Ch 22 - Surprises

Seeing this scene, some of the surrounding contestants starting palpitating, sweat pouring down their face.

The shock was no less on the spectators outside.

Bu Fang, who was sitting next to Xu Ming exclaimed, "That's a vine devil. It is one of the lower ranked devils, but they're still so powerful. Not to mention, that's not even a matured vine devil. I don't know if even I could handle one of them."

The faces of the contestants grew grim quickly.

Suddenly, a voice shrieked out as a man suddenly inflated and burst into pieces, his organs and skin scattering everywhere.

As the contestants were baffled, someone sliced a tiny worm that fell from the tree above them.

"Everyone, these are Bursting Gu devils! Don't let them get under your skin or else you'll suffer the same fate!"

Everyone scattered to get out of the area, as fast as possible, with terrified looks on their faces.

Some of them tripped and fell into a bog that corroded their skin and bones, while others were taken by by shadowy figures with lightning speed. Some of them exploded on the spot after having failed to guard against the worm and one even died to the vine devil from earlier.

One of the judges outside spoke with an impassive face, "This is the standard experience in dealing with devils. You never know what kind of devil you're dealing with, and even if you do, they're terrifyingly strong enough that it won't matter. The peace that we have is obtained by the strength of our ancestors, and we should never forget this."

"Still, are the contestants this weak?", a voice questioned.

"No.", a judge commented.

"The devils are just this strong.", he continued.

This set the realisation of the grim reality of humans in the spectators watching, and made them feel weak and powerless compared to these fiends.

Just as everyone was feeling down, one of the judges pointed to a man on the screen, who stood in front of a vine devil.

"What's he doing? Does he have no fear?", some of the people watching spoke.

"Is he seeking his own death?"

The judge smiled and said, "Just watch."

The man took out his sword, and looked at the vine devil head on. Having no fear, he got into a sword stance, cool and collected.

The vine devil seemed to be mocking the man as it striked at him, showing no hesitation.

"Heavens! I can't watch this anymore!", a girl spoke as she turned her head away.

The girl wasn't the only person to do so, as some of the weaker hearted people did the same.

"Nirvana Sword Style - Underworld Descends!", the man simply muttered and let out a fluid slash that seemed to summon the power of the realm of dead against the vine devil.

The vine devil looked horrified and shrieked, cancelling it's attacks and trying to escape but to no avail. It corroded on the spot, aging rapidly and leaving no evidence of its being in the end.

It only took one move from the man, to finish off a terrifying devil who reigned terror in everyone.

The judge laughed seeing this and said, "The successor of the Underworld Sect is as terrifying as ever. He's the real devil in my eyes."

"Indeed, Ling Shang seems more powerful everytime he shows himself. He might even have a shot at winning the entire event.", another judge said.

People having heard this, understood.

"Ah, the Underworld Sect. It's one of the supreme sects in the continent. It's successor is Ling Shang, who is on the screen.", Bu Fang said to Xu Ming.

The judge from earlier spoke, "As I've said, our ancestors gave us the opportunity to have peace. It is won by strength alone, and although on average, we are indeed weaker than the devils by a long margin, you can never underestimate the tenacity of the human race!"

Speaking passionately, he said, "Look, aren't the mighty devils hesitating to make move against the human who stands alone in the field of devils? That's what strength is."

Hearing this, the people who were spectating were inspired and motivated to work harder on their cultivation.

Mei Ji smiled sweetly and said, "That judge is so good at brainwashing everyone. But his words aren't false at all."

Xu Ming nodded along and agreed with her.

Just as all the spectators were clamoring and discussing the tournament, Xu Ming took the last bite of his food and signalled to everyone, "Well, I'm off. I have to go and maintain Elder Qin's abode. I'll see you guys later."

Bu Fang was about to say something when Mei Ji stopped him and said, "You know how Xu Ming is. You can't stop him from doing his work. Come back quick, Xu Ming."

Xu Ming merely smiled and nodded as he made his way to the outside of the bar, looking at the golden list rankings. After staring for a minute, he looked at the snow falling from above and sighed to himself.

Although he wished he could be a generational talent and dazzle the world with his skills, it was truly not in him to perform these acts. He did not even know if his revenge could be carried out by the time he had half a foot in his death bed.

Despite his rationale, Xu Ming was indeed just a human. He did feel jealousy towards these geniuses, longing and wished to be so capable that he could do as he wished. But his talents were apparent.

Instead of gawking at other people showing their powers, the only thing he could do to help himself was to steel his mind on what he was supposed to do. He remembered the poem that hung on Peak Leader Kai's wall that read, "The feeble-minded make excuses, the able-minded make it happen."

Well, it was Peak Leader Kai after all, so of course he would have these types of poems. But the message still made itself clear to Xu Ming.

Xu Ming first did his routine checks around the abode, clearing up the snow that piled somewhat high.

At this point, the weather was starting to overpower the weak basic heat array set up by the sect's array master. It could not produce enough heat to melt the snow on the peripherals of the array, and thus was rendered somewhat useless. Xu Ming did not have any need to replace the array, however, as he would just clean up the abode daily.

Xu Ming, paying attention to every detail, cleaned up the main alchemy hall, and even cleaned the alchemical hands. He replaced the oil in the engines, and removed the grease. Finally, after all was done, it looked spectacular.

"You haven't been slacking off, Xu Ming.", a voice came from behind him.

Shocked, he turned around and saw a familiar figure show itself with a smile on his face.

It was the silver fox himself, Elder Qin.

Just as Xu Ming was about to bow, Elder Qin stopped him with a smile and said, "That's not necessary, Xu Ming. I'm back, but I'm afraid I must leave quite immediately."

Xu Ming, with a confused look on his face, asked, "But why? Didn't you just come back, Elder Qin?"

Elder Qin chose not to reply and looked away with a smile still on his face, and said, "I will be gone for a long time, and you might not ever see me again, Xu Ming."

"I only have three attachments left in this place. One is this abode, which I've lived in for so long. Another is Siwi, whom I've created and raised like my own child. The last is you, my disciple, Xu Ming."

"I came back this time to see if you can handle the world on your own, and take care of this place. Gratefully, it seems like you have the ability. And more thankfully, you have not lost the passion and dedication for both alchemy and cultivation, even after so long. I am indeed, very grateful."

Xu Ming wanted to say something, but choked on his words as they were about to leave his throat. He could not muster any words to say.

"Well, please take care of my legacy at this small sect, Xu Ming. Please take care of my family's proud inventions, my dear Siwi, and take care of yourself. You may inherit everything I have. May we meet another time, if fortune favors."

Saying this, Elder Qin had already vanished, his words lingering in the air.

Xu Ming still could not say anything, but after a second, mustered the words, "Goodbye, Elder Qin."

He finally bowed, and left the abode with complex feelings in his mind.

He was making his way back to the bar, when suddenly, the Sect Leader's assistant appeared in front of Xu Ming.

Xu Ming cupped his fists at Elder Keqing, and asked, "Is there any instructions for me, Elder?"

Elder Keqing looked at Xu Ming with some complex emotions and said, "You might not address me that anymore after today."

Xu Ming was puzzled but let the Elder continue.

Elder Keqing said, "Sect Leader Kun summons you. Please come with me."

Elder Keqing took up Xu Ming on her pet crane and took him to the Sect's great hall, where the Sect Leader was peacefully drinking a glass of spirit tea.

The Sect Leader said, "Disciple Xu Ming, when you were recruited all those years ago at the behest of the Tianming City Lord, I did not expect you to have improvements as great as you have achieved. It was not mere luck, but your own hard work that led you here."

The Sect Leader, having said this, gazed at Xu Ming with an appreciative gaze and said, "While the world clamours over some illusory competition, you still remain true to your heart and do your work without being disturbed. I appreciate this."

The Sect Leader spoke, "You must be wondering why I've summoned you? Surely it isn't just to praise you?"

Laughing to himself, he finally got to the point.

"Disciple Xu Ming, I met Elder Qin before this, and he told me that he's leaving for a journey far away. Before that, he gave me some dear benefits that I could not ignore, and asked me for only one thing in return."

"Disciple Xu Ming, are you willing to be called Elder Xu Ming?"