Ch-38! death Musical Chair.

With a devious grin, Li Bai looked at the crowd and Spoke with a cold voice which made them pee their pants. " Have you guys ever heard of Musical Chair? "

Hearing this, The Sect master of Furious Tiger, Mu Bai became angry, the person in front of him just chopped his remaining arm, and now, this person was ignoring him like he didn't exist, he became more angry when he heard the words musical chair.

Among the crowd of these people, one of the little bandits from the mountain bandit gang replied " I know, it's a chair that produces music that can help you keep your mind calm "

Hearing his answer, Li Bai gazed at him with his menacing eyes that were glowing red, " Wrong answer! Pay with your life "

Saying that, he used his another martial art, " Mountain Slaying Fist "

A large golden fist appeared in the air, it moved rapidly toward that particular guy who said the wrong answer.

Even without giving him a chance to scream, his body was turned into dust.

" Tch! Tch! One fool less to torture, hope honourable readers aren't disappointed " Li Bai slightly said as he went right back to the line.

" Anyone else? " The Cold and sharp voice of Li Bai echoed among the crowds.

Among them, a small figure spoke, " I Know, Musical Chairs is a classic party game often played with a group of people and a set of chairs arranged in a circle. The game involves playing music while participants walk around the chairs. When the music stops, everyone must quickly find a chair to sit in. However, there is always one fewer chair than there are participants. The person left standing without a chair is then eliminated. This process continues until only one person remains "

" Bingo! " Li Bai exclaimed, further adding " Since, You said the correct answer, you will wait for your judgment" 


" Hey System, do you have any musical boxes and Chairs " Li Bai says inside his head, after all, he knows the shortest path to get stronger is by pampering the readers and obtaining points.

So, he calls it " Investment "

[ Ding! The system has decided to Sponsor, 834 Chairs and a loud music playing box ]


" Hmm! " Li Bai slightly Smirked, as his grand plan to milk readers started.

" Clap! "

With a Clap of his hands, exactly 834 chairs appeared on the ground followed by a large music-playing box.

The exact number of Victims...cough* cough* I mean, the exact number of participants was 835, excluding the guy who gave the correct answer.

Seeing the confused faces of the people from the Yang Clan, the Lotus sect, the furious tiger sect and the Mountain Bandits, Li Bai Ince again stated the rule, " The Game is simple, when music plays, all you have to do is rotate around  the chairs in a circle, the person who isn't seated when the music ends will be eliminated " 

With a smile, Li Bai further added "Make sure not to be eliminated because there will be No Mercy "



Hearing his cold voice, many of them swallowed their saliva, while only 2 people spoke in the same voice.

" H-Holy Envoy, please spare us, we are the gatekeepers of Supreme Grand Sect "

" And? I miss the part that's my problem " Li Bai immediately replied, his reply was like a venomous snake that doesn't give the slightest fuck.

Supreme Grand sect? Who the fuck cares? not Li Bai.


Li Bai Snapped his finger and Music started playing!

🎶 🎶  🎶  🎶

The music began to play, a haunting melody that served as the backdrop for the cruel game.

The participants hesitantly started circling the multitude of chairs. Each step was laden with apprehension, and the air crackled with an oppressive tension, while their heart was filled with fear of death.

All while, Li Bai, perched on a throne of his own creation, observed the unfolding drama with a cold detachment.

His eyes, like predatory orbs glowing deep red, like a top consumer on the food chain,  followed every movement of the participants.

The Sect Master of Furious Tiger, Mu Bai, glared at Li Bai with an intensity that bordered on defiance.

As the music played on, Li Bai's cruel amusement intensified as he spoke, " System, eliminating 1 at a time is very time-consuming, let's eliminate 10 at the same time "

[ Ding! That's a very good idea, removing the nine chairs from the game ]

The participants, desperate to secure a chair suddenly noticed a few chairs vanished into thin air. The atmosphere became suffocating as they realised that more people would die.

Abruptly, the music ceased, and the participants scrambled for the nearest available chairs.

In the deafening silence that followed, ten miserable souls found themselves standing without a seat.

Li Bai's eyes narrowed with predatory satisfaction as he singled out the loser. he points his hand, he releases his Sword Qi, chopping their arms and legs.



Those unlucky souls screamed as the the Sword Qi mixed with Dragon Qi not only caused physical pain but also a spiritual pain that is beyond mortal understanding.

Li Bai planned to continue the game while letting these unlucky people die in pain and agony as they slowly " Bleed out " and with Dragon Qi, their souls will also be consumed not leaving them any chance to reincarnate.

Who knows? Another protagonist may be born seeking his revenge on Li Bai after all, Li Bai is a Villain.

As a novel reader, he knows very well, how a protagonist is reborn and slowly increases his strength in shadows so, he doesn't want to take any risk.



After the Judgement, Li Bai once again snapped his fingers and continued the game.

The music once again started playing meanwhile, the forced participants were shaking in pain and fear, it was too ruthless, even devils wouldn't be this brutal right?
