Chapter 36 Let's Play

"So, not only have those fuckers killed four people from our community in the last two hours, now they also have their hands on Michael? Fuck, this isn't good Boss." Blade said with a heavy sigh. "Didn't you tell him not to leave this house again without your permission?" Blade asks angrily. "He did get my permission." Razor states in a cold tone.

"Oh...he did?....okay.....but he left his knives and guns behind, which means he only has his, we go after him or what? I mean... I know he can hold his own, but he's in their base..." "I know." Razor snaps cutting him off. "I already have a few men on it alright. I didn't invest all that money in him to sit back and let them have him." Razor growls.

"On the other hand, I don't think they want to hurt him." Blade points out. "I don't consider that good news man, because in case you've forgotten, they're after him for the same reason we wanted him on our side, to take them down. What if they convince him to take us out instead? You know how devious those fuckers are and how dangerous he is." Razor growls.

"I understand your concern Boss but I really don't think they will be able to turn him against us," Blade said with confidence. "Why? Because he likes us so much?" Razor asks in a sarcastic tone. "Are you forgetting that this man held a knife to my throat not so long ago?" Razor asks narrowing his eyes at Blade.

"You may be buddy-buddy with this fucker but I'm not in the habit of trusting people that is capable of taking us all out anytime they chose and like it or not, that fucker is capable of doing just that. If I knew he would turn out to be such a liability I never would've saved him." Razor growls.

"Those assholes have our weapon in their hands and I know for a fact that they're going to do whatever they have to, to turn him against us, so I'm not taking any chances. Our next move depends on what he does when he gets here. No matter what the case may be, I know he'll be coming through that door, sooner or later." Razor said taking out his phone and dialing a number.

"Where is she?" He barks into the phone. "Good, put her into his room and wait for further instructions." Razor orders. He then walks over to a cabinet, grabs a high-power weapon from the shelf, loads a magazine into it, and cranks the weapon. "Alright mother fucker let's play." He sneers.

"By she, I assume you mean the virgin?" Blade asks. "Fucking straight I do. That punk so much as make one wrong move and I'll put a bullet in her head in front of him before putting one in his." Razor growls. "Won't that mean losing all the money you've invested?" "Well right now it's either the money or my life and I chose my life," Razor said coldly.

Liah let out a frustrated sigh as one of Razor's goons pushed her into the room and closed the door behind her. Great, she was here again. One minute she was in her kitchen washing dishes and the next she was being dragged from her house by three men. Shoved in a car and brought here. At first, she thought Michael might have been hurt which made her anxious to get here but on arriving here she saw no sign of Him, hurt or otherwise, just an empty room.

But wait, this wasn't just any room, this was the room she shared with Michael for over two months. The room that he still occupies. Was he the one who had asked them to bring her here? But if so, then where was he? Maybe he was on his way.

Maybe he wanted to be with her as badly as she wanted to be with him without any interruptions. Hmm, the things she wanted to do to him that night, things she still wants to do to him. So where the hell was he? More importantly, did she really want to lose her virginity in Razor's house?

Ugh, that thought did disgust her but then again on the other hand her house wasn't private enough with her nosy sister and mother. So this will have to do. She thought running her fingers over his bed sheet.

She noticed a nicely folded shirt on his bed, took it up, and smelled it. Ugh clean. She thought. She wanted one he had already worn, one with his smell. So thinking she would find one in the bathroom, she went in there but there were no dirty clothes in his basket. What? Did they wash his clothes as soon as he dropped them off? She wonders with a snort.

She then noticed his BIJOUX perfume and body spray on the counter so she took up the body spray, opened it, and smelled it. "Hmm." She moans. She loves the smell of him so much. She thought inhaling his perfume again with another moan. She then sprayed some on her hands and neck which made her feel highly sexually aroused.

Funny how she had never felt this way about David's perfume. Yes, he had a distinct body spray and yes it did smell very good but it never really did anything for her or make her feel anything special, did it? Ugh, maybe it did because a few months ago David was the center of her world and now he wasn't, now Michael or should she say Moses was all she could think about.

So what exactly changed? Why had her feelings for Moses surpassed what she had felt for David? Only time will tell. She thought with a sigh. On the other hand, she knew it wasn't a good idea but she couldn't help feeling that she had fallen for Moses.

She walks back into the bedroom and sits on his bed and a smile spreads across her face as she notices his pillow. "They can't wash this." She said softly to herself as she wrapped her fingers around it, brought it to her nose, and inhaled deeply. Ah, there it was, the sweet wonderful smell of him.

"Where is he now?" Razor demands into the phone. He listens for a few seconds before responding. "He did? And he's alone? Alright check out the area and tell the others to be ready for anything." Razor said and ended the call. "And now?" Blade asks nervously. "He shot the guards at their gate and is now on his way here, on a bike and girls are running from the base," Razor said coldly.

"Wait, a bike? Since when can he ride a bike? Blade asks in disbelief. "There seem to be a lot we don't know about this man. Another thing we don't know is what he intends to do when he gets here." Razor growls. "Well, he shot their guards and freed their hostages so, I would think that says it all." Blade said. "Or it could be a trick so we would let our guard down, either way, we're about to find out," Razor said his grip tightening around the gun.


Michael steps from his bathroom wearing only his boxers, he walks over to the full-length mirror and stands before it staring at his reflection. Who was this man staring back at him? Better question, what was he? Was he even human? How was he able to dodge so many bullets? Bend his body like that? Move at that speed? Handle deadly weapons with such ease? He closed his eyes, took a deep breath then opened them slowly.

Looking at his reflection no one would be able to tell that he was just in a deadly gun battle. He had no cuts, no bruises no injuries at all. The only evidence of him being in a battle was the blood on his clothes and if it was such a deadly battle, why was there a smirk on his face most of the time? A smirk? Seriously? As if he didn't take the deadly gun battle raging around him seriously.

From the moment he told the leader of the other side that he wasn't interested in his offer, all hell broke loose. The leader pulled his gun from his waist but before he could fire, Michael grabbed the man standing closest to him and shoved him in front of him, using the man as a human shield to block the bullets from the leader's gun.

Within seconds he had grabbed the man's weapon from his waist and returned the fire. With one hand he shoved the man in whatever direction the bullets were coming from and by the time the gun he was holding ran out of bullets every one in the room except him was on the floor. He knew his human shield took the bullets that were meant for him but he still couldn't understand how he wasn't shot.

Pushing his now-dead human shield to one side he walked over to the desk and took up his whip. There was a smirk on his face as he glanced at the men on the floor. The leader was still moving but the other men weren't. He walked over to the leader and was about to check how many times he was shot but three men came bursting through the door and faster than his brain could comprehend he grabbed the leader's weapon and began firing.

Within seconds those men were on the ground too but if he thought things were as intense as they could get in that office, then he was wrong because it got super intense once he was out of it. Bullets were coming at him from all angles. He ducked back into the office and got as many guns as he could carry from the men on the floor. He put the guns all over his body before shooting his way out of the office.

He ducked behind a huge column as two of the men turned their high-powered weapon on him and again there was a smirk on his face as he cranked the weapon that was in his hand. He waited until their fire had ceased before turning his weapon in their direction.

Then holding the weapons sideways he walked through the house like King Kong on steroids. He knew who King Kong was now because Jermaine introduced him to the movie a few nights ago. Yes, bullets were still flying in his direction and how he had managed to dodge them all was still beyond his comprehension.

He was almost to the exit when he saw a young girl about the age of the one that was in his room hiding in a corner. He grabbed her and was about to head to the exit again when she told him there were more girls there and begged him to help them. So instead of heading towards the exit and leaving the rest for the cops to handle like a normal person, he moved in the direction where she said the others were.

On arriving there he saw at least eight young girls with handcuffs on their hands and chains on their feet. He then remembered passing a wounded man with a bunch of keys on the floor outside so he told the girl to stay in the room while he got them. Was there still bullets flying at him? Hell yes and he wasted no time in returning them while grabbing the bunch of keys and the man's weapons from the man's waist.

He then open the door just a crack and toss the keys to the girl, telling her to unlock the others and what was he doing? Well he was busy taking down anyone that got within twenty feet of that door. When the girl had freed the others he toss her a phone that he had taken from one of the wounded men and told her that as soon as they were out of the room they should head towards the exit as fast as they could and call the cops.

He then made it his duty to take down anyone that tried to stop them. Surprisingly to him all the men had ran into the house, so no one was guarding out side. He told the girls to hide until the cops arrived, he then noticed a bike parked in the yard, so he ran over to it and again a smirk crease the corner of his mouth when he noticed that the keys were there.

So mounting the bike he speed down the drive way and just as he had suspected they would, the guards at the gate began shooting at him and he again return the fire taking them both down. He then sped through the gate and down the road and now he knew why they hadn't blindfold him.

If he had accept their offer, then he would be one of them and if he refused, then he was never supposed to leave that house alive.

Thank you all for reading

words of encouragement

God knows what you're going through and he will work it out, be patient and trust him.

Riddle from last ch. What has more feet in winter than in summer?

Ans: an out door skating rink. You can't skate out door in summer now can you? ha. Funny.

Here's another. What do you get when you cross a banker and a goldfish? Good luck guys.