Chapter 25 Final Warning

"So, does this mean that David has a right to be angry?" Zoey asks an hour later as Liah ends the call. Liah jumps and turns to her sister. "Why aren't you sleeping?" She demands. "Too busy listening to your very long conversation. You two sure do have a lot to talk about." Zoey said sitting up in her bed.

"I heard how upset David was about your actions today, so don't you think it's unfair to David for you to be having such a long conversation with this man? And considering how upset David was, how can you honestly say that you don't regret your actions?" Zoey asks angrily.

"Why are you asking all these questions? You're a child Zoey, stay out of adult situations." Liah said turning her back to her sister. "I'm fifteen Liah, I'm not stupid! What you're doing is wrong!" Zoey shouts. "Don't talk about things you don't understand!" Liah shouts as she gets up and marches from the room slamming the door shut behind her.

The following morning Liah was in the process of getting dressed for work when her mother came and stood at the door. "Is there something going on between you and that man?" she asks in concern.

"No, why do you ask?" "well I couldn't help but overhear you and Zoey's shouting match last night and this morning Zoey said…." "Zoey is a child mama. Why are you listening to the ramblings of a child?" Liah shouts defensively cutting her mother's sentence short.

"Your defensive attitude is making me think that Zoey may have a point. You've known David for years and you've said over a thousand times that he's the man you're going to marry and you've only known this man for what? All of five minutes.

He's a total stranger Liah and we just don't want you to do something you'll regret and as gorgeous as you say this man is that doesn't necessarily mean he's a good person. Now on the other hand, don't forget that you're a Christian and you should be setting an example for your younger sister.

Be careful what you talk about with this man, and pay close attention to the amount of time you spend on the phone with him." Her mother said before walking away from the door.

Now that she would have to disagree with. She thought with a snort as she rolled her eyes. Not only was Michael a good person in her eyes, but he was also honorable and straightforward. The man told Razor to his face that he didn't like him, not many men had the balls to do that. She thought with a giggle.

And yes, she knew she had only known him for a short time but right now all she could think about was the fact that he now had a phone and she could call him whenever she wanted and that knowledge had put a permanent smile on her face that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to wipe off.


"I saved this motherfucker's life, me, if it wasn't for me he wouldn't be breathing right now and he dares to pull a knife on me? It's like he's begging me to kill him and if I do that, then I won't get my fucking reward money!" Razor growls as he paces his office floor.

"But nah man, this pussy pulled a knife on me, does he have any idea who the fuck I am, I'll cut his fucking head off, put it in a box, and hand it to his fucking people when they get here!" Razor barks. "Fuck, but that means I won't get my fucking money. Nobody comes between me and my money, nobody!" Razor barks angrily

"But on the other hand, no one pulls a gun on me and lives either," Razor said pulling his gun from his waist. "Fuck the money, I'm gonna kill this bitch." Razor growls, turning towards the door, but Blade steps before him, blocking his path.

"Boss, before you go on a killing spree, please hear me out." He said softly. "Has anyone ever told you, you chat too much?" Razor growls in a cold tone. "Get the fuck out of my way before I put a bullet in your head." Pushing Blade aside he marched towards the door.

"With all due respect boss, all I'm saying is that I really don't think he acts like this to disrespect you." Blade said loud enough to get Razor's attention, which he did because Razor stopped at the door and turned to face him. Blade took a deep breath before he continued.

"From what I've seen so far, being attacked unlocks something in him. I don't know, call it a primary need to survive. We saw it with the dogs, the men in the outside building, the two idiots I set up to attack him, and now last night when you tried to hit him, again, might I add." Blade said in a nervous tone.

"You of all people know how hard I had to work for the respect I now have, even the leader of the other side fears me and this fucking little punk thinks that he can come in here and acts and speak as he feels, well he's dead wrong about that," Razor said turning towards the door again.

"He may not fear you but he does respect you." Blade said. "Yeah, how do you figure that?" Razor asks cranking the back of the gun which makes Blade swallow hard.

"Well, when I told him that he can't bite the hand that feeds him, what did he do?" Blade asks, then answer his question. "He immediately lowers his knife, steps back from you and bow to you. Now that to me shows respect." Blade said, then swallow again as Razor turns his full attention on him.

"You can't have respect without fear. That fuck puts a knife at my fucking throat and you think he respect me?" Razor asks in a deadly tone. "Now that's the thing, in that very moment it's as if he didn't see you as the boss, he saw you as a threat. It's as if he didn't even realize who's throat the knife was at, his only mission was to eliminate the threat, which at that moment was, you." Blade said nervously.

"Bullshit! He knew exactly what he was doing! And now he'll pay, dearly." Razor sneers coldly. "Then punish him but don't kill him." "Wait, you and this fucker are already so tight that you're begging for his life now?" Razor asks pointing the gun at Blade's head. "No…No boss, I'm not begging for his life because we're friends but because I've come to realize that this man is a weapon boss. Someone has trained and programmed him to be a weapon."

"All the more reason for me to kill this fucker!" Razor growls. "But boss, he's a weapon we could use to take down the other side, once and for all." "If he doesn't take us out first, you mean?"

"Well seeing as though he took on what? Four or five men to save one of our own, I really don't think he will. Which by the way means I won't be tied outside for three days without food, right?" Blade asks scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"I wouldn't celebrate just yet." Razor said coldly, the gun still pointing at Blade's head. "We can use him boss, and if he gets too much to handle, then we'll kill him. Besides why put a bullet in his head when it would be so much more fun using the virgin to break him?" Blade ads.

"Good point, ugh, fine, I won't kill him, yet." Razor said lowering the gun. "But I'm really starting to regret saving this asshole." Razor grumbles. "Thanks boss." "Oh, don't thank me yet. Get that punk and take him to the slaughter room, now." Razor orders.

"Boss?" "Now, Blade!" "Yes boss." Blade said running from the office.

A few minutes later Michael enters the slaughter room with Blade behind him and they both had a confused look on their faces as they notice a young man tied to a chair in the centre of the room.

"Boss?" Blade began but clamp his mouth shut as Razor shot him a deadly glare. "Leave, now." Razor said to Blade who hurriedly backs out of the room. Razor walks over and slam the door shut.

"This young man's name is Deon. Deon has recently graduate from high school with eleven distinctions and is currently looking forward to attending university. He has a very bright future ahead of him. Do you know why he's here?" Razor asks in a cold tone.

Michael look at the young man but said nothing. "Do you know why he's here?!" Razor shouts. "No." Michael said meeting Razor's glare. "He's here because you had the audacity to pull a knife on me!" Razor said angrily. "Do you respect me asshole?" Razor asks menacingly.

"As the leader of these men and this community, yes." Michael replied. "Then start fucking acting like it!" Razor growls shooting the young man in his leg. Michael's eyes widen as the man screams in pain. "What are you doing?" Michael asks in disbelief.

"What am I doing? No asshole, it's what you did. You, what? You think that you can just disrespect me and there wouldn't be consequences?" "I'm the one that disrespect you, why is he been punished?" Michael asks angrily.

"Well, putting a bullet in your head would mess with my reward money and I can't have that, now can I? So, here is the reality of the situation. Every time you disrespect me someone will die, starting with this chap, right here. So remember that the next time you feel jumpy." Razor said.

"Fuck with me again and the next person sitting in this chair will be Liah! This is your final fucking warning, do we understand each other?" Razor asks. "Yes." "Yes what?" Razor demand. "Yes, boss." Michael said meeting Razor's glare. "Good, now get the fuck out of my sight!" Razor said pointing the gun at the man's head.

"Don't." Michael said walking towards Razor. "That's what you should have told yourself before you pulled that knife on me! Now, take one more step and Liah will die within the next ten seconds, his blood is already on your hands, do you want hers on there too?" Razor asks in a deadly tone.

Michael's steps halt and his dark eyes meet and held Razor's deadly ones. "Wise choice, now turn around and get the fuck out of my sight." Razor orders.

Michael knew that if he did what his mind was telling him to then Liah would die but he also knew that if he left this room then this man would die. There was no way to save them both, this made his hate for Razor a hundred time stronger than it was before.

"Oh fuck it." Razor snaps shooting the whimpering man in his shoulder. "Are you seriously going to make me torture this poor sucker before I kill him?" Razor asks.

Michael slowly lower his eyes to the man. "Please forgive me." He said before turning and walking from the room.

Thank you all for reading

Words of encouragement

Rise above the storm and you'll find the sunshine

Riddle from the last cha

If two's a company and three a crowd

What is four and five?

Jeezs stop over thinking it

Four and five is nine

Ha, I bet you really hate me now don't you?

Just kidding, I know you loooove me

Any way here's another,

What do you get if you cross an

Elephant and a skunk?

Good luck my lovelies