Chapter 7 Dethroned

Chapter 7 Dethroned

The next house was also a home of strangers; however, the hope of finding someone alive was never lost. Jack walked behind the two hollows, one slightly bulkier than the last. Ralph on his right and Lilith guarding his rear.

Stopped below the porch of the house, he looked at the bulkier hollow and said, "Okay big u got the door this time." The hollow did not question Jack and ran to the door and kicked like he had been doing, and the door slammed open without much struggle. Jack smacked his head.

Ralph looked at his father, then looked at the hollow and said, "You need to knock first."

The hollow did not respond. Jack was shocked, then looked at Lilith and said, "Sorry about the teaching I provided to our child."


He cleared his throat and said, "Ralph, that is kind of the reason why I smacked my head, but it is mostly because I forgot to tell him to check if there is anyone still living there."

Ralph nodded and asked, "So is it your fault?"

Jack felt so embarrassed he became speechless. It was then his embarrassment reached new heights.

Ralph looked at him and said, "Dad, you should knock first."

Jack thought maybe if he became the flesheater at the moment it wouldn't have been that bad…


Clearing his throat moments again, Jack said, "Okay, guys, let's go. The next experiment we will conduct is how many hollows I can have at once."

Ralph looked at his father again. Jack at this moment feared whatever was going to come out of his mouth. In fear, Jack asked, "What's up kiddo?"

Ralph nodded his head and said, "If you have an army of hollows, can I have half? I want to lead them like a general."

Jack laughed and said, "Hahaha sure. How about you command the two hollows now."

Jack thought this would be good to see if his commands carry over. Jack thought, "Follow Ralph's orders like it was my own."

Jack said, "Okay, Ralph, they are yours to command, but you are not allowed to be away from your mom and me."

Ralph looked so excited. He looked seriously at the hollows then at the opened door. He then screamed, "Attack!"

Jack smacked his head again.

While Ralph laughed.

The test was successful; the hollows followed his command and ran into the house.

Ralph jumping said, "Let's go, guys, we can't let our troops die."

Jack laughed and thought, "They are dead already, though."

The family of three in their usual formation followed behind Ralph's troops and found that the two hollows were fighting an old flesheater. They were standing in front of it attacking its neck while the poor flesheater was just standing there. It only started acting aggressive after seeing the two humans, but by the time the bulky hollow kicked its neck. The result was a crushed neck and a free white orb for Jack.

Jack looked at the orb and involuntarily felt savage hunger towards it. He wanted a new hollow but also wanted it. Jack said, "Maybe I can have half?"

Walking up to the white orb, he split it into two smaller orbs again. He quickly ate one and then placed the other in the fallen flesheater. The result disappointed him. The corpse had no reaction at all.

Ralph asked, "Dad, did you feed it?" Jack smiled and responded, " I tried to get greedy. I ate half and gave the flesheater half and it had no reaction. It seems I can only make it hollow if I give it a whole orb."

Ralph nodded and asked, "Can I try it too?" Jack shook his head and explained, "We don't know its effect on regular people, what if you have to poop all the time after or worse what if it tastes like broccoli."

Ralph looked horrified, "Nevermind please I don't want to try it." Jack laughed and thought since Ralph does not know how to control his power yet he might harm himself if I make him stronger."

The next five houses heading East towards the end of the street progressed in the same manner. Ralph, like a glorious commander, yelled "Attack" and the hollows would break down the door and kill the flesheater, giving rise to one to two. Now the small squad of 7 along with the family of 3 walked to the last house of the Eastern border of the street. The street had a wall at the end. This would have been the last house on the front street of Jack's home. After which they can make their way back while attacking homes on the East of their own house.

The same event ensued again Ralph with a large smile yelled attack and his squad lay siege to the house. After killing the three flesheater residents, Jack fed each of them a white orb. However, a change occurs at the last one.

Jack fed the last orb to the flesheater, and he was attacked with a sudden headache. He called out, "Lilith, please take Ralph and me home. Hollows half lead the way; the other half follow. AHHHH".

The pain felt like his head was about to be cracked open with a sledgehammer. Thankfully for Jack, his body could not withstand the pain for long, and he fainted.

Hours later Jack found himself in his bed. Lilith was sitting in the chair next to the bed staring at him. While Ralph was sleeping on his right.

Jack looked outside, and all the hollows were circling the house in a protective formation. Jack sighed and recollected the events preceding his fainting. He concluded, "I guess 10 hollows is my limit for now; the pain happened the moment I tried to make the last hollow."

Then he asked, "Lilith, did Ralphy eat before sleeping?" She had answered questions many times at this point so Jack did not feel strange asking her. Lilith shook her head. Jack felt bad and softly rubbed Ralph's head. He thought " I must have given him a fright. I will be much more careful from now on. I not only have to bring Lilith back, but I need to protect Ralph.


He thought, "Hollows, half of you go to all the houses we visited and bring all the water and food from them."

Jack suddenly thought, "We went to 7 homes and before that 2 homes. Including our own household, 9 out of the 10 head flesheaters and only four humans were found. Even a child flesheater was found. So this means that whatever is happening affects all ages, all races, and both genders. This means the majority of humans are now flesheaters. Humans are no longer rulers of Earth. We have been dethroned."