Why share when you can have it all?

" You have twenty minutes tops to get in and out of here. Everything is set! Where the fuck are you?!" The man spoke with gritted teeth outside the doors of Emma's room.

He was losing patience. In no distant time, his colleagues were going to show up and that was going to be a disaster. He was beginning to regret his actions but upon remembering just how much he stood to gain in the business, every form of regret vanished away.

He contemplated leaving the good behind and running for it but he needed to be sure that the girl was rightly delivered. It had to be a clean job so he could successfully break out and leave the country.

With the money he stood to gain, he was guaranteed of a life of wealth moving forward and that was all the conviction he needed. Knowing the situation of things in the gang, he knew if he didn't act quickly, he was going to be left with the littlest share of whatever that was delivered.

Why share when you can have it all?