Chapter 38 Assassin on Steriods

"Just fucking great," Razor swears under his breath. "As if he wasn't already a giant pain in my ass," Razor said observing Michael's movements. "How the hell is he moving so fast?" Blade wondered aloud. Michael swings the whip around his naked torso. The speed at which he swung the whip made it impossible to focus on the blade at the end.

All they saw was the glint of the blade under the outside light as he walked forward then backward, he then bent backward, did a front kick then spun in mid-air, and followed with a high back kick all while still spinning the whip around his body.

"Holy fuck, dude is like the Ninja Assassin on steroids," Blade said in awe. Michael then stops the blade by holding the whip above the blade handle and stretching it. He then walks over and taking up the sword pulls it from its sheath. A smile creases the corner of his mouth as the light glints on the blade.

He spins his body in a circular motion while swinging the sword in different directions. "He's trained to use guns, knives, whips with knives, and now a fucking sword? Are you fucking kidding me? Where the fuck did the other side even get a sword? And of all the weapons in that house, that is what he took?" Razor asks in disbelief, his eyes still glued on Michael's movements.

"You were right boss, this man is more dangerous than I originally thought. Everything he did over the other side tonight was to defend his self, the only weapon he left here with was his whip which I know he didn't enter that house with." "Nah, they would've disarmed him of all weapons from outside," Razor said.

"So not only did he take his whip back from them but he also used their weapons against them." Blade states. Razor snorts as his grip on the window ledge tightens. "I've been the leader of this gang for years, I'm also the most vicious, cold-blooded asshole in these parts and I've to admit that not even I could take on this fucker." Razor admits as he watches Michael's precise movements.

"Boss, I don't think there's anyone on this island that can match this man's fighting skills and the fact that that sword was the only thing he took from the other side's house says a lot. The man is obsessed with sharp objects. He's very good with a gun but he's more drawn to things with sharp edges." Blade laughs.

"But Boss, you've to admit, he been kidnapped by the other side like this worked out perfectly for us. It would've been much more difficult for us if we had tried sending him over there to take them out because he doesn't attack unless he's provoked." Blade said with an evil smirk.

"I don't give a fuck how or why he did what he did, I'm just glad those fuckers are out of my hair for a while." Razor snaps. "Come on Boss, even you have to admit that it's pretty awesome having a man like him on our side. Imagine if it was the other side that found him first, just like they did tonight, they would waste no time using him as a weapon against us and it would be you nursing gunshot wounds in the hospital under police guard right now." Blade points out.

"Yeah, it's all fun and games until he decides to take us out next." Razor snaps before walking away from the window.

"Damn, you are one amazing human being," Jermaine said walking towards Michael as he cease his movements to take a few deep breaths. "All of that came back to you just now?" Jermaine asks handing Michael a water coconut with a straw. "No, it came back to me while I was in that house," Michael said sipping his water. "Thank you, I like these."

"I know," Jermaine laughed. "So, all that came back to you while you were over the other side?" Jermaine asks with disbelief. "Yes, once I realized their intentions my body sprung into action and I followed," Michael said looking down at his chest and hands. "Christ, there are no words to describe what an amazing fighter you are. I mean, when you walk in the house earlier with your long coat and that sword in your hand, you look like the Highlander, you know, off with his head, there can be only one!" Jermaine imitates the movie with a laugh.

"Speaking of which, I have an idea, I'll be right back," Jermaine said and turned to leave but then stopped and turned back to Michael. "Hey, what's up with those gloves? I don't think I've ever seen those before, did you take them from the Other side along with the sword?" Michael looks down at the gloves on his hands. He had put on a pair in case Liah's erotic foreplay brought him to his knees again. That seems like so long ago. He thought with a sigh but to Jermaine he said. "The ones I had on earlier had blood on them, on arriving back here the Tyrant took them from me and gave me these."

"You're still calling him that?" "The name fits him perfectly," Michael states. "You're fearless, but you know the most amazing thing about what happened tonight? You tore through the other side's base without leaving a trace because you were wearing gloves, like I said before bad-ass." Jermaine said biting his lips. "You, standing under this light with sweat glistening off your well-chiseled physic, holding that sword, hmm, there's only one word that comes to my mind when I look at you and that is....Wow!" Jermaine turned slowly with a broad smile on his face and ran towards the house.

A few minutes later he came back out carrying three knives. "Do you think you can juggle these?" He asks. "And why exactly would I want to do that?" Michael asks, his head leaning to one side. "Oh, no reason, I just wanted to see if you could, but before we get to that tell me, back in your room earlier you were displaying an emotion because you couldn't understand how you could do all you did but couldn't remember your name, so what was that emotion? Despair? Sadness maybe?..."

"Confusion," Michael said cutting his sentence short. "Okay then, so tell me, how did you feel while you were fighting those assholes that dare to threaten the woman you like? Fearful, angry? Or maybe you were worried that you might not make it out alive?" Jermaine asks.

Michael snorts as he begins twirling the sword around his body. The movements of his hands looked quite deadly so Jermaine took a few steps back. "Fear is one emotion I've yet to experience on this Island, back in that house I didn't feel fearful, angry, or anxious. I felt calm, focused, and highly alert. Those men were trying to take my life and I wasn't going to allow that. There was a lot of cursing going on, every other word from their lips ended with the word cloth....." "Not cloth, claat." Jermaine correct him. "Yes, that, I also discovered that the more they curse, the more it pinpoints to me exactly where they were and I hit my target every time," Michael said as he continued twirling the sword around his body.

"So what you're trying to tell me is that you were in a gun battle, bullets were flying at you left, right, and center, and you were calm?" Jermaine asks in disbelief. "Yes, I was, or maybe calm isn't the word, I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins but I was also focused." "Fucking hell, just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any stranger than you already are." Jermaine snorts.

"Anyway, let's see how good you are with these," Jermaine said shoving the knives at Michael. Michael's eyes met his for a few seconds before he took the knives from him. "Here goes nothing," Michael said leaning the sword against the wall and walking back to the center of the yard.

Michael took a deep breath before throwing the knives up in the air and as they came back down he spun and caught them by their handle and threw them back up again. In a matter of minutes, he was doing quite well juggling the knives. Throwing them up flipping through the air, spinning, and catching them again and again.

He then throws all three of them in the air, jumps, spins, and kicks them one after the other which sends them sailing in Jermaine's direction. Jermaine saw the knives sailing toward him and froze in shock, he closed his eyes and waited for them to pierce his chest, neck, or throat. He felt the breeze from two of the knives as they sailed pass him on both sides of his neck, the third one he felt nicked his upper arm.

"Oh shit." Michael swears as he ran over to Jermaine. "Why did you move from where you were standing? Are you alright? Did they cut you?" Michael asks in concern but Jermaine was as silent as a tomb. "Jermaine, are you alright? Please say something." Michael demand.

Jermaine swallowed the lump that was in his throat as his eyes met Michael's. "Remind me never to piss you off." Jermaine says in a soft shaky tone as he glance at the blood running down his arm. "You are bleeding..." "It's okay, it just barely nicked me," Jermaine says hastily "I apologize, I really didn't mean to do that." Michael said with sincerity. "I know, but it's the fact that you can that worries me." Jermaine says as he turns and walk away from Michael.

Blade who had seen everything from where he was still standing also swallowed the lump that was in his throat as he grabs his phone from his pocket and dial a number. "Hey, it's me, listen, I don't give a fuck what you need to do or how many favours you need to call in. I need to know who this man is and I need to know now, get that? Good, the boss is getting impatient and so am I, and I don't need to remind you what will happen when our patience runs out." Blade said coldly into the phone.


What the hell was that about? Liah wondered in frustration as she pace back and forth in Anthony's room with her phone in her hand. At one point she was washing dishes and the next she was been yanked from her home by Razor's men, almost giving her mother and sister a freaking heart attack. She was then shoved into a car, taken to razor's house, shoved into Michael's room and left there.

For over an hour she was in Michael's room and nothing, she saw no one, not Michael or even Razor. Then after what seem like an eternity of wishing that Michael would walk through that door so she could throw herself in his arms, and do unspeakable sexual things to that sinfully sexy body of his.

She was dragged from his room by the same men that shoved her in there, dragged back to their car, shoved in again where they took her back to her gate, shove her out and drove off. "What- the-hell?" She swears as she once again dial Michael's number and for the thirteenth time got his voice mail. "Where the hell was he?" She wondered.

"Ugh." She groans and resume pacing. On arriving back home, her extremely worried mother, sister and David whom her mother had called because she was so worried badger her with questions for about thirty minutes. Questions like, what was that all about? She had no idea. Did they hurt her? No. What did they say to her? Absolutely nothing, there was zero communication. Did it have anything to do with the white man? Again she had no idea because she didn't see him.

What happened while she was in Razor's house? Apart from being shoved around, nothing else and if something else did happen she didn't know about it, oh and the look of disbelief on David's face didn't surprise her one bit but at that time and even at the present moment she really couldn't care less.

Her main focus for the past five hours and presently was on one person and one person only, Moses.

Thank you all for reading

verse for thought

By this shall all men know that you're my disciples, if you have love one to another (John 13 vs 35).

riddle from the last ch: what do you give a sea sick elephant?

Ans: Lots of room.

A sea sick elephant? Man you better run. ha. Good now that you have escaped the wrath of the seasick elephant, solve this one.

What do you call a frightened flower arranger? Good luck guys.