Chapter Nineteen – Monologue of Lunatic

- And just so , He overcame that sweet Death he longed for , just to see the face again , to hold the soul

he fell for... close once more , not for the closure , but for the beauty of it – Reader sat in a golden

chair chuckling

- Really though , saying this makes me cringe down to my bones… - He started scratching his head

- Anyhow … we all know the drama king strives for attention , that being said , not even half year later,

he started yet another drama with – He got up grabbing his cheeks, mockingly making sad face – Poor

little boy – He laughed

- Obviously it was about some faerie … So Jade did what he could do best… Ran – He smiled

- Year Passed after my last incident with the crew… I thought I planted the seed but… Really it was not

that deep I assume. My arguments could really be countered by a sharp mind really, even though I do

believe everything I said… well because it’s truth really , but that’s besides the point… Our beloved Alice,