I decided to join the music club as part of the gaming club as well. I had a lot of passion for music but nobody knew that about me. Well except my dad who heard me singing one evening and pushed me to join a band but I stopped anyway. It was fun in the band but I did not want to be with people at that time so o left. Clara was the best female singer in the club and hearing her sing took my breath away. There was an upcoming festival and Clara and I were to write a song to be sang at the festival. I was also on fire in the gaming club as I mistakenly revealed my gameplay once when I thought nobody was around but some students were sleeping behind their computers which I did not see. They all saw my actual gameplay and spread it like wild fire among the club members. At the moment, Crystal was already challenging me to a 1vs1 battle and I know what to do. I did not know what to do so I went to Clara for advice and she told me to reveal the truth. She added that one thing Crystal hates most in her life was a liar and I did not really want to get on her bad side. She was literally my first friend. And I did not want to lose her. I accepted the challenge and played at my full strength. In the end I won the battle with the score of 7:6. It was a really tough battle and I could clearly see that my victory was just by luck. When the battle was over I told Crystal everything and she was actually okay with it. I was happy to finally get it off my chest. The festival was finally here and Clara and I were to sing in front of the entire school. I was really nervous and didn't know how to even stand in front of the crowd. Clara begun singing in front of the crowd and that was the first time I saw her not looking shy. I mastered up enough courage to appear before the crowd and begun to sing along with Clara. In the beginning I was a bit shy but as I got carried away by the music, and got a lot of confidence making me give a mind blowing performance along with Clara. After the festival, we were made the official singers of the school. We were to represent the school in any activity that had to do with singing. I became really famous after the festival and I was always crowded with people who wanted to be my friends but they all had fake smiles on their faces leading me to turn down all their friendships. One of my laws of life is to make few but trustworthy friends and I now had two of such friends. I was always hanging with the two girls or just being alone all by myself if they were not around.