Ch 6 - Headed to Tianming

It was the next morning.

The rustling movement of the carriage should have kept Xu Ming awake the entire night, but his tiredness made him sleep without a care. It was only when Lin Feng budged him awake that he opened his eyes.

"Psst. Hey, we're almost there.", Lin Feng spoke as he pulled the woolen blanket off of Xu Ming.

Xu Ming nodded, got up, and greeted the grandpa who was sitting in the front of the carriage.

Grabbing his breakfast, he sat next to the grandpa on the front of the carriage.

"Easy there. We'll be in Xinniang before an hour passes. You see these mountains disappearing? That's the sign we're getting close.", the grandpa said.

"Wow, grandpa, you sure know a lot.", Xu Ming exclaimed.

"I've been driving carriages for a long time, I should know this stuff, haha.", the old man laughed out loud.

Lin Feng asked from within the the carriage, "But, grandpa, don't you ever get attacked? How do you defend yourself?"

"Aye, it's a valid concern. Grandpa usually only drives this carriage between Xinniang City and Juduo Town, so there's practically no danger. However, when carriage robberies do happen, it's best to just step out and let them take what they want, and the robbers will leave you alone. After all, a job's not worth a life!", the old man replied.

Lin Feng expressed his admiration and started talking with the old man about other matters, and time slowly passed.

It wasn't long before the road changed into smoother gravel, and signposts and lamposts alike made their presence clear. Soon after, the tall city walls were visible in the distance.

Near the gate, a small commotion could be heard as the noisy sounds of the carriages and people coming in could be heard.

The grandpa pulled his carriage into one of the few carriage checking stations, and waited for an inspector to come over.

"Oh, Old Fang, it's you? How's the journey like these days?", a middle aged fat man came over with a hearty gait.

"Business as usual.", the grandpa laughed.

As he spoke, he showed his identification to the inspector and handed over a small sum of coins to the inspector.

"Alright, alright, since it's you, Old Fang, just go in. The line's getting long enough, and I trust you.", the inspector chuckled as he pocketed the change and waved at the gate employee.

Thanking him, the Old Man Fang drove his carriage into the city, and docked at a common carriage station.

"Alright boys, I can only help you this much.", the old man said apologetically as he turned to Xu Ming and Lin Feng.

Lin Feng and Xu Ming thanked the old man profusely before making their way out into the busy streets of Xinniang, and into a small restaurant.

The waiter at the door greeted the two boys and took them to their tables, and then took their orders.

It didn't take long before the steaming hot food made it to their table, where they devoured it like ravenous wolves, prompting the people around them to stare at them like exhibit animals.

Xu Ming let out a satisfied sigh after finishing his food.

"Hey Lin Feng, where do you plan to go now?", asked Xu Ming.

Lin Feng simply scratched his head before saying, "I guess I'll continue onwards to Lejiang City. My cultivator's root is basically guaranteed, so I don't have to worry about that. What about you?"

"I still have to make it to Tianming City.", said Xu Ming.

"I have an appointment with the City Lord.", Xu Ming continued to explain.

Lin Feng nodded, then looked at Xu Ming, and said, "Hey, Xu Ming. We've been through thick and thin, and through life and death. We're friends, right?"

Xu Ming disdained this question and threw a disapproving stare at Lin Feng, "We're not friends."

Lin Feng looked aggrieved before Xu Ming stated, "We're practically brothers now."

Lin Feng was stunned but still nodded and laughed out loud.

"Right! Don't you dare ignore me in the future. I still have to ride on your coattails.", Xu Ming spat at this son of heaven.

Lin Feng got up, put on his robe, and put down the money for the meal, before saying, "Don't fall behind too much. I know we're both destined for extraordinary things. See you in a bit, Xu Ming. I'll be at Xinniang Sword Sect if you need me."

Lin Feng went out of the restaurant and disappeared into the crowd, without giving Xu Ming a chance to reply. Perhaps he knew that it would be difficult to part with his brother if he wasn't this resolute.

Xu Ming mumbled to himself, "He's really too good at pretending."

What Xu Ming was unaware of was that Lin Feng had already reached the second level of Qi Refining, a speed unprecedented in the entire Yan Empire. After all, it had hardly been a day that Lin Feng had been cultivating.

Such a prodigy couldn't be found even within a thousand years.

Xu Ming didn't dare to delay seeing that the meal had already been paid for.

Xu Ming wandered into the traveller's hut and booked a seat on a caravan to Tianming City.

"To Tianming City, three silver coins, please.", the female attendant at the counter asked.

Xu Ming reached into his chest pocket and pulled out his cloth wallet and aid the attendant.

"Your seat has been confirmed, dear customer. You're lucky, the caravan will set off in 4 hours. Please be there on time.", the attendant said.

Xu Ming thanked the attendant, when she asked him to stop.

Glancing at his spear, the attendant said, "You can train at the training grounds nearby while you wait for the caravan to set off."

Xu Ming thanked the attendant again, before making his way to the training grounds.

Upon reaching the grounds, he immediately saw a number of burly fellows training the spear and the sword. Some were even training their bodies.

Xu Ming unloaded his spear, and lost himself in the rhythm of stabbing the strawman.

One after another, he stabbed the strawman in quick succession, but he didn't use any combat arts.

Like this, a couple of hours passed.

"Hoo..", Xu Ming exhaled as sweat poured down his face.

"Here kid, drink this.", a voice rang out as a bottle of water flew towards Xu Ming.

Xu Ming grabbed it with one hand and thanked the man who gave the water to him, and then drank it.

After drinking the water, Xu Ming looked at the man, who was about 1.9 metres in length, and was wearing a black leather outfit, with a tall halberd on his back. Just from his presence alone, Xu Ming felt the same pressure he felt from his uncle.

*"He must be a gold ranked warrior."*, Xu Ming thought.

"Not bad, kid.", the man praised.

"I won't say that you have the most amazing talent in the world. Rather, it's quite in the middle of the pack. It's not terrible either! But you have determination. Dedication always beats talent when the talent isn't dedicated! Remember that! Hahaha...", the man spoke as his spittle flew out.

Xu Ming's eyebrows twitched as he muttered, "That's one way to encourage people."

The man was actually quite shocked to see what looked to be a boy of about 8 years of age performing well with his spear.

The man grinned at Xu Ming and said, "At such a young age, you can be considered to be a beginner bronze level mercenary. You must have really worked hard! Keep it up!"

Xu Ming nodded at the man. No matter his intentions, his words weren't false.

"Continue working hard, kid. I've got to go now. I have to guard a caravan to Tianming City.", the man grabbed his bottle back.

"Uncle, you're also going there?", asked Xu Ming.

"Oh? Could it be that we're headed in the same direction?", the man asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes.", nodded Xu Ming.

"Follow me, then. I'll introduce you to the rest of the team. There's even a little brat I want to show you."

Xu Ming's interest was piqued but he didn't say anything, and followed the man.

Heading to the Caravan Station number 8, Xu Ming saw a large crowd of people unpacking and packing their luggage onto the tiny caravan rooms, shouting and busily working.

The man took Xu Ming to the front of the caravan, where a group of people were hanging out by the door of the first carriage.

As soon as Xu Ming saw them, he felt a faint pressure in his heart affecting him. Although it wasn't quite as strong as the man next to him, it was still potent enough to affect Xu Ming.

"Hey Captain, ready to go?", a lanky fellow with a brown bow on his back asked him.

"Not yet, haha. We've still got 30 minutes to pass the time before the passengers are ready to move."

"Captain, who's this kid?", another guy in leather armor asked with his eye raised.

"Oh right, haha. Call out that little brat.", the man shouted.

"No need, geezer. I'm already here.", a distinctly neutral voice rang out as a short person wearing a golden mask came out of the carriage.

"Hey, what do you want, old man?", the short person asked.

"Don't be so rude, haha. I just wanted you to spar with his little friend here to pass the time."

The person let out a grunt before saying, "Don't waste my time in the future with this stuff again. How can this little kid beat me? Do you truly have nothing to do?"

"Just do it. If you win, I'll let you eat some more of those sweet potatoes you've been craving."

"Really? You can't take it back!", the short person seemed to have been incentivised.

Looking at Xu Ming, the masked person said, "Sorry kid. I'll go easy on you, and I won't hurt you too much."

Before Xu Ming could reply, he felt a gust of wind rushing at him.

Grabbing his spear, he raised it to his face and blocked the other party's fist.

"Hey! Not bad reflexes for a kid. Block this, then.", said the masked person as they sent a whirlwind kick at Xu Ming, who dodged and brought down his spear at the person.

"Decent, decent. Don't let me down.", the person said as they prepared a move.

"Twelve Zodiacs Art - Snake Style! Viper Rush!", the person seemed to have assumed the form of a wild snake, unpredictable in their movements.

Xu Ming broke a sweat as he frantically tried to block their attacks, and then he attacked with a wide sweep to draw some distance between them.

The mercenaries around them seemed to be amused by this fight, especially the captain.

"This kid will lose if that's all he's got. Althought I admit, he's not bad at all.", the lanky fellow spoke.

"Just watch.", the captain spoke.

"Heavenly Mountain Art - Ground Sweep.", Xu Ming thought as he executed this move, breathing in an erratic manner.

The other person's eyes seemed to light up as they saw this move, and countered it, shouting, "Twelve Zodiacs Art - Lion style! Lion's Strike!"

Gathering their battle techniques, the person directly collided with Xu Ming's Art without losing out.

Xu Ming directly flew back a few metres, and eventually stumbled down, while the masked person was still standing in their place.

"Even that wasn't enough, huh? You're really strong.", Xu Ming said as he looked at the person.

"You too, not bad! You'll be my sparring partner. It's decided.", the other party whimfully spoke and headed back.

"Haha! Good match. I told you, you've got potential.", the captain spoke as he helped Xu Ming up.

"I'll let you in on a little secret, shh. That masked person's a girl. And she's about your age. Exciting, huh?", the captain seemed to be a gossiping wife as he whispered.

Xu Ming softly spoke, "I know. I could sense it. But, she's really strong."

The captain was struck silly as he spoke, "Hey, you're not lying right? How could you know? Anyways, don't lie to your elders. Haha!"

Xu Ming only shrugged helplessly as he moved back towards the caravan.

"Hey, where are you going?", the captain asked.

"Back to my carriage, why?", Xu Ming asked.

"Hah. Stay with us in the front carriage, it's much more spacious and luxurious. You need to spar with the little princess anyways, you might as well make it convenient for all of us."

Xu Ming helplessly sighed as he considered his options, and headed with the captain towards the front carriage.