Ch 14 - Combat Peak

The man took Xu Ming into a hall inside of the castle, which wasn't very decorated or lavish, but seemed sturdy and stoic enough.

"Our Peak Master used to be a knight in a mortal kingdom, and so he appreciates castles, knights, and the like the most. That's why everything here is so ancient.", the man spoke with a smile as he led Xu Ming into the main hall.

Xu Ming spoke, "Well, it's a unique taste but I can appreciate it."

"Oh? This boy shares my taste!', a booming voice sounded as a tall, but carrying a large belly and a stout frame laughed in front of them.

"Greetings, Peak Leader Kai.", the man cupped his hands, and Xu Ming followed along.

"No need for the formalities, I've already told you. I'm sick and tired of this stuff.", Peak Leader Kai spoke as he waved it off.

Xu Ming looked at this former knight who looked more like a bear than a human. With a height of over 210cm, he towered over everyone else in the room. Although he was covered in fat and looked like he was long retired, Xu Ming's senses told him that the peak leader was hiding a lot of power inside.

"Well, Peak Leader Kai, this is the letter Elder Qin instructed me to deliver to you. Please receive it.", Xu Ming said before handing a letter to the Peak Master.

"Oh? Let me have a look.", the Peak Leader said as he took the letter from Xu Ming and began reading it.

The Peak Leader's expression didn't change one bit throughout the entire letter and he put it down at once.

"Well, I see what it's about. Boy, what's your name?", the Peak Leader asked.

"Xu Ming, Peak Leader Kai."

"Well, Xu Ming, you see, I have a parcel to deliver to some people at the Purple Qi Sect, which is about two weeks by horse from here. However, because of some work I've received from this letter, I have to postpone my trip."

"Normally, I'd send my trainees or disciples for such tasks, but as you've observed from the altercation at the front entrances, they aren't the most united or the smartest. I truly can't trust them at all. Therefore, would you do me a favor and deliver this for me? I'll have you in charge of those simpletons.", Peak Leader Kai spoke as he looked at Xu Ming.

Xu Ming thought for a while and replied, "I have no qualms about it, Peak Master Kai, but I must recieve permission from Elder Qin first before I head out."

"I'll handle it, don't worry.", Peak Master Kai smiled as he looked at the man next to Xu Ming and said, "Hong Du, bring me those outer sect members who were having fun earlier. Oh yeah, bring the one who was being bullied too."

It wasn't long before those few people were stood in front of Peak Leader Kai, whose tone changed entirely from before and spoke, "I have a mission for you kids. Accomodate this young boy to the Purple Qi Sect and protect him. You must protect him at all times and listen to his orders unconditionally. Anyone who doesn't do that and behaves as he wishes will be sent to the water prison for 1 month to atone. Understood?"

The few people there shivered as they heard the mention of the water prison and nodded fast as they reassured the Peak Leader.

"Well, kid Xu Ming, I haven't talked with you for long but I trust in Elder Qin's taste. Don't be afraid to discipline these brats if you need to. Take some supplies from the storage and some horses from the sect stables and head off as early as you feel comfortable. Thank you for agreeing to help out.", Peak Leader Kai spoke to Xu Ming.

Xu Ming replied, "It's no trouble at all. It's my duty as a sect member to help out."

Peak Leader Kai laughed as he spoke, "Indeed, Elder Qin's protege couldn't be terrible at all."

The man named Hong Du ushered them out after the peak leader said a few more words and took them to the Combat Peak's storage.

There, Hong Du coughed, and he spoke, "Well, since you guys are going to be working together, please introduce yourselves and the weapon you use."

Xu Ming didn't miss a beat and he said, "Hello, everyone. I'm Xu Ming, an outer sect disciple under Longevity Peak, studying under Elder Qin. I'm in the 1st level of Qi Refining, and I use a spear. Please take care of me."

The rest seemed to be somewhat impressed, hearing that Xu Ming was studying under an elder.

The girl went next, introducing herself with some fanfare, "My name's Ning Wei. I'm a third level qi refining disciple of the combat peak, and I use a saber."

Another girl next to her also spoke up, "I'm Huo Ning. I'm in the second level of Qi Refining and I use a fan."

Next, the boy who was trash talking the boy earlier introduced himself with some arrogance, "I'm Huang Dong. 3rd level of Qi Refining. I use a sword."

The two boys next to him quickly introduced themselves soon afterwards, "He's Gaoyi and I'm Gao'er. We're in the second level of Qi Refining and we both use swords too."

Finally, the last person introduced himself, "I'm Mo Xiao."

After a bit of hesitance, he spoke, "I'm in the first level of Qi Refining, and I use a spear."

The boy named Huang Dong mockingly burst out laughing as the rest of the people followed.

Huang Dong sneered at the boy as he spoke, "Brother Xu Ming, don't pay attention to this idiot. He's been in the same batch as us for 4 years and he's still in the first level of Qi Refining. You're only about 7-8 years yourself but on the same level as this trash, he truly has no face to live."

The boy named Mo Xiao was about to flip out when Xu Ming spoke out in a firm tone, "Enough. Whatever grudges you guys have, please keep it for after we complete our mission. I won't mind if you guys squabble to your heart's content after the mission is done, but during the mission, I expect to see nothing but compliance and cooperation. Otherwise, I'll tell Peak Leader Kai that you're holding the team back. Understood?"

Everyone was shocked at Xu Ming's unexpected words but didn't dare to retort at this young boy.

The boy named Huang Su in particular seemed to be taken aback and looked like he was seething inside, but at the mention of the Peak Leader, he didn't say anything.

Xu Ming didn't really want to do this, but he had no choice. He knew, as an adult in his previous life, that children like these had to be warned firmly from the start or they would find ways to trample all over him later.

Mo Xiao looked at Xu Ming with some gratitude, and Xu Ming just nodded at him.

Hong Du was watching all of this from the side and internally nodded to himself, "Seems like Elder Qin's vision is as sharp as ever."

Hong Du spoke, "Well, now that you're all familiar with each other, pick up some weapons and get ready with supplies for the journey. It'll be a long journey, about 2 weeks there, and 2 more weeks back. Make sure you pack enough resources in your bags and space rings if you have them."

Xu Ming complied and took charge as he picked out a large amount of supplies, enough for them to survive for more than two months conservatively. Not only that, he packed enough medical supplies, and camping supplies. In addition, he picked out good gear and weapons for the two boys named Gouyi and Gou'er who didn't have any weapons to their name.

Afterwards, they headed off back towards the peak entrance from which they headed off towards the sect stables with some tickets they received from Hong Du, for borrowing some horses from the sect stables.

Just as the kids were going, Hong Du watched them leave as he smiled to himself, and went back to report on it to the Peak Leader.

"They're all set, Kai Feng.", Hong Du said to the peak leader.

"Mm, that's much better. I hate those trivialities. But I suppose I can't have kids calling me by my name now, haha."

Hong Du just shook his head and spoke, "By the way, it was a nice stroke, sending out the few of them to do your work for you."

Peak Leader Kai seemed amused and spoke, "Well, explain what you mean by that?"

Hong Du simply said, "As the leader of the combat peak, you sure are as shrewd as the leader of the administrative peak. You knew that the kids targeting and roughing each other out would lead to struggles within the peak sooner or later, so you picked them out to go out and learn to perform as a unit."

"Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that.", Kai Fang spoke as he squinted his eyebrows.

"Don't think that I didn't know about the small bandit group right on the path of the route you marked. You want the kids to see the harshness of the world, you want them to feel what justice is like, and you want them to get to know each other and bond as a team, while fighting off those bandits. After all that, you'll have the task of eliminating those bandits under your belt, while having gained experience for the youths of the combat peak, and creating ties to the protege of the only alchemist of our sect. You truly think three moves ahead.", Hong Du said as he stared at Kai Feng.

Peak Leader Kai whistled to himself and said, "Your imagination sure is strong. I don't know what you're thinking of, hahaha."

Kai Feng gave out a laugh and patted Hong Du's back, which nearly broke it, just from the sheer size of Kai Feng's hands.

"Mind yourself, Kai Feng.", Hong Du spoke with a groan as he stared at Kai Feng.

"I'm just a boorish fellow who performs his duties. I don't know what plots you think I'm plotting, but I'm not aware of it.", Kai Feng shrugged it off as he left the room casually.

However, Hong Du seemed like he was enlightened, "I see. Peak Leader Kai must be biding his time, acting like a brainless fellow, but he's plotting something major in the long term. That's why he patted me in the back so hard just now, to warn me not to give it up. I almost messed everything up just now. As expected of the Peak Leader."

Hong Du rubbed his hands together, thinking that he figured it all out, and followed after him out of the room in excitement.