
A Sin

(Note:- This chapter contains brutal violence. So please read accordingly.)

Alex and his friends were shocked to hear that Umesh was going to tell the truth to the authorities. They feared that things might turn upside down.

Minister Ramaiya's fear.

Media and People know the truth. Opposing Party taking advantage of the case. People conducting rallies and protests. The Chief Minister asked him to resign from his seat. Police inquiry followed by arrest. life in Jail. An end to his political life. He didn't want all this to happen. He was worried about getting into a solution.

Then Alex suggested killing that entire family without anybody left. Ramaiya decided to do so. Ramaiya arranged for some killers from a distant city to eliminate John's family. 


 It was nighttime. William and Aisha went to see the authorities. While John's family was staying at William's house. Then their house was surrounded by the serial killers. They entered the house. The family tried to resist them by locking themselves in a room. But those serial broke the door and entered the room. 

They tied them up. One of them dragged Sarah into another room and raped her to death. Mary tried to resist but was shot dead. William had a newborn child. They took William's newborn child and dropped her from the balcony. 

 They then get the valuable items in the house. They closed all the windows. They turned on the gas cylinder and left the room filled with biogas. After getting out of the house, they set fire to the house using a matchstick. immediately they all escaped in their vehicles.

When William and Aisha arrived, they saw all of their burned corpses and also their newborn baby. This scene was horrible. They fell into despair. A nightmare just occurred in their life. The firemen were all there, trying to put out the fire. Aisha and William cried a lot.

Ramaiya did the same to Umesh and his family. He had a good connection with some criminals in the same jail where John was locked. He ordered those criminals to kill John. It was a close call for John but thankfully he survived somehow with the help of the superintendent in charge.

 They left William and Aisha to live. There was no evidence left by the killers. The police closed the case by saying that it was a fire accident. Many agencies came and investigated, but the result was the same. William and Aisha even went to the Supreme Court. But there also their Justice was denied.

John was sentenced to 12 years of imprisonment. William couldn't save him as well. He was so sad that he lost his newborn child. Ramaiya warned William not to try anymore for justice. Aisha tried to suicide, but thankfully she was saved. He decided to take revenge on all those who were responsible for killing his family members.

William took a transfer from that institution. He also took John's Project along with him. They settled in another place. He started his work on John's experiment. He added many things to his creation and was patiently waiting for John's return for 12 years.