Chapter One: The Calm Before the Storm

The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the picturesque landscapes of Bicol. Raizel stood on the edge of the hill, his eyes fixed on the majestic sight of Daragang Magayon in Cagsawa. The tranquility of the moment was a rare luxury for him, a dedicated medical laboratory scientist. The serenity of Bicol provided a much-needed break from the sterile confines of the lab.

"Finally, a moment to breathe," he murmured to himself, savoring the peace that enveloped the surroundings.

As he marveled at the beauty of nature, an unsettling hush fell over the landscape. Birds ceased their melodic songs, and the rustle of leaves turned into an eerie silence. Raizel furrowed his brow, a sense of unease settling in the pit of his stomach.

"What's happening?" he muttered, a frown deepening on his face.

The first signs of the outbreak were subtle — distant screams carried by the wind, and the faint echo of distant gunshots. Raizel descended from the hill, instinctively drawn toward the chaos that seemed to be spreading like wildfire.

"I can't just stay here. Something's wrong," he spoke aloud, the urgency in his voice reflecting the growing turmoil within.

Descending into the town, he was met with a scene of pandemonium. People ran in every direction, panic etched across their faces. Raizel's heart quickened as he tried to make sense of the unfolding nightmare. His phone buzzed with emergency alerts, but the messages were cryptic, offering no clear explanation for the sudden chaos.

"This can't be happening. Not here," he muttered to himself, disbelief etched across his face.

Amidst the chaos, Raizel caught glimpses of the undead—twisted, decaying figures that seemed to defy the laws of life. Panic gripped the town, and the once serene streets now echoed with the screams of the desperate.

"This... this is a nightmare," he whispered, his breath catching in his throat.

Raizel's scientific mind kicked into overdrive. He needed to understand this outbreak, find its source, and, above all, discover a way to reverse it. His vacation in Bicol had transformed into a desperate fight for survival, and the once-tranquil landscapes now bore witness to the outbreak of the undead.