W-WHAT?! – says the Mohan.

The confused monster didn't expect that attack from me. While he's trying to recover his senses, I take Miss Chía out of the lair before the creature closes it again. We're finally outside. I can finally see the beautiful sky again. It's twilight. Stars are starting to appear. But I have no time to witness my surroundings. This battle is far from over and I have to keep Miss Chía and the town safe. I quickly check on Miss Chía to see if she's fine. Her eyes are wide open looking right to me. She looks really surprised.


̅ Miss Chía. Are sumercé alright? – I ask.

̅ Ofelia… I-I can see you!

̅ What?!


Miss Chía puts her hands on my cheeks and keeps talking.


̅ My sight… it has returned! That means…!

̅ Good – interrupts the Mohan –, that means you can witness how I rip and tear this insolent peasant.

̅ Miss Chía, I'm glad you can see again, but right now I have to protect you.



The Mohan attacks me one more time, but I dodge all of his swings easily. He's big and strong, but has no style or coordination. Is just pure rage and violence. He throws a punch at me, but I dodged it again. He's slow. My small size is an advantage, but if he lands a hit on me, I'm done. Focus Ofelia. 




He got angrier. That's good. He's not thinking clearly. Remember your training. Remember what father always says "The rage of an enemy is not their strength, it's yours." The Mohan throws another punch and I dodge it again. He let his guard open and I kick his face really hard. He loses his balance for a second. I grabbed his arm and throw him again as far as I can. I would have tried fighting that monster before, but without having a way to escape, the monster could have killed us in retaliation. It's good to see that I can finally put my training in practice.


̅ Whoa, Ofelia! – says Miss Chía surprised –Where did you learn to fight like this?!

̅ Eh? Ah!! I-I'm sorry!... I-It was my parents' training! Th-They're good fighters!

̅ You're kicking a demon's ass and you're still blushing and getting nervous? You're an odd kid, you know that?

̅ I'm so sorry!

̅ There's nothing to apologize for, kid.

̅ AAAAARGHHHHH!!" – roars the monster while he's standing again –WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE MAKING FUN OF ME?!


I'm having control of the fight so far, but I'm not near close of winning. That kick I just gave him hurt my foot and I can't keep throwing him forever. I have to think how to escape with Miss Chía.


̅ Forget about making you my pet, child. I'M KILLING YOU RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW! 


The monster lunges at me one more time.


̅ Look out, Ofelia!

̅ Here I come – I whisper to myself –. "Orchids dance"


Once again, I dodge all the Mohan's attacks, but this time I start countering with a flurry of fast kicks and punches. Every dodge I do, every hit I land. All of this makes my opponent angrier and angrier, which also makes him messy and throw even less coordinated attacks, giving me the opportunity to dodge and hit easier… "Orchids dance". Mother created this move and I named it. I thought it was a beautiful name for a beautiful attack. I would have loved her to see me using her special move.



̅ Ofelia!


The Mohan blows a thick smoke that blinds me.


̅ AGH!



The Mohan strikes a powerful punch right to my abdomen, sending me right into a tree. 


This is no good! I was overconfident!... This was my first actual fight. I should have taken Miss Chía with me and escape while the Mohan was still down… I feel dizzy. I can hear Miss Chía calling my name. She sounds horrified. I try to get up, but my body can barely respond. I think he broke one of my ribs.


̅ Hehehe, now you don't look that confident, do you? What a pain in the ass you were, filthy kid. – says the Mohan.

̅ No, Mohan! Leave her alone. You already proved your point! Take me, take me now and spare's Ofelia's life! – begs Miss Chía.

̅ Now THIS is how I wanted to look at you, Chía: Helpless and begging for mercy. As I said before, a dream came true.

̅ Yes, whatever you say! But, please, don't harm her!!


The Mohan ignores Miss Chía's pleads and lifts me up grabbing me by my blouse… that's it. We're doomed. Mother… Father… I'm so sorry… I will never be as strong as you… I'm a disgrace of a daughter.


̅ Time to die, kid!


The Mohan is ready to finish me up when, suddenly, Miss Chía jumps right into the monster's back and start chocking him.


̅ AGH! WHAT… ARE… YOU…DOING?! – says The Mohan.

̅ "Dream Breath." – Whispers Miss Chía.


With those words, The Mohan loses control over his body for a second and releases me. It almost looked like he was about to lose consciousness, but he quickly recovers and grabs Miss Chía by the neck.




The Mohan is about to beat her really hard when, suddenly, a big rock hits him in the head.


̅ WHAT NOW?! – yells the creature.


To everyone's surprise, a gigantic mob with pitchforks and torches has appeared. It's the townspeople! Among them I can see the women we helped to escape. They actually came back! I… I can't believe it!


̅ MOHAN!! – Says a man from the mob – YOUR REIGN OF TERROR ENDS HERE AND NOW!!


The mob yells angrily. A rain of insults and stones descends over the Mohan, who focuses his attention on them and, while lightning another cigar, he grins.


̅ Hehehe good. You're saving me the work of searching you.


The final battle against the Mohan begins now…