
The Endgame

It was the town's center. There were no signs of anyone nearby. However, it appeared to be quite chaotic. Shopping malls were closed. All vehicles were smashed, with some being partially destroyed. All of the windows, doors, and walls were shattered. As he proceeded on, he noticed several random bodies on the ground. The air feels deeply contaminated with blood. If you listen closely, you can still hear people screaming for help. The sound of gunfire resonated in the air. As he goes alone into town, Daredevil asks himself, "What have I done?"

He threw the world into chaos only to exact revenge on a single man who stole everything from him. He couldn't think of a solid reason to drag them into his problems. There is only one enemy to kill. Instead, his arrogance has already murdered thousands. He couldn't come up with a compelling rationale to explain things to others. He stood in the middle of the road the entire time. Then he noticed the folks walking towards him. They were the hostages. As they moved forward, they recognized him. Then one of the women who were walking forward ran up to him.

She grabbed his shirt collar and asked why he had dragged them into the conflict. He did not answer the question and remained mute. She also asked him to return her child, who had been killed in this conflict. She cried. The other people also became enraged. They also stepped forward and began grilling him. They continued shoving him back and eventually began beating him up. Daredevil couldn't resist them and began to endure them. He feels no pain anymore. Just then, they all heard gunfire. The robots marched to the place, carrying weapons. The people got scared and ran away.

The Daredevil stood alone. The robots approached him and asked him to accompany them. Daredevil began walking alongside them. The robots guided him to a location further from the town center. There he noticed Alex waiting for him. They ultimately come face to face. Daredevil was astonished to discover that Alex had performed the identical experiment that had transformed him into a complete robot. The person standing in front of him was not a human, but rather a malevolent robot disguised as one. Alex greeted Daredevil and enquired how he looked in his new form. Daredevil told him he looked more evil than usual. 

Alex then proposed that Daredevil abandon his animosity and become his partner. Together, he hoped to conquer and dominate the world. Daredevil declined his offer, asking him to abandon his newfound desire and surrender to the humans. Alex described it as a bad concept. Daredevil warned him that he would drag him down to hell with him, but first, he offered him the opportunity to submit. Alex told him it was a shame he chose to go to hell so soon and assured him that he would gladly send him there as well.

Alex told his robots to kill Daredevil. Just then, the warships arrive. They fired on the robots from their massive warships. Some robots attacked Daredevil, while others protected their leader. Then the armed humanoid robots arrived, equipped with cutting-edge technology. They take care of the robot warriors. Daredevil punched his way to his destiny. Alex and Daredevil met face to face. They began fighting. It was purely a test of willpower. Both of them are powerful and improved. Neither of them intended to lose to the other. Their skill level was so high that they both hit each other with everything they could.

Alex triggered his monster mode. He grows more aggressive and throws more powerful punches. Daredevil started to struggle. Then some of the robots helped him as well. Daredevil started losing the contour of his physical parts. Then some humans with robot technology as armor appeared. They fought him separately from the Daredevil. But Alex slaughtered them one by one. Before dying, the captain looked at the daredevil's face. Daredevil realized just what he meant. He also unlocked his Devil mode. Then they clashed again. This time, Daredevil put Alex in his place. He punched the crap out of him. Alex's body began to absorb all of the damage.

Then it started to rain. The struggle continued in the rain. Alex began to be afraid of Daredevil and his new devil form. He intended to retreat. He called on his minions to bring some time. Daredevil caught his mind and pursued him. He grabbed him from behind, locked his neck and upper torso, and pinned him to the floor. Other minion robots jump over them, attempting to take Daredevil away from Alex. However, Daredevil refused to back down. Daredevil commanded his system to self-destruct. Alex started panicking. He begged him for his release. Other robots overtook those two and nearly built a hill. Daredevil exploded with immense power.

Everyone saw the massive explosion. This reduced Alex and Daredevil to atoms. The minions all around the country abruptly ceased working. As rain falls on the fire, a large amount of smoke is produced. Human soldiers approached the blast site with caution. When the smoke had cleared, they looked for the robots. Alex's body entirely melted away but Daredevil's head remained on the ground. Smoke rose from it as rain fell. It still had some light in its eyes, but it was dying away. Daredevil tells them, "M-M-MISSION A-A-ACCOMPLISHED," before fading away.