Getting a Girlfriend for a Gift

"What kind of fucking weird machine has he sent me again?"

The man's icy blue eyes slid over a peculiar object that had been set next to his humble bed without his own knowledge. The object resembled something out of a sci-fi flick – hibernation pods straight from the silver screen. But no, this was a different beast altogether – there's a specific name for it in this current era. They call that "Recharge Pod" and resting within which is a possibly beautiful humanoid love robot. 

"Whatever. I'm not in the mood to check out whatever this bullshit of his is." 

Refusing to give it a single more iota of his attention, the blonde-haired man took off his military uniform covered in the residue of sweat and dust. The name tag, proudly declaring "Jones," and the emblem of the "Futurion Defense Force" on his uniform made it obvious for people to notice that this man right here was working for one of the globe's mightiest military forces.

Liam Jones, as much as he hated wasting another second, hastened through his shower routine. It's way too easy to go crazy on base. Just one week would do it to you and Liam was just glad that finally it's weekend, he could finally have a freaking break and get out of this base. 

Soon he came out of the shower, clad in nothing but a towel snug around his hips with his upper torso bared. The air around him almost exuded a certain allure if not for his rumbling stomach. The man swiftly grabbed some boxers from his closet before heading straight to his small kitchen,shirtless.

"Nyx, turn on the latest news on TV." 

Nyx was a smart home assistant installed in his apartment. While the news unfolded in the living room, Liam deftly sizzled beef strips, cut and cooked some vegetables for soup, and whipped up an omelette. 

After all this, he tansitioned to the living room, arranging a table before the TV, laden with his culinary creation plus some fried rice accompanied by a generous serving of sour cream. 

The once-growling stomach now roared like a hurricane, and Liam eagerly started doving into his mouthwatering dinner. 

Had it not been for the TV news broadcaster's voice, the room would have lapsed into complete silence. Even as he savored each bite, the man exuded an inexplicable cold and gloomy aura.

Something weighed on his mind—first, he had a mysterious mission assigned to handle after this month. This one is simple. Just pure soldier worries. Had it not been for his brother, this could have been the only thing weighing on his mind. But now, there's something else to rid his bedroom of the recharge pod with that so- called humanoid robot girlfriend. He's too tired to deal with his older brother's peculiar machine and as of now, all he yearned for was just an undisturbed night.

Just as he was having a thought about it, there came an abrupt advertisement on TV during the news break. His light blue eyes turned into an annoyed, bored gaze as he caught a glimpse of this familiar face.... once again. just like everytime he'd turn the TV on. This is none other than his older brother-Lucas Jones. 

The ad was about the latest AI companion from Lovebot Inc. ,in other words, his brother's booming AI company.

The screen displayed a stunningly realistic woman with flowing hair and lifelike features, almost indistinguishable from a human.The narrator's voice echoed through the air,

"Introducing the HarmonyX AI Girlfriend, your perfect companion for a life of love and understanding. With state-of-the-art skin and hair technology, she feels as real as the girl next door. Say goodbye to loneliness, and hello to a future of companionship."

Images flashed across the screen, showcasing a beautiful female AI companion engaging in various activities – sharing laughter over dinner, offering a comforting embrace, and even anticipating the owner's "needs".

The voice continued, "HarmonyX anticipates your desires, making every moment together a truly unforgettable experience. She's the ideal girlfriend, ready to make your dreams a reality! "

"Nyx, turn this off . " 

Liam Jones had an annoyed look as he got up to enter the kitchen again. The man couldn't exactly say what he was actually being frustrated about. And that was what's making him annoyed even more. 

As he loaded the dishwasher, his thoughts subconsciously drifted to his recent breakup, a mere month in the past. He still missed her sometimes... like right now. But Liam Jones was determined to keep the promise to himself to never contact her ever again. Enduring a moment of pain for now would do him good in a not-so-far future. This would help him to completely move on and give him the very peace he's needing.

After seeing the advertisement, there was almost a doubt in Liam as to whether a humanoid AI robot could hold a solution to never experience the pain and difficulties of having a relationship between two human beings.

This notion actually conflicted with his lifelong resistance to the idea. Liam had consistently opposed it, viewing his older brother's actions as somewhat irrational. A decade ago, after a terrible divorce, his brother had poured all his resources into founding an AI company aimed at creating robotic companions for the emotional and physical fulfillment of men. How could a humanoid ever really fulfill the warmth and affection shared between two supporting romance partners.

But still, Liam had to admit the success of his brother's venture was undeniable. Lucas Jones' projects, focused on crafting AI wives and girlfriends, proved to be a lucrative endeavor, currently raking in millions annually through online sales alone. 

For a moment there, Liam grappled with the internal conflict between his curiosity to test an AI girlfriend and his personal beliefs. He felt upset for being upset. Eventually, Liam gathered these thoughts, stowing them away in the recesses of his mind, and prepared to retire for the night.

After commanding Nyx to dim all the lights in his rooms, the man settled into the embrace of his cozy bed. With each deliberate breath, his chest rose and fell, and the tranquility in his azure blue eyes signaled the onset of rest. 

Though it appeared as if he had already fallen asleep, Liam remained distracted by the soft blue glow emanating from the recharge pod beside his bed.

Over the years, Liam's older brother had sent him numerous humanoid AI robots, to the point where Liam almost lost count. But, no one other than Liam could be more proud of himself that he had never touched those feminine looking machines and always managed to send them back the next day. Suspicion lingered regarding his brother's true intentions. Yet, when Liam questioned him, the older brother's typical response would be like, "I just want my younger brother to have a taste of real heaven. Is that so wrong, Liam?" with a smirk on his face and a voice that couldn't sound anymore insincere. 

At that moment, Liam's eyelids flickered in response to a vibration from his casually tossed phone on a nightstand. His gaze quickly darted to a digital LED clock reading 22:37 on the wall before lazily reaching out to retrieve his phone.

Annoyed and hesitant, fully aware it was his hard-to-understand older brother on the line, Liam's fingers hovered above the red "decline call" button. Ultimately, with reluctance, he decided to answer the call.

"What's up, Lucas?"

"Nothing of importance, brother. I'm just wondering what you think of the new AI companion I built. Any thoughts on her performance? And is she to your liking in bed haha.. " 

"Enough, Lucas. I've already told you I don't have that kinky fetish for robots like you. I'm tired and heading to bed, so stop bothering me."

"That's why I've always wanted your opinion, Liam, because you're so damn normal, always chasing after 'real' connections. Imagine if my creation could satisfy even you – it would be a massive win for my company, to gain even more clients who think they're just as 'normal' as you at first, haha."

"You're out of your mind, Lucas. Why are you so obsessed with outdoing everyone? Trying to prove something to Dad, or is it just your overblown ambition?"

"Forget about that old man, Liam. You know better than to bring him into our conversations. Just make sure to take a damn look at the model this time, alright? Code X-5002. My company's about to launch it soon into the market and trust me. It's bound to be a massive hit. 

The programming and coding are spot-on. And I went out of my way to pick a design that suits your taste – small, petite, just how you like it. She's programmed to be the cutest girlfriend ever. She perfectly fit your preference for....well... warm personality and some intelligence.... haha if that's what you used to say you wanted back then.

 Take a look at least, but if you're not interested, fine. Just send her back tomorrow. I might end up enjoying her company myself; regretting I didn't pick a less cute one for you, haha."

Liam slammed the call shut, his face twisted in disdain.He couldn't believe his brother's audacity. But then, his eyes wandered to the softly glowing recharge pod. 

"A cute face, petite body, warm personality and a smart little ass huh?..."

Liam laughed to himself, confident that he wouldn't fall for some programmed robot. Yet, curiosity crept in, and he found himself deciding to at least take a look at it.