Asher watched his wife with fond eyes. After their little tiff, he couldn't help but notice they grew closer. Evidently so as she soundlessly slept in the cradle of his arm.
His eyes swept through her face; perfect, everything was made for him. Somehow, his palm, fleetingly found its way to her brows, then her eyes, down to her lips; her soft, silk lips.
Enjoying the privilege of being so close to her, the need to spend more time with her presented itself. Since their marriage, they hadn't spent time together for the sake of it. They didn't even get a freaking honeymoon getaway.
Gently, he untangled himself from her hold, ensuring she felt comfortable and deep in sleep while he headed to rectify the situation.
The next morning, Emma woke up to smoldering kisses. Smiling, her eyes fluttered open, and a bare chested Asher graced her sight.
" Get off, I want to sleep." She complained, already feeling warm at his bold display of affection.