'I Do.'

Everything went the same as in the novel. Headmaster Emeric, along with Lady Elena and Headmaster Reinhardt, gave their own speeches. They acknowledged the hardworking individuals who had dedicated themselves to organizing the event and a few other formalities.

Then, it was finally time for each leader to be reintroduced. The first introduction had been at Luminara Academy, with only Luminara students present. Now, the students from Sylvanum Sorority and Divine Sanctum Academy would also meet their leaders personally.

It was also time for the leaders to introduce their second-in-command.

"This year, there are six hundred students participating in the Academic Olympiad, with Luminara Academy contributing one hundred and ninety-five students," Headmaster Emeric announced.

Lady Elena spoke next. "Sylvanum Sorority has one hundred and sixty-five participating ladies."