Ch-29! The Demonic Elderrr


Dhup! ( Herat beat intensifies )


Ji Mai's heart raced as she bore witness to the intense and dire scene unfolding before her.

Her father, the Sect Master, faced the formidable Grand Elder-Mang Lao, who had seemingly succumbed to the inner demons that now consumed him.

It was a grave and desperate situation, and Ji Mai could feel the helplessness gnawing at her soul, seeing her father getting beaten to a pulp.

Amidst the chaos and turmoil, a deep question weighed heavily on her mind, "Why did the Holy Envoy - Li Bai, not intervene in such a dire situation?", As the most powerful figure currently at the Sect, his absence in this critical moment was puzzling and deeply unsettling.

Ji Mai's thoughts were tinged with a sense of betrayal; the man she had offered her chastity, had chosen not to share his strength and aid her falling sect, if this continued her sect might probably turn into dust.

Ji Mai clenched her trembling hands and bit her lip as determination surged through her.

She was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, to do anything required to persuade Li Bai to save her sect.


With each step she took, she hoped it wasn't too late.

Her rushed journey toward Li Bai's residence was driven by desperation, and the unshakeable resolve to protect her sect at any cost.

Approaching the Holy Envoy's residence, Ji Mai could see that he was indeed present matter of fact, his eyes were fixed upon the unfolding battle.

At his side stood another woman, she was a familiar face that had once been warned to be kept at a distance by none other than her master.

The sight of this woman only added to Ji Mai's inner turmoil.

Gathering her courage, Ji Mai fell to her knees before Li Bai with a teary eye hoping to move the heart of Li Bai.

Her voice quivered with a mix of anxiety and determination as she implored, "Holy Envoy, I beg of you, please help us. My father, our Sect, is in grave hazard. I am willing to offer anything, to do whatever it takes, to save him and our sect from this impending catastrophe."

Li Bai's gaze shifted from the battle to Ji Mai. There was a certain aloofness in his eyes, a detachment that seemed at odds with the urgency of the situation, his face looked cold and unwavering.

He contemplated her words for a moment, before his response.

"Anything, didn't you say it last night too?" His gaze momentarily flickered to the woman at his side before returning to Ji Mai, " Can you please elaborate/Explain what exactly you mean by Anything " Li Bai added.

At the same time, he could beat some mechanical voice inside his head.

[ Ding! You have successfully stirred the heart of Heroine, + 3000 points have been awarded ]

[ Ding! The heroine is Confused and her mentality has been damaged, You have obtained an additional +3000 points ]

[ Ding! The heroine wished to do anything a villain desired, what a shocking turn of events, you have obtained an additional +5000 points ]

[ Ding! The Heroine has Made a choice, Please make your choice too...

1. Help the Heroine, Ji Mai to fight against Mang Lao - Get her absolute loyalty and she will do anything you say including dying, + 5000 Points ]

2. Don't help her - Ji Mai's favorability will fall greatly and she will hunt you, you will become her lifelong enemy, +1 Enemy  ]


Hearing those words muttered by LinWei, Ji Mai's hope hung by a thread.

She had made her plea, and now she could only wait, hoping that Li Bai's eventual decision would not come too late.

" Please, You have my words, just this once " Ji Mai pleaded hitting her head on the ground.


" Young Master " Koi spoke seeing such a pity, even though they aren't from this sect, her heart trembled seeing Such a pitiful state of Ji Mai.

How heartless is Li Bai, he wasn't even willing to help the girl who warms his bed. Thinking about this Koi didn't know, how to react.



Mang Lao, Who was consumed by his inner demon, channelled white energy, and his cultivation began to soar.

Yesterday, unknown to others, he had absorbed too much of Heavenly Qi Released by the Holy Envoy, his cultivation soared by leaps and bounds. 

And right now, Demon Mang Lao was burning his blood essence and Vitality to increase his Cultivation...

Soul Wandering III

Soul Wandering IV


Soul Wandering VIII

Soul Wandering IX


Soul Wandering XII

( bottleneck )

( bottleneck loosen )

#Nascent Soul


Gulp! The Sect Master Swallowed his Saliva, after all, Mang Lao cultivation soared through the sky reaching Nascent Soul.

If Mang Lao survived the lightning tribulation, then, the sect is doomed to be perished.



" Good news! Mang Lao is Dead, I Hope Grand Disciple - Ji Mai won't go back on her words " Li Bai said. Li Bai said with a Cold Voice.


Suddenly, the sky turns dark as Mang Lao waits for his Lightning tribulation.

"Hahaha! Crumble beneath my feet " Mang Lao said as he stayed in the air " Like a boss" with full confidence of passing the lightning tribulation.



Suddenly, nine golden lightning strikes Mang Lao's body one by one... And, after nine strikes, it ended.

" Pfft! " Mang Lao spat blood as he was slightly injured.

" Hehehahaha! I am Invincible! I am inevitable!  I am destroyer! I am death! "  Mang said starting with his sinister laugh.

Right now, the demon that had occupied Mang Lao's body felt like he was unstoppable.

But, the Next moment his fave turned gloomy and his body started shaking.

" No! No! No! You can't do this to me, you coward heavens, you can't judge me again! It's unfair, I want justice " Mang Lao shouted as Sky turned dark once again.

It was another Lightning Tribulation.


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