Ch 16 - The first bandit

"It all started when the bandits came to our village a few years ago and started demanding a protection tax. Although we tried to get the authorities involved, they always brushed off the matter and put it back for later. With no choice, we had to pay the protection tax of 5 silver a year."

The elder paused before looking at the kids in the eye, "But we're just humble farmers. We only grow to feed ourselves, and what meagre earnings we have, we use to educate our children. We cannot afford to pay such a high tax."

"We got by, initially, for the first two years, because by the grace of luck, we had incredible harvests. But this year, the drought ruined everything. We could not afford the 5 silver tax, and the bandits grew impatient. Therefore, they kidnapped half of the able men to work in their camp and half of the women to serve them. And they told us to redeem each person with 5 silver or we'll never see them again."

Coming to this point, the elder began sobbing, "I asked them to take me but they wouldn't do it. They took my sons, my daughters, my nephews and my relatives but they left me behind to suffer. Where shall I get the money from?", the elder sniffed.

At this point, everyone was speechless and felt sad. Particularly, Mo Xiao had tears in his eyes. Perhaps he knew best of all what it felt like to be helpless and in despair.

Mo Xiao looked at Xu Ming with a glance as if to ask him to help.

Xu Ming didn't say much, but promised, "As esteemed cultivators, how can we ignore injustice? Though our work may be delayed, we will help you to the end, don't worry."

Hearing this, the rest of the kids also heaved a sigh, as they were worried Xu Ming might be heartless and ignore them to complete the mission. Simultaneously, they gained a bit of respect for their leader.

Huo Ning spoke up, "I'll write a letter to the sect regarding this immediately."

Xu Ming nodded and said, "Guoyi and Guo'er, prepare some food. Mo Xiao and Huang Dong, we'll prepare a scan of the environment and search for the bandits. Ning Wei, please write a letter to the Tianming Authorities under the name of the Ming Sword Sect and ask for backup."

Turning to the village elder, he said, "If you have a map of the surrounding or any clue that'll help us get to the bandit camps, please share it."

The elder had stopped sobbing by now and looked determined, "I'll bring the map to you, immortals. Please wait for a second."

After the workflow was decided, the work commenced smoothly. Perhaps filled with indignation, the kids were determined to see this matter through to the end. Xu Ming, however, wasn't that optimistic, but sighed to himself.

I didn't want to take this detour and take unnecessary risks, but I can't just leave this matter as it is, or other problems may arise.

Getting the map from the elder, he studied it and saw a couple of places where it seemed likely that a camp might be set up.

His first priority was a plain area next to a lake and a natural cave, which seemed like it would be perfect for the bandits to hide in and mine some ores using the people they kidnapped. Not far away, there was a small grove surrounding some mountains which seemed like another potential place.

Saddling himself up on the horse, he asked, "Ready?"

Huang Dong and Mo Xiao nodded as they too got ready for the ride.

Meanwhile, at the sect.

Hong Du received a letter from a Blue Jade Bird, which read,

"Dear Protector, we have encountered bandits that have been terrorizing the village of Mobei. Requesting permission to sideline the mission and engage with the bandits. Also, send reinforcements if possible.

- Huo Ning."

Hong Du thoughtfully paused and smiled to himself, writing back a letter.

"Permission has been given. Engage only if you're confident in suppressing the bandits and ensuring your safety, or else pull out and then request for the reinforcements.

- Protector Hong Du."

Wrapping the letter in a tube, he put it on the foot of the Blue Jade Bird and sent it off.


Xu Ming was engrossed in thought, and Huang Dong and Mo Xiao were chatting with each other. Despite their initial differences, they made up after Huang Dong apologised to Mo Xiao. At first, he wasn't exactly willing to forgive Huang Dong, but after seeing his sincerity, he forgave him.

Now, they felt comfortable in each other's presence and could even crack jokes at the other's expense.

This went on for some time, until Xu Ming vaguely heard something from the furthest corner of his ear. Xu Ming's intuition and senses were were incredible, and never let him down, like the time when he detected the Bluetail Langurs by his senses before they ambushed him.

"Stop.", Xu Ming whispered.

Putting his ear to the ground, he looked in the distance and whispered, "Get ready. A bandit is heading this way. Ambush him."

Huang Dong and Mo Xiao got off their horses and hid them near the cover of a bush.

Then, Xu Ming took a thin rope / string from the pocket of his saddle, and held taut it with the help of Huang Dong across the narrow dirt path.

Under the cover of darkness, the horse sound came closer and closer.....until it fell to the ground with a thud.



Two distinct sounds were heard simultaneously.

Taking the opportunity, Xu Ming tackled the man to the ground, and put a knife across his throat.

The bandit looked surprised at his captor being only a child, but the cold steel at his throat reminded him not to speak nonsense.

The man spoke, "What do you want? My money? It's on the horse, you can take it. Just spare my life."

Xu Ming said, "Cut the nonsense or I'll cut your throat. Do you know where the villagers of Mobei Village are?"

The bandit didn't want to answer, but feeling the knife cut deeper into his throat, he relented.

The bandit hesitated for a moment before answering, "Our leader led us there three days ago to kidnap their people for not paying their taxes."

Xu Ming signalled to Mo Xiao, who took out the map the village elder gave him. Xu Ming then asked, "Where on the map is your camp? We'll let you go after you answer this question."

The bandit didn't doubt that, as he knew they were just children and would probably spare his life. Therefore, he didn't hesitate to sell out his leader, "Here. Next to the lake and the cave. The bandit leader, named Hu Sao, has found a Mink Iron deposit in the cave and is secretly mining it to sell to the city."

Huang Dong whispered, "Xu Ming, I think he's telling the truth. Shall we knock him out and leave him here?"

Xu Ming seemed to have different ideas in mind, though.

"That's where I thought the camp would be. Thank you for your information."

Taking a deep breath, Xu Ming coldly stared at the man.

The bandit recognised this stare, the type of stare that disregarded life. He had done it a few times before himself, and knew he had to struggle or he would die at this moment.

But it was too late.


Bright red arterial blood flew all over the place as Xu Ming finished the man off with one stroke of his knife, and stood up.

The man wanted to scream but his vocal chords would not comply, and his eyes widened as he felt the life draining out of him. The world seemed to grow further and further away from him, and everything was cold....

Huang Dong and Mo Xiao were in disbelief, as if questioning not only Xu Ming but themselves.

It didn't take two moments for them to panic and hyperventilate, and Mo Xiao even vomitted on the spot.

Xu Ming himself wasn't as calm as he thought he would be. Although he had steeled himself, killing someone wasn't light work.

Strictly speaking, it wasn't his first time killing someone. It was just his first time killing someone in this world. However, it hit him just the same the second time.

It took a few minutes for everyone to adjust to the kill.

"Xu Ming! Did you have to kill the bandit? We could just have knocked him out and let him go!", Huang Dong looked angry and grabbed Xu Ming by his bright red collar, now stained by blood.

Mo Xiao seemed to have stopped retching for the time being, and looked at Xu Ming for an answer.

Xu Ming grabbed Huang Dong's hands and took it off of him.

"You guys aren't just kids anymore. You're also cultivators. You should get used to this way of life."

"Consider you spared him for this moment. Then, would you take the risk of him betraying us by signalling the bandit camp and eventually getting us all killed?"

"Even if he didn't do that, you never know what a bandit might do later. If he joins a different camp and does the same disgusting activities, would you take responsibility for the lives ruined by this man?"

Looking at the two of them, Xu Ming asked in a disappointed tone, "Well, would you?"

Huang Dong and Mo Xiao paused for a moment and looked ashamed, and reflected on his words.

"I know it's hard to handle this, as a kid. But now that we're in charge of human lives, we musn't take every decision lightly. We're responsible. Either you grow up, or disappoint me and stay as you are, ignorant children. The choice is yours.", Xu Ming spoke with a deep heave, and started dragging the body to the side of the road.

Huang Dong and Mo Xiao stared at each other and seemed to have made up their minds, nodding at each other.

Mo Xiao took a deep breath and said, "I'll dig the hole."

Huang Dong said, "I'll help you. Xu Ming, you loot his body."

Looking at the two of them, Xu Ming gave a smile at them and nodded.

And so, in the cover of night, they buried their first kill in the deadly and ugly world of cultivation.

Xu Ming didn't want to waste time and said, "Let's go back to the village and make our move in the cover of night. We won't get a chance during the day. Let's do this fast, and do it quick. If you still can't bring yourself to kill, then knock them out temporarily and break their weapons."

Huang Dong nodded and he put the loot on his horse.

Then, they made their way towards Mobei Village.