The last few weeks

**This chapter will be from Iode's POV**

Four weeks have passed by and it's time for the mid semester test. The test is divided into two parts, first is the written aspect and then the practical aspect.

"There's no way i would fail the written test, all my life I've been studying and practicing my magic". I thought to myself.

Ceaser and Hector could see a beaming smile on my face as we all got out of the examination hall.

"Seems you completely crushed the test". Ceaser asked.

"Of course, there is no magic theory that i haven't learned, even the advanced level ones". I replied.

"You have access to advanced level sorcery books? How is that possible, even we nobles don't have access to them, they say till we reach the advanced level stage we can't learn them". Hector questioned curiously.

"I happened to have met different kinds of people at home that are willing to help me out, maybe that's why". I replied.

I'm sure Hector would be thinking:

"What kind of person would give out an advanced level book to a low level peasant, it doesn't make sense".

Well, even i would think of that, advanced level books cannot be found in the market or on the street, not even the noble households are allowed to have possessions of them_well nobles having them in secret would not be surprising.

Advanced level books are found only in the academies and the towers. Why the authorities made such rule is unknown, probably they don't want the knowledge of strong magic very dispensable and prevent chaos in the kingdom or to prevent other tribes of the magical nation to have such knowledge.

So, I a peasant from an average home having such a thing would be unbelievable. Hector stopped walking for a second and watched me gloat.

As good as i am in the written aspect, I'm very much worried about the practical aspect, how it would be conducted it is not known, but we are hearing rumors that we would fight.

** ** **

I'm very much sick of being a one star mage. During the last few weeks, a lot of things happened. Prof Pandavatton asked me to visit once every week in the night, i did so.

He used the magic circle technique to make me breakthrough as promised, but it didn't work, surprising it did another thing. It increased my mana vessel. We tried using other methods but all they do is increase my mana vessel.

Prof Pandavatton was astonished, he as never seen or heard anything like this before.

Another time, during my training in the weapon arts club, i don't remember what I thought of, i mistakenly summoned a dagger which came from my wrist mark. Everyone present were perplexed.

They asked me how i did it, but even i don't have any idea how it came about. Kenneth, a green stickman checked my wrist and told me the mark is called a stigma, even Shima the Turf said the same thing.

Stigma's are marks made on the body to summon objects. And it seems the stigma on my wrist is for summoning weapons. The stickmen and Turfs who had experiences with someone with a stigma taught me how to summon and unsummon the weapons.

I got to know that whenever i think of a weapon it would be summoned to my hands _ only melee weapons. People of the weapon arts club told me that being a weapon wielder is my calling not a wizard.

I'm not sure if it because of Igor i got this stigma, it is a question i would ask tony and also research about it when i have the time. But i remember, when i was at home, in my father's shop, a stranger saw this stigma on my wrist.

At the time, at home we were calling it a birthmark, but the stranger told my father it's not but the name i just learned after my unprecedented summon.

He told my father to make me always wear long sleeve clothes to hide the stigma. Surprisingly, he gave me a present, an advanced level book, not only that, he said whenever i have problem with a guild i should show them the stigma_ weird, for someone who asked me to hide it.

That was the last time i ever saw that man. Presently, everyone in the weapon arts club always seems to give this awkward smile at me. I'm pretty sure they'll be thinking where i got the stigma from.

Jaen, an advanced level mage from the third years, as well as one of the organisers of the practical magic club, had a brief discussion with me. She asked me if i was an advanced level mage. I told her i wasn't.

She doesn't seem to believe me, she said she could see an aura swirling around me. Well yeah, she isn't the first person to tell me that, i can't tell her I'm the inheritor of Igor's magical powers.

I pretended not to know what she was talking about, so i told her i am a one star mage. Her doubts even increased, i could see the look on her face. She thinks I'm toying with her and told me to just come clean, it not like she would blabber it all around.

I told her i wasn't lying, and she should ask Ian and Kyle, they are my witnesses. 'Impossible' was written on her face. We talked about other things and called it a day but I'm sure she still doesn't believe me.

Lastly, six students seems to have formed a clique around me. Sylvester, Angelica, Anna, Ataxia, Loanna and Reinhardt, All six seems to be following me, Ceaser and Hector by the hip especially me, i don't know why.

Surprisingly or unsurprising, Reinhardt unlike the other five seems to have gotten close to Ceaser, their little dispute that day has brought them together. Reinhardt would go as far as coming to our dormitory to spend the whole day and returning at night.

This last few weeks is a memorable one. Now I've got to prepare for the practical aspect of the test.