Ch-27! Demonic Elder- 2



As a Loud explosive sound occurred, other elders and Senct master became alert as they all looked at a Grand Elder, Mang Lao's residence from their respective places.


"Hmm... It seems Grand Elder, Mang Lao has fallen into the demonic path " One of the other Grand elders said.

There are a total of four Grand elders.


Jumping on the roof of his residence he watched the situation as he knew he couldn't fight Mang Lao head to head especially When Mang Lao's inner demon had taken over his body.

[ Illustration ]


At the same time,

" I would have never thought, Grand Elder would fall under the demonic path " Another grand elder said as he witnessed, what was happening from the roof of his residence.

He was called 'Garlic Elder' for being Short and Round.

He was a little Confused about how Mang Lao, fell under the clutch of his inner demon, after all, Mang Lao was an Honest person.

[ Illustration ]



The Third of the remaining Four Great elders also watched the havoc Caused by Mang Lao from the upper palace.

[ Illustration ]

He so had the same question, How did Mang Lao fall under the hands of his inner demon, he was an honest and respectful man.

As he watched from the upper area of the palace, he could see Mang Lao attacking and Killing a few of his disciples using his Technique " Nine Fist of Life Death"



Grand Elder Mang Lao's residence was engulfed in chaos as the powerful aura of his inner demon filled the air.

The other elders and Sect Master watched in astonishment from their vantage points as they didn't dare to rush right away.

Mang Lao, consumed by the darkness of his inner demon, unleashed a barrage of attacks with his terrifying technique, the "Nine Fist of Life Death."

Each strike was a deadly combination of White and dark energy, causing destruction wherever it landed... Including, killing and crippling his disciples.

As the first Grand Elder, Garlic Elder, observed from the roof of his residence, they had already realized that confronting Mang Lao directly would be perilous.

The inner demon had granted him tremendous strength and speed.

Garlic Elder who was smarter among them knew, he needed a strategic advantage after all, the Inner demon can't think properly and only focuses on destruction.


The third Grand Elder, perched in the upper area of the palace, assessed the situation with growing concern. Mang Lao's inner demon was relentless, showing no mercy to the disciples who dared to stand in his way.

A fierce battle raged on as Mang Lao's inner demon clashed with the disciples and other elders who attempted to stop his rampage.




Few elders used their Energy sending a bunch of magic attacks using their martial arts and techniques but it seemed to cause no harm to Mang Lao.

During the Clash, Another figure arrived at the scene, it was one other than Sect Master.

The sect master looked at Mang Lao and whispered softly " Alas! Mang Lao has been completely overtaken by his inner demon, and the only way to stop him is by killing him ".

Judging from his words, it seems Mang Lao can't be saved anymore.


" Heavenly palm-III " The sect Master activated his, Martial Technique and attacked Mang Lao, it was an attack which summoned a giant Golden palm from the sky.

As the Sect Master's "Heavenly Palm-III" descended, a breathtaking spectacle unfolded.

The enormous golden palm, radiating a brilliant divine light, cast a shadow that engulfed the entire residence of Mang Lao and nearby areas as Disciples evacuated and elders hurriedly dodged the attack.

Mang Lao's inner demon, fueled by dark energy, sensed the incoming threat and turned to face the oncoming attack.

His blood-red eyes burned with malevolence as he raised his fists covered in dark aura, prepared to counter the mighty blow.

The clash between the divine palm and the inner demon's energy was cataclysmic.




A powerful shockwave of force rippled outwards, shattering walls and sending debris flying in all directions.

The disciples and elders watched in awe and fear as the heavens and earth seemed to tremble under the weight of this titanic confrontation.

" Hehe...Hahaha, Subarashi! " Mang Lao's sinister laughter echoed through the air as he pushed back the Sect Master's attack.

The dark energy emanating from his fists seemed to devour the golden light of the heavenly palm.

The Sect Master slightly frowned but, his face etched with determination, channelled his profound energy and unleashed another strike, even more, powerful than the first.

The golden palm descended once again, aiming to obliterate the demon that had occupied Mang Lao's body.



" Arghhhhhhh! " The inner demon roared, a deafening sound that sent shockwaves through the surroundings which caused a few disciples to cough blood.

It fought back with incredible tenacity, its dark energy clashing with the bright golden power of the "Heavenly Palm-III."

The battle continued to escalate, with the Sect Master pouring his every ounce of energy and resolve into the struggle as the inner demon of Mang Lao seemed to be stronger than the Sect Master.

After all, Mang Lao also had stepped into the Soul Wondering realm after cultivating the essence of heavenly Qi released by Li Bai, after his enlightenment.

The disciples and elders watched in a mixture of fear and hope, praying that their beloved grand elder, Mang Lao could be saved from the clutches of his inner demon.

But, Alas! Heaven is cruel, Mang Lao can't be saved anymore.