Inside a dimly lit room, a sea of heads and computers depicting the various streets and spots of the city covered the entire room with little space for easy access.
Jason noticed Asher come in and headed with information garnered since their last meeting.
" Any news?" Asher spoke first, eyes fixated on the organized chaos before him.
Jason stood beside him, " A lot. We have to talk, privately." He led the way to a little room by the corner.
Asher entered and took a seat behind the motherboard. " What do you have for me?"
" We narrowed our focus on Kaden," He started, but immediately felt Asher's disapproval, but continued anyways." After his reveal, we decided it was best to uncover things about this man, and we weren't wrong."
" Get to the point."
" Kaden somehow managed to have contact with Rebecca, Cole, Emma and her Step-Mother." Asher's eyes widened, " not just that, but he met these people at the same period of time. Coincidence?"