Everybody stood in the main hall of Chateau, saying their goodbyes and nodding their heads at guards , Aimé walked down the stairs , Still in his morning robe , He looked at Jade
- Must you Leave this early – He asked
- Early? It’s afternoon already – Jade pointed at the grandpa clock in the entrance
- You know what I meant. – Aimé smiled
- Wish we could stay longer, but we have to get back to Egypt , and find Vixx , Sylvia and Diva.
- Beyonce? – Aimé asked with confused face
Jade’s face went blank
- No… What? We mean a Vampire, she calls herself Diva.
- Why so confused face… Who else comes to your mind when you hear that word – Aimé defended himself
- I don’t know… Mariah? Gaga? For heavens sake , Cher? – Xelo answered with confused face
- Touché… I see your boyfriend has a taste – Aimé looked at Jade
- Boyfriend? – Xelo looked at Jade as well – No , you got the wrong idea.