Chapter 62: Pinch me, is that a smile, Mr Braxton?
Emma was thrown into a very uncomfortable hug. Her face screamed discomfort. Asher was forced to intervene.
“ Enough. Let her go.” He stated, his fingers placed on the bridge of his nose.
“ What? Two seconds in marriage, and you suddenly become an alpha wolf?” Jason lectured, letting go of Emma, who was grateful to be allowed to breathe once again. “ I’m Jason. This tiger’s best friend.” He introduced with a lax smile, daring Asher to refute him. Emma was enjoying their little interaction. “ I think only-friend is a more suitable term, seeing he’s not a ray of sunshine.” He added with a faraway look etched on his face.
Asher rolled his eyes, “ Ha ha.” He muttered under his breath, not the least bit excited to see his friend.