Mysteries of the abandoned building

Standing in front the container with a blue egg in it, underground, Barbara as well as Igor were wondering why there was a dragon's egg underground of an abandoned building, not to talk of the repulsive and ominous energy it's giving off.

"Why is a dragon's egg giving off this repulsive and ominous energy?" Barbara pondered.

"You are thinking of why the egg is giving off strange energy? I think the question we should ask first is why is there is a dragon's egg in a container underground of an abandoned building ". Igor said.

"This building is filled with mysteries, i think this building used to be one of the research center and the egg is one of their experiment. It just that, what kind of things do they do here that would result to things like this egg ". Barbara said.

"I think we can find answers to that at the room where we found numerous books ". Igor said.

"Let's leave, this place is making my inside chun ". Barbara said.

They both left the underground room and went to one of the rooms they have already been to, there were numerous books piled on the floor and also on the shelves.

Picking and reexamining the books, they noticed that most of them were actually jottings of experiments that were done and future experiments that would be done.

They were seeing bizarre creatures of absurd and distorted bodies, enough to make them feel very uneasy just looking at them.

"My word, what kind of disgusting abominations am i seeing in these books, i feel like throwing up just looking at them". Barbara said.

"I couldn't agree more, look at this, it says 'Project Kaiju'". Igor said.

"The seems to be a failed project but for some reason, underneath the word failed, in progress is written ".

"They were creating abomination lifeforms in these research centers, it no wonder we mutated to these, if words about this is leaked out, i wonder the kind of catastrophe that would ensue ". Barbara said.

"I think we should leave this place before we have some uninvited guests, but I'll be taking this book with me, it contains some valuable informations". Igor said.

"Let's leave quickly, everything about this building makes me sick ". Barbara said as they both went out of the building.

"Let's go look for the next research center ". Igor said.

"Seriously?! After seeing all those stomach churning things, you still want to see more ". Barbara said in dismay.

"Well we didn't find any personnel in there, if we are to look for the solution to our present problem and future ones, we need to find someone who works there ". Igor said.

"After seeing all that now, i kind of believe that the king and the authorities deliberately left us to be like this, why would they be sponsoring the creation of abominations if turning us into this things isn't what they want ". Barbara said.

"I don't know about that, if the authorities are not going to do anything about it,we can and that is what we are trying to do ". Igor said.

*Sigh* "so where to next ". Barbara said.

"Well, I say we should head to the one in northern lights city". Igor replied.

"Still having that feeling huh, at this point, I'm not going to argue, I'm already weakened with what i just witnessed". Barbara said.

"Still as sassy, hmph ". Igor spouted.