In a world consumed by the undead, two unlikely figures emerged as beacons of survival, each wielding a unique set of skills and haunted by their own pasts.

Major General Azzrael, age:30 yrs old \[dick size: 12 inches]/ a stoic figure with jet-black hair and piercing green eyes, commanded not only the remnants of the military but also a formidable set of magical abilities. Telekinesis, gravity manipulation, and shadow magic danced at his command, making him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. His cold demeanor, matched only by his skills as a perfect shot, masked a relentless determination to find a cure for the one he loved—a girlfriend turned undead in the chaos of the apocalypse. Despite his icy exterior, the echo of his love lingered, a vulnerability that even the undead couldn't extinguish.

Azzrael's black hair stood as a testament to his resilience, each strand bearing witness to the countless battles fought in the relentless pursuit of a cure. Yet, the true enigma lay in his gaze—a pair of eyes, an intense shade of green, that seemed to penetrate the depths of the human soul. They mirrored the gravity of a commander who had witnessed the world crumble into chaos.

His cold personality, an armor forged in the crucible of command, extended even to the remnants of a love he once cherished. Azzrael's girlfriend, now lost to the undead, received no warmth from his stoic demeanor. His love for her, a silent ache buried beneath layers of military discipline, fueled his relentless quest for a cure.

Yet, within the unforgiving contours of this world, Azzrael found himself confronted by an unexpected force—Raizel. With cheekiness as his shield and a command that defied Azzrael's resolve, Raizel managed to unravel the stoic exterior of the Major General. Azzrael, straight as a circle, found himself caught in the whirlwind of Raizel's unpredictability.

Raizel, age:28 yrs old \[dick size: 8 inches]/the scientist with a penchant for a lazy cat persona, seemed an unlikely companion to the stern Azzrael. Short-tempered and unapologetically a power bottom, Raizel wielded his own arsenal of magical prowess. Nullification magic, the ability to reflect, and the precision of an eagle eye marked him as a formidable ally in this harsh new reality. As Azzrael's foil, Raizel brought a touch of unpredictability, a counterbalance to the cold and calculated nature of the military general.

Raizel stood as a unique figure—a scientist with a flair for the mysterious. His black hair, a cloak that seemed to absorb the darkness around him, possessed an ethereal quality, shimmering with an otherworldly glow under the veil of night. It was as if the very strands of his hair held the essence of the nocturnal realm, casting an enigmatic aura in the moonlit landscape.

Yet, the most striking feature about Raizel was his heterochromia eyes—windows to a soul marked by duality. One eye, an enchanting shade of emerald green, mirrored the lush depths of a forest, hinting at a vibrant and untamed spirit. Its counterpart, a mesmerizing cobalt blue, held the cool allure of an ancient glacier, betraying a calculated and analytical side. Together, they formed a captivating tapestry of contradiction within his gaze.

His heterochromia eyes were more than mere aesthetics; they were windows into a psyche that thrived on complexity. Raizel, with his short temper and power bottom disposition, navigated the apocalyptic landscape with a blend of unpredictability and determination. In the dim light of the moon, his eyes seemed to shimmer with a dual purpose—one part defiance, one part resilience.

As the undead realm sprawled around him, Raizel's hetochromia eyes bore witness to a world caught between shadows and fleeting glimmers of hope.