Chapter 11: Black Belts

Chapter 11: Black Belts

On a cold winter evening, the air held a unique freshness typical of February. The skies, through clouded, weren't melancholic grays but a comfortable and loving white, with the sun's last rays kindling through the clouds, painting vibrant violets and dazzling reds.

The evening was silent, interrupted only by laughter and the sizzling of meat on the grill, its tantalizing aroma stirring the appetite of a child.

"Dad, how much longer? I need it!!" Ralph pleaded.

Jack laughed, replying, "Hahah, Ralphy, I promise you'll be the first to get a piece."

While Lilith was the superior cook, Jack enjoyed grilling, and on special occasions, she allowed him to take charge. Dressed entirely in black, Lilith sat, her expressionless face seemingly soulless, yet Jack sensed a hint of irritation in her eyes. Memories played in Jack's mind, recalling that housework never pleased Lilith.

The carnivore's steak was ready. Jack stood between Ralph and the tempting dish, aware Ralph might burn himself if given access.

Sending a mental message to Lilith, Jack said, "Hey Lilith, distract Ralph."

Lilith stood up, took her chair, and placed it in front of Ralph. Intrigued, Ralph watched his mother. Sitting less than a foot away, Lilith began poking him, starting from his cheeks and moving down to his sides.

*Poke poke poke*

"Hahahah, mom, stop, hahaha. I want to eat, not play, hahaha, stop." Ralph's laughter filled the winter evening with joy. The food cooled briefly, and Ralph brought the plate before him.

"Here you go, Commander Ralph, you did amazing yesterday, thank you," Jack praised, placing the thick, slightly sizzling steak in front of Ralph.

Drooling at the sight, Ralph grabbed the knife and started cutting the steak. Jack returned to the grill, finishing another steak. Lilith had prepared beans, rice, and sweet corn, complementing Jack's steak perfectly. Jack forgot how much Lilith's consciousness influenced her actions, but at this moment, she acted like her old self.

Seated on Ralph's right, Jack watched as his son took a bite, attempting to feed the stealthy Lilith, who skillfully dodged the food. Their antics filled Jack with happiness; he had promised Ralph success, and he was determined to deliver. Lilith would return, and the family of three would enjoy more winter barbecues.

After the meal, they returned indoors. Glancing at the battery-run clock, Jack saw it was 2200. The reminder of the electrical problem hit him; Lilith's ability to use the grill might not last, and with spring approaching, food could spoil.


"So many issues to deal with," Jack thought.

"Ralphy, it's time for bed. We need to finish the rest of the street tomorrow, and I have a surprise for you and your mom. Hurry up and sleep so I can show you," Jack said with excitement.

Ralph's reaction to the surprise was subdued. "Dad, can I sleep with you guys for a while?"

Laughing, Jack responded, "Haha, do you even have to ask? I would love to sleep with you until I die from old age."

Ralph rejected, "No, that's too long. Just for now."

Jack nodded, saying, "Of course, son."

Observing Ralph, Jack thought, "Ralphy might be mature for his age, but after all, he's still a child. Seeing the world turn into hell must have affected him more than he's showing."


Looking at Lilith, Jack felt these were the moments he needed her most. Ralph jumped onto the bed, Jack on the left, and Lilith on her chair facing the bed. Ralph requested, patting the right side of the bed, "Mom, please come here too."

Lilith obliged, laying on his right. Ralph, unsatisfied, made her close her eyes. Jack laughed at his child's willfulness, remembering when Ralph preferred independence, wanting to stay outside with friends rather than with his parents. Now, circumstances dictated otherwise.

Jack looked at his smiling child, playing with his wife, and his heart warmed for the second time that happy day. Placing Ralph's head on his shoulder, Jack closed his eyes. Ralph asked, "What's wrong, Dad?" Jack, smiling with closed eyes, replied, "Dad is jealous."

Ralph laughed, making himself comfortable on his father's shoulder. Jack asked Lilith in his mind to cover the three with blankets and place her hand on Ralph's head. Ralph never liked his head to be patted; he preferred his parents' warm hands. This feeling reassured him that they would not leave him even for a moment.

The sweet, restful night came to an end. Jack awoke to the bright lights of dawn. Always proactive, Jack loved his family but had been excited to go to work and see his students absorb his teachings. After witnessing his professor turn into a flesheater, family time gained even more value. Jack didn't want to leave their side, not even for a moment.

Facing his family, Jack stared at their faces. Lilith instantly opened her eyes, and he smiled back at her. Jack asked through thought, "Did you even sleep?"

Lilith shook her head. Smiling, Jack sat up, ready to start his day.

After cleaning himself and donning the new clothes Lilith had left for him, Jack went outside.

The cut skin of Scruffy, placed near a fire last night, had dried while retaining the soft fur on the other side. Scruffy's lustrous black fur, even softer after the red shining, remained resilient. Jack, unsure about using the fur side, felt uncomfortable.

"I can't have Lilith or Ralphy use something dirty; who knows what that darn cat was doing before the ambush," Jack thought.

Grabbing fabric softener, Jack thoroughly scrubbed the fur, repeating the process until he smelled only the lavender scent of the fabric softener. Placed in the living room, the three pieces of skin awaited Jack's decision.

In deep thought, Jack saw his vest on the rack.

"Hmm, well, I guess it would be the easiest to do," he surmised.

Taking one of the beast's claws, Jack cut the fur on all the skin pieces into half-inch lengths. He then cut out two small circles in each piece, tied a string to one of the claws, and used super glue to attach the fur onto it. The claws, long and thin, served as perfect tools and weapons.

Satisfied, Jack sewed the skin pieces with fur on, the inside revealing light pink skin and the outside showcasing the fur. The sun had fully risen when Ralph awoke from his comforting sleep. Ralph felt his mother's hand on his head but couldn't feel his father's shoulder.

Sighing, Ralph sat up, realizing his father had gone somewhere again. "Dad is a busy bee again," he said, sighing. If Jack knew his child sighed while thinking about him, he would question his life as a parent.

Looking around, Ralph saw his mother keeping her hand on his head, making him laugh. "Mom, thank you.

 I am awake now, so you can go down and make breakfast or something."

Lilith nodded and left the room. Ralph sighed again, thinking, "These parents of mine."

After cleaning himself and wearing the clothes ironed and placed in his bathroom, Ralph made his way downstairs. Greeted by his father with a sweaty face and a large smile, Ralph sighed.

"Hey Ralph, ready for your surprise," Jack said, growing more excited.

Sighing, Ralph pointed to his thigh, "Yes, dad, I have seen a lot of skeletons already. I can even tell you this is the femur. Can we eat already?"

Stunned, Jack questioned himself, "Why does he always think it's a skeleton?" Shaking off the thought, he cleared his throat and explained, "No, look, I made us armor."

Moving, Ralph had a clear view of three black vests. Ralph's expression turned from bored to shock and jubilation.

Laughing, Jack spoke again. "Actually, I was going to dye yours blue, but your mom likes to wear black, and I wanted to match her. Since both of us were in black, I thought you would feel left out, so I went with black too. So, do you like your surprise?"

He knew, but he said the last sentence with a bit of fear. He had worked on this all morning, and if it did not please everyone, he would feel horrible and try his utmost to fix it.


"I love it." Ralph jumped onto Jack, allowing him to feel greatly relaxed. Lilith had just finished making breakfast and was staring at the duo intently. She had no expression on her face, but Jack and Ralph both felt a drop of cold sweat on their backs.

"We will be right there." "We will be right there."

The father-son duo said in unison. Breakfast was served and consumed, but Jack had to lay out the plan for today.

"Ok, guys, we need to clean up the street today for sure, and we need to go out to get something for electricity."

Jack planned out the day. Ralph nodded, and Lilith simply sat there, thus Jack's plan passed both Congress and Senate.

"Dad, can you help me wear the armor?"

Jack nodded and grabbed one of the fully black vests. Lightweight and flexible, yet sturdy and very resistant, he put it on Ralph. The vest looked more like a trench coat with no sleeves, but Ralph liked it.

Considering running might be a problem with its puffiness, Jack brought Ralph's karate black belt and tied it on his waist, making it snug and easy to move in. Moving to Lilith, Jack helped her wear her vest, bringing her karate black belt as well.

Looking at his own vest, Jack felt at a loss. Not attending karate class with Lilith and Ralph for more office hours meant he didn't have a belt.

Jack laughed and smiled. Later, he returned with empty hands, looking embarrassed. "Uhh, Lilith, where is my black belt?"

Lilith walked up, and within seconds, she returned with a black belt. Not the one he wanted, though—it was another karate black belt.

Ralph recalled something and said, "Oh yeah, Mom made the master give her two belts, but she was only going to give it to you after you learned to fight."

Jack laughed and said, "I am ready for this, I promise hahahaha."