Chapter Tweny-Eight



Two years ago, I was told about our family history, about how we are witches, and each have a special power that in linked to one of the four elements, Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. It started when one of our great ancestors Madison was cursed to be a witch. Within a small town called Salem Village. She got her powers later in her life after the Trials, luckily, but witchcraft was still frowned upon. When I turn sixteen, I am to get my powers, but until then I was to learn the art of battle. We each had to choose our speciality, so I chose archery, my Granny chose archery too, so she was my trainer. On top of getting our powers, we are to get a spirit animal and a special dagger.


A knock came at my door, pulling me back to the present day. “Yes” I said, giving them access to enter my room, both my Granny and mum entered my room, one holding a beautiful emerald, green dress with gold embroidered on it and the other with matching shoes. They didn’t say anything, as I knew what I needed to do. So, I got up, and head towards my bathroom, tied my hair up in a messy bun and got into the shower. Afterwards, I wrapped the same towel around like I did this morning, and walked out of my bathroom, into my room. I put the dress on and slipped the shoes on, then headed back to my bathroom to do my hair and makeup. Tonight, I decided to do a half up, half down hairstyle and let my natural waves flow. I put on some light makeup, with an evergreen eyeshadow to match my dress and a gold wing, and I chose a light berry red lipstick. I did a once over last look, then sprayed some perfume and exited my bedroom, to head downstairs to the living room. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, there were people everywhere, some where my mum’s family and some were my father’s family. Seeing his family made me wish dad was still around, when I was about ten years old my dad passed away from cancer, it shattered the whole family. Sadly, the twins were too young to remember him, but we make sure to keep some of his traditions around and most of all, his memory. I wiped away a little tear and entered the living room, when everyone noticed, they all surrounded me. Wishing me a happy birthday, hugging, and giving me gifts. I thanked them and opened up all the gifts that were given, once that was done, mum yelled out that dinner was ready, so we proceeded into the dining room to eat as a family. After dinner and cake of course, dad’s family left, and mum put the twins to bed. I started to get a little nervous about was to come, the ritual.

When we were sure the twins were asleep, we all set out to the forest that were located outside our house. When I got to the located spot, I noticed that most of the family were already there waiting, in a circle, I joined in, standing next to my mum and uncle Jason. We waited until Granny was in the centre, due to her being the eldest, she had to start the ritual. My nerves started to stronger, my mum must’ve felt them, and she grabbed hold of my hand, giving me strength. That’s when Granny walked into the centre of the circle, everyone then started to chant quietly, I didn’t know what they were saying, but I knew I would learn, over time. “We are gathered here today, as Winni-Rose is to be gifted by our ancestors and receive her powers” My Granny said, with a powerful voice, everyone went silent, all their focus was pointed directly at her. Like they were hypnotised. “Will Winni-Rose enter the circle and join me” She said, looking directly at me, I felt my nerves come back, but I entered the circle as requested. Once I was in the centre, just a few centimetres from her, she then said a quick chant, then an old looking book appeared in front of her on the nearby stone, which she opened up to a certain page.

My uncle came towards me, handing me an unlit white candle, then returned to his position. My mother then came towards me with what seemed like a glass of water. Then she too returned to her position. “We are witches of the elements, our ancestors give us a gift of just one of them, the unlit candle could light, indicating fire. The wind might blow, indicating air. The ground might rattle, indicating earth and the water may rise, indicating water.” She said, with a lot of power, but never took her eyes off me. Not once. “When your gift is given to you, they then will gift you with a spirit animal and a token” She finished off, she waited to see if I understood her, so I gave her a nod, which allowed her to then start chanting, after a bit, my family all grabbed each person’s hand and started to chant also. I was so confused with what was happening, as my family looked like a bunch of wild banshees that have escaped the looney bin. After what seemed like hours, something started to happen, the wind started to flow around me, the ground started to rattle, the water started to spin around me and the unlit candle, was now light up. Casting a glorious light over my face. My family then stopped chanting, they all looked at me shocked, I was shocked too as Granny said that we are to only have one gift. Once they stopped chanting, everything else around me too stopped, no more flame, wind, water, or rattle beneath my feet.

After my family stopped being shocked, my mother walked up to me and put a cloak over my shoulders and removed the candle and glass of water, leaving them close to my feet and then she returned to her spot within the circle. My Granny took that of a sign to start the chant up again, but this one was different to the first one. My family grabbed each one’s hands and started to chant also. After a few second and wooden box appeared on top of the old book, that still laid open on the stone. Everyone went silent, which was odd, but I didn’t question it. My granny lent down and picked up the wooden box and walked towards me. She then stood in front of me, indicating to open the wooden box. I was plain, with no carvings or anything, but I opened it as requested. Lying there in the red velvet was a beautiful turquoise covered silver dagger, with a golden inscription. I picked it up to have a closer look, that’s when a burning sensation started happening on the inside of my wrist. A golden shimmer sprinkled around me, when the burning sensation stopped, I turned my arm around to look at where it was hurting only a few seconds ago and that’s when I saw it, a tattoo of a beautiful, elegant fox. I looked up to my granny and she indicated to look at the dagger, and that’s when I saw the same tattoo, but it was an engraving on the dagger. After the ritual, I was so tired that my family requested that I head off to bed and the family will give me a proper explanation of everything tomorrow morning, I didn’t fight them at all. I headed off towards my room, collapsed on my bed and went into a deep, dark sleep.