Ch 8 - Joining the sect

Xu Ming set out again, for the third time, in his long journey.

After getting the approval of the Councillor, Xu Ming headed towards the caravan stations while juggling the few gold coins he had left. It wasn't much, but it was enough.

After some discourse with an eager City guide, he found out that the Ming Sword Mountain was a third tier sect in the Ming Ranges, which wasn't terribly far from Tianming. In fact, they were the only sect in a thousand mile radius from Tianming, making it a holy land for all cultivators in and around Tianming.

A third tier sect had only one requirement to be called as such. Their sect leader had to be in the realm of the Core Formation, and such cultivators were often called the Enlightened. Only one in ten thousand cultivators had the fortune to be able to cultivate upto the golden core, and therefore they were esteemed in the eyes of the common, who revered even the most common of cultivators.

As for the criteria, it was because one Core Formation cultivator could easily supress a hundred Foundation Cultivators, and thus one axiom of the cultivation world was established in Xu Ming's mind - Quality definitely beat Quantity.

As he was wandering towards the caravan once more, he saw a map on the side of an Inn that displayed the location of the Ming Sword Mountains.

Upon closer inspection, it wasn't too far away from Tianming. It would only be a week's journey, considerably closer than the distance between Xinniang and Tianming.

After enquiring with the counter at the Caravan, Xu Ming verified that the route there was practically free of danger. There were no fools that would block the path of people that were more often Cultivators than not, and even all the fierce beasts had been eradicated in the path.

Under the recommendation of the counter lady, he hired a fit stallion and got on it, getting used to the balance.

A caravan did have its advantages in terms of safety, but the amount of money and time it took was considerably more expensive and slower than if Xu Ming just rode a horse there, especially if the route was basically free of danger.

Therefore, after procuring some food and materials for the journey, he took the stallion to the outskirts of the City Walls and set off towards the Ming Ranges.


At this same time, a youth of about 1.7 metres was meditating on the top of a peak, humming a strange tune to himself.

A figure suddenly appeared next to the youth, and bowed.

"Young master, your request has been fulfilled. After your training is over, Master says you can head to the borders and fight there."

The youth opened his eyes, and a faint spiritual pressure pressed down on everything around him. His amber eyes glowed with a strange brightness, and his eyebrows were as straight as a sword.

The illusory figure didn't say anything but secretly sweated, "I can be considered a prominent figure on the Earth List and yet young master, a figure under 18 years of age, can actually make me feel this much pressure. Truly incredible!"

The pressure seemed to cease momentarily as the youth stood up, revealing his toned muscles. He was only wearing a black short pant, and he had a golden pendant wrapped in a silver chain around his neck.

"Hmm? That man finally knows what's good for me, hahaha. I was getting tired of sitting here like an idiot.", the youth gave off a sunny smile, looking like an innocent boy.

"Please have some respect for the Lord.", the figure responded with haste.

"Haha...I guess you're right. I'll be heading to the frontlines now, see ya.", the youth whistled as he left carelessly.

"Stop!", the figure shouted.

"Young master, The lord only asked you to leave when you've finished your training! I ask you to halt!", the figure said.

Just as the figure finished the sentence, a blade of wind tore through the person's mask, revealing a fair and quaint face.

The lady revealed a surprised expression on her fair face as she started sweating again.

How.....I didn't even notice the Young Master's movements...?

"Hey pretty lady, do you think I need training now?", the young master teased.

Pouting, the lady said, "Fine, Young Master Zhou Ji, have it your way. I won't help explain your actions to the Master though."

"Who would guess that the infamous Yin-Yang Masked Devil ranked 54 on the Earth List would be so adorable? Well, don't miss me, I'm headed towards the frontlines now.", the young master teased once more.

Before the lady could respond, Young Master Zhou Ji disappeared before her eyes with a whoosh, not leaving behind a single trace.

She stamped her feet on the ground and pondered, "Now what am I supposed to say to the Lord? That idiot young master really knows how to make others worry."


Xu Ming had been travelling for a while, and finally reached the base of the Ming Sword Mountains, in a small town called Ming Town.

It was a strategic point for the Ming Sword Mountains, and it was the starting point of trekking up to the gates of the Ming Sword Sect.

Entering the town, the tired Xu Ming sat down in the local Inn, and ordered a plate of food and drinks.

"Yeah....that's what I heard as well."

"That fellow named Lin Feng really has the Xuan Body? How envious."

"I heard he's been accepted as the 6th Personal disciple of the sect leader of the first tier sect, Xinniang Sword Sect."

"His future is practical boundless."

Listening to the chatter around, Xu Ming wondered if the Lin Feng they were talking about was the same Lin Feng he knew.

A talent named Lin Feng, newly discovered at the Xinniang Sword Sect, where he said he'd be?

Xu Ming felt like that checked out, and was happy for his old friend.

It didn't take long before Xu Ming finished eating everything and headed towards the base of the Ming Sword Mountains and started making his way up.

On his way, he saw quite a number of cultivators on swords riding their way up towards the sect. An even greater number were steadily following the path to the gates, Xu Ming included.

After trekking for 30 minutes, he let out a huff and looked at the grand, 15 metre tall red gate in front of him, giving him a sense of scale, seeing how effluent this sect truly was.

He could see a lot of people at the entrance, mingling and talking, and a few cultivators in a white robe maintaining order.

The whole sect was situated on different peaks of the Ming Sword Mountains, and various rivers flew through the midst of each of them, contributing to an ethereal feel to the sect. There was one particularly large mountain peak, which Xu Ming had overheard was the Elder's peak, and it stood out far above the rest of the mountains.

Walking up to a gate guard, he said, "Excuse me, I have an appointment with the Sect Leader."

The guard looked at Xu Ming with confusion, and said, "Well, do you have an appointment letter?"

Xu Ming shook his head.

The guard looked at Xu Ming with disdain, and said, "Well, what appointment can a bumpkin like you have with the Sect Leader? Don't you know how precious the Sect Leader's time is? Get Lost!"

Xu Ming had to admit, he was a bit infuriated at this time, and said, "It's not up to you whether I have an appointment with him or not."

Taking out the medal that the Councillor gave him, Xu Ming said, "This is the proof of appointment."

The guard knocked it out of his hands, and said, "Don't waste my time."

Just then, a cultivator dressed in a purple robe came by, frowned, and said, "What's the matter here?"

The guard saluted the cultivator and said, "Senior Brother, this guy claims he has an appointment with the Sect Leader but doesn't even have an appointment letter to show for it."

"Hey boy, do you have any proof?", the cultivator asked.

Xu Ming picked up the medal, and gave it to the cultivator.

Looking at the medal, the cultivator's face changed, and he quickly put his Qi into the medal.

Just then, a spiritual pressure came down around the area and a giant white tiger insignia displayed itself for a moment in the air.

"This token is real. Please follow me to see the Sect Leader.", the cultivator spoke with haste as he put his hand on Xu Ming's shoulder.

Before they left, the cultivator looked at the guard with dead eyes, which prompted the guard to sweat heavily.

This guard was probably in for a tough time afterwards.

Not long after, they made it to the top of the Elder's peak.

The purple robed cultivator said, "Please wait here.", as he went into the hall and got someone to come out.

"This is Elder Shi, he will guide you to the sect master.", the cultivator said.

Xu Ming nodded and bowed slightly, "Please, Elder Shi."

The cultivator also bowed towards the elder before he made his way towards the bottom of the peak.

"Hmm...Let me see the medal first.", Elder Shi said as he took a look at Xu Ming.

After confirming the validity of the Medal, Elder Shi said, "It's definitely real. Follow me."

Xu Ming followed Elder Shi into the grand hall, filled with great decorations and full with the vigour of a great sect.

There, he saw a wizened old man with a long white beard, and a bald head sitting on a wooden seat, drinking some green tea.

"Sect Master, this is-", Elder Shi just began to speak when the Sect Master interrupted him.

"No need, I've heard of his coming. Thank you for bringing him here."

Elder Shi nodded and said, "Well, in that case, excuse me. I still have to attend to the Peace Lilies in the Immortal Garden.", and walked out.

"Please, have a seat.", the Sect Leader beckoned towards Xu Ming with the kindly smile of a family elder.

"This is the finest Mulong Spirit tea, imported from the Northern Duchy. Have a sip.", the old man said as he pointed at a cup of green tea.

Xu Ming bowed slightly towards the Sect Leader as he took a seat as well, and picked up the tea.

The Sect Leader didn't speak for a while, and silently drunk the tea, and Xu Ming followed.

Finally, after a while, he spoke.

"I've heard the specifics of the matter from the Councillor. Although you don't have the best physique or spirit roots for cultivation, you're lucky enough to be bestowed with the White Tiger medal that my ancestor gave out to the Mortal World 5 centuries ago."

"According to the details, it can indeed allow a cultivator like you to be admitted into the sect. So boy, do you want to be in my small sect?", the Sect Leader asked.

Xu Ming hurriedly stood up and bowed, "Greetings to Sect Leader.", after which he handed the medal to the Sect Leader.

The old man smiled and took the medal from the hands of Xu Ming, and it suddenly vanished into thin air.

"Hahaha, take a seat, dear boy. You can call me Sect Leader Kun."

Xu Ming nodded and sat down, and spoke, "Yes, Sect Leader Kun."

"Which peak do you want to join? Though my sect is small, there's no shortage of peaks you can join, 7 in total."

"Sect Leader Kun, please advise me. I'm not sure about the specifics.", Xu Ming asked.

"Based on your talent, I'd say you join the Longevity Peak. Your talent isn't perfect for battling, or alchemy, or cultivation. But the Longevity Peak is based on preserving the records and culture of the Sect, and managing the various aspects of the Sect. So, how about it?", the old man smiled as he asked Xu Ming.

"Whatever Sect Leader advises.", Xu Ming nodded as he spoke.

"Great! It's decided. You can head to the Longevity Peak right now, and the Peak Leader will brief you on your roles. Work hard, young man! Even though your talent isn't the best, I believe that you can still accomplish much for the Sect!", the old man said.

Bowing again, Xu Ming spoke, "Thank you, Sect Leader Kun. This junior appreciates your advice."

"Hahaha.", the old man laughed as he fondled his beard.

"You can leave now."

Xu Ming nodded as he left the hall, and headed towards the Longevity Peak.