Hero and Visionary of the Past

After the celebration, which lasted till midnight, Archmage Iode had a small meeting with the top mages of the kingdom, now an empire.

After his small meeting with the top mages,he went to where he kept the royalty of the nine tribes he defeated, which was directly underneath the magic tower he resides.

He kept these royalty of the nine tribes in cells which are beautifully decorated to the supposed taste of the captured royalty.

In these cells were, Queen Elysia of the Elves, Queen Anastasia of the Fairies, King Balrog of the Goblins, King Ellian of the Kobolds, King Gray of the Orcs, Queen Sue of the Nekotamas, King Arc from the Trolls, King Mozart of the Dwarves and lastly Queen Astrid of the Valkyries.

"Why are you keeping us hostages, just kill us, i know you are not treating us bad or make us starve, but it's a disgrace on us". Queen Elysia of the Elves said seeing the Archmage enter the cell room.

The Archmage pretended not to hear her and just went on to say his own

"You know, close to a thousand years ago, though none of you were around then, you must have heard tales about it".

"I visited your forefathers about some visions i was having, that this world would meet its end, an extraterrestrial lifeform will come and make us slaves and going as far as killing us."

"What did they do to the visions i told them?, They discarded it because it been a thousand years and no life as been found in other planetary worlds. " Iode said.

"Yeah, I've heard about that, everyone during that time knew about those visions, wait, you are the legendary mage Iode? King Mozart said form his cell by the right.

All of the nine royalties were surprised.

"Wait, you are the legendary mage Iode, the one who saved Goblin city, the capital of the Goblins from a tsunami?" King Balrog asked.

"Yes, it's me" Iode replied.

"The legendary mage Iode that saved the world tree from the dark elves and dark fairies?" Queen Elysia also asked.

"That's also me". Iode answered.

"The one who crippled Queen Bathsheba and led her to her death? As well as father of Queen Boudicca the conqueror" Queen Astrid said.

"Yes, you know i still hold grudges against you Valkyries, you not only destroy cities and people of my tribe you also killed a lot of people i hold dear.I regretted not killing her myself." the Archmage said.

"And Boudicca, that illegitimate demon spawn of a daughter, i should have killed her when I had the chance. I heard what she did". The Archmage said clenching his fist.

"But you vanished more than eight hundred years ago, is it because of that visions you came back?" Queen Anastasia said

"If you just come to each of us telling us who you are, won't we accept you with open arms". King Ellian said.

"I did go to each of you, but some of you told me, only a fool would still believe a vision that didn't come true in hundred years time and at most three hundred. Some of you said it can't come true. Sounds familiar uh?"

Archmage Iode said.

"If that's the reason for your conquest I'll say you've really stoop so low you are now a fool, the legendary mage Iode that we were told of was not a power hungry person even when he was stronger than the Archmage of the time". Queen Elysia said.

"Yes, you are a hero of us fairies and elves, is it the visions that turned you to this? Queen Anastasia said.

"I'm pretty sure wizards don't live a thousand years, i wonder how many lives the legendary mage Iode sacrificed to live so long". Queen Astrid said.

Archmage Iode didn't say anything hearing all this. After some silence he said

"If you were in my position you will do more than this especially those Valkyries. Anyway, i just came to see how you are doing, and don't worry, just a little while longer, you will see my vision come true ".