Chapter Seven: Crossroads of Revelation

My hands trembled as I stood in the basement, the weight of the revelation sinking in. The mutated son, now back to being human, faced me with a mixture of guilt and horror. The undead family members, once confined, clawed at the makeshift bars, their vacant eyes betraying the tragedy that had unfolded.

"Sorry, but I can't let you leave," I muttered to myself, my voice betraying a resolve tinged with reluctance. The gun in my hand felt heavy, but survival instincts prevailed over moral quandaries. With a deep breath, I aimed at the two undead figures, once family members, and pulled the trigger.

The shots rang out in the basement, the sound reverberating through the walls. The undead family members fell, their lifeless bodies still. A hollow silence settled in the aftermath.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, more to myself than to the deceased.

Turning away from the basement horrors, I ascended the stairs, the weight of the gun still heavy in my hands. As I reached the upper floor, my eyes fell on a USB drive lying on a nearby table. Curiosity compelled me to inspect its contents.

Plugging it into the computer, I discovered a series of videos—daily recordings made by Dr. Hernandez from day 1 to day 104 of the undead outbreak. The screen flickered to life, revealing the doctor's desperate attempts to understand the epidemic that had befallen the world.

"Day 1... The first signs of the outbreak are here," the doctor's voice echoed through the room.

As I watched, the gravity of the situation unfolded—the doctor's struggles, the experiments, the fleeting moments of hope, and the inevitable descent into despair. The USB drive held a chronicle of a man's fight against the undead, and the weight of the burden he carried for the sake of humanity.

"I need to leave this place," I murmured, my decision solidifying in the face of the revelations.

Before departing, I scavenged the house for supplies, my hands trembling as I stumbled upon a bag. Gathering clothes, a flashlight, a blanket, a knife and the gun, I noticed a set of files that piqued my interest. Flipping through them, my shock deepened as I discovered a document revealing a sinister truth.

"Someone in the higher-ups asked Dr. Hernandez to make a virus?" I muttered incredulously, the implications sending shivers down my spine.

My mind raced, grappling with the realization that the outbreak might not have been a mere accident. As I prepared to leave the haunted house, I set it on fire , suspecting that those two undead might still be alive, the weight of responsibility settled on my shoulders. The USB drive in hand, I made my way into the unknown, determined to uncover the truth behind the undead apocalypse and, perhaps, find a cure that could save what was left of humanity.