

Soon the police discovered that John was killed in an accident. Alex and their friends believed that their workload had been reduced. They believed that the only thing that was left to do was to get the information about the project from William, and when it was done they planned to close his chapter too. 

John had a new body now, a robotic body. His body is made of hard and compressed steel. He had some red glowing eyes. He looks exactly like John when he used to be. He then started moving around, testing his strength, speed, accuracy, and all. He then began to learn martial arts by simply copying it from the videos and all. 

He easily learned many languages. He could easily calculate things. He learned to control the body he had. As for the power source he had Silicon particles on his body surface so that he could absorb energy from the sun. Then changed his name to Daredevil. All he seeks is to avenge his dead family.


One month passed,

Alex's men continued to search for William and his wife. But they couldn't find them. Daredevil is about to execute his first revenge. It was night time about 1:00 am. Daredevil came to Arun's house. Arun is Alex's friend who is one of the partners in crime. Alex climbed the cement fence. There were three dogs inside the fence. They came barking at him. Daredevil shows no mercy, he shoots the three of them with a pistol gun with a silencer. 

Then the guards in the house came to realize that there was an intruder. They also came to stop him. But he shot them as well. He was wearing a mask. Then Arun and his family wake up to see who it is. The doors and windows were all closed. They peeped through the window. But they couldn't find anyone except the dead bodies of the guards. 

Daredevil then placed a tennis ball-like thing near the front door. Then the front door exploded. Everyone was frightened. Arun already called the police. He came inside with a gun. Then people inside went and hid on the 1st floor. Daredevil climbed the stairs and reached the 1st door. He turned on the light. He checked each room. He can scan the entire room for people. Finally, he found Arun's daughter. 

He simply shot the gun into the walls and screamed like a little girl. Then Arun and his wife rushed into that room to see that the daredevil waiting for them. They found that her daughter was safe. He asked Arun to come near him. He was so very frightened. He caught him by his neck. Then the daughter reunited with her mother. 

Daredevil asked the mother and daughter to get out of the room. They hesitated to do so. Then he pointed his gun at his head. Out of fear, they followed he ordered. He asked her to close the door behind her. She did so. 

Then Arun asked him who he was, what he wanted etc. He begged him not to hurt him or his family. He even offered him money. Then without another word, he shot him three times. Arun's wife locked the door in panic. She thought that her husband was dead. She and her daughter were crying. Then she ran into another room and picked up another pistol gun from the drawer. When she returned, the daredevil punched through the door and opened the door from outside. 

Finally, he is out. When he got out he looked at her. She was pointing her gun at him. She looked at her and her daughter for some time and walked away silently. She didn't go after him. She went to check on her husband. He is dead. She was so sad that she cried loudly. Their daughter also cried asking her father to wake up. 

Daredevil climbed the fence and now he is on the road. Just then the police rushed in. They saw Daredevil jumping out from the fence. They asked him to stop. He didn't even look back. He kept on walking along his path. Then the policemen took his gun and aimed at him. He asked him to freeze. But he kept on walking. Then one of them ran towards him. Daredevil looked back and pointed his gun at the police officer. 

He ordered the daredevil to put the gun down. But he didn't, he kept on walking along the roads. Then the policeman shot him. Daredevil fired back. In that gunfire, four policemen were shot dead. Then a black van came and picked up Daredevil. Leaving only two policemen alive, the daredevil escaped.