Chapter 42 Leverage

Liah had just stepped from the bathroom when there was a knock on her front door. "Seriously?" she growled, marching towards it. Whoever it was, she intended to get rid of them quickly. Maybe it was just a neighbour dropping something off for her mother. She yanked the door open, and her eyes narrowed when David brushed past her into the house.

"What are you doing here?" she asks through clenched teeth. After what happened last night, I just wanted to make sure you were alright, "he says, looking around. We're fine, everything is fine, you can go on to work, " she says, holding the door open. Aren't you going to work?" he asks. Maybe I should drive you there, " he says with concern.

"That won't be necessary. Besides, I need to stop at the supermarket before going to work, and I'm already late, so..." she says, opening the door wider. Where's your mother?" he asks, making no attempt to leave. "She went into town, and as you can see, Zoey just left, and now you need to leave so I can get ready, " she says, sighing impatiently.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to be in this house alone, I'll wait until you're ready and....." "No," She shouts shaking her head. "I mean, that won't be necessary, go ahead, I'll be fine." She says trying to control her growing annoyance.

"Liah, I know you're still angry at me but I was only trying to look out for you and your family and yes, that man did eliminate a great threat to this community but what he did, killing those men, I mean, that was murder Liah, pure and simple, which is a sin in the eyes of God and we as children of God simply cannot condone that kind of behaviour." He states.

"What he did was called self-defence, pure and simple." She snaps. "And you're still defending him? Can't say I'm surprised." David sighs in frustration. "Alright, look, I really don't have the time for all this right now. I've things I need to do and..."

"Liah?" Michael's voice cuts her sentence short and she spins around to face him. "My apologies, never mind." He said turning in the direction of the kitchen.

For a few seconds David was speechless but then finding his voice again growls out in a hostile tone. "What-the-hell-is-that-murderer-doing-in-this-house?" Liah groans in frustrated annoyance before answering. "Keep your voice down." She sneers her annoyance now at peak level.

"This's Razor's decision and it's only for a few days." She explains. "A fe-A few days? Are you freaking kidding me right now? Oh, so that's why you've been so eager for me to leave? Because he's here? There's a murderer in your house and you're trying to get rid of the one person that could actually save you from him?" David growls.

Liah snorts before answering. "Seeing as though he single-handedly took out the other side, you couldn't save me from him even if you tried, and I've been trying to get rid of you because no one is supposed to know that he's here and the fact that you now know, has put you and your family in great danger." She points out.

"Razor or no Razor, There's no way that monster is staying in this house. I can't believe your mother would condone something like this." David sneers marching towards the kitchen.

"You! I don't give a shit whose idea it was to send you here but there's no way you're staying in this house!" David growls walking closer to Michael who places the water bottle he was holding on the counter, places both his hands behind him and stands his ground meeting David's hostile glare head-on.

"David!" Liah begins but David cuts her off before she can continue. "Stay out of this Liah." He orders coldly, his glare never leaving Michael's. Michael slowly leans his head to one side and bites his lips to suppress a smirk.

"You think this is funny? Murderer, I'll show you funny. You have one minute to get your things and get the hell out of this house." David orders stepping closer to Michael. Michael snorts and takes a step back from him.

"And who the fuck died and made you man of this house?" A cold voice demands from behind them. They all turned and saw Anthony standing there his arms folded across his chest. "Come on man, even you have to admit that this is a very very bad idea," David says and it didn't escape Michael's attention that David's hostility that was at a raging hundred per cent a moment ago had plummeted to about forty per cent since Anthony made his presence known.

"True, this is fucked up. My boss is a fucked up person and this is a fucked up situation, in which you have absolutely no say, so unless you want me to banish you from this house completely, I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself, now, leave." Anthony growls.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," David said storming towards the door but Anthony's cold tone stopped him before he could step through it. "And David, if you want to keep your tongue in your head, keep your mouth shut about this man been in this house, got that?" He asks in a sinister tone. "Got it," David growls before storming away.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Anthony asks Liah, who is still glaring at David's retreating back. 'Yes, in his arms, but that isn't going to happen now, is it?" Her inner voice asks. So with a heavy sigh, she nods and walks away.

"And why the hell didn't you knock that fucker out just now?" Anthony snaps at Michael. "It crossed my mind, but he's important to Liah," Michael said. "Oh please, he lost his significance the moment she set her sights on you," Anthony said walking towards the stove.

"And the fact that she sets her sights on me angers you, doesn't it?" Michael asks. "And why the fuck would that anger me?" Anthony asks heaping some of the food on a plate. "Are you saying it doesn't?" "Not in the least." He snorts. "Then why did you attack me, twice? Once in the outside building and the other along with those men in the yard?" Michael asks taking up the bottle of water he had placed on the counter before.

Ugh, first of all, as a seasoned member of this gang, it is my sworn duty to kick the new recruit's ass. A K A, you, and secondly, do I look stupid enough to disobey a direct order from the boss? Man please, both those times had nothing to do with my sister setting her sights on you," Anthony said putting a large glass of juice beside the plate of food and pulling a chair up to the counter.

"So does that mean you weren't the one that started that rumour that your sister and I were intimate?" Michael asks. "Oh, that? Well, all I said was that there is a possibility that the both of you might bang. I wasn't really trying to start any rumour, but you know how some people just can't seem to keep their mouths shut?" Anthony said, his mouth full.

"Well, you did and now everyone in Razor's house is under the assumption that we, as you put it, banged and now even David doesn't believe that she is still a virgin," Michael states.

"Which is how it should be, no one can know that she walked out of that house a virgin, the only way to keep her safe is for everyone to believe she was tarnished by Razor and his men," Anthony said in a serious tone.

"Besides, that idiot's loss is your gain, right? Or will she still be a virgin when you leave this house?" He asks with a snort. "Don't, answer that, either way, I may have to put a bullet in your head," Anthony said narrowing his eyes at Michael. "Now tell me, how exactly did you manage to shoot the leader of those assholes five times?" He asks, his mouth full.

"Interesting question, but before I answer that, answer me this. Why was Liah at Razor's house last night?" "Liah? Says who?" Anthony asks, his eyes snapping to Michael's in alarm.

"Zoey did and Liah confirmed it." "Fuck, now all that shit makes sense," Anthony says slamming his fist on the table. "What shit?" Michael asks raising his brow. "My sister setting her sights on you really wasn't smart," Anthony growls.

"Meaning?" "Meaning that she has now become the boss's number one weapon to keep you in line." Anthony snaps. For a few moments, Michael said nothing, then everything clicked in place and his eyes snapped to Anthony's.

"Leverage," Michael states. "Exactly, that was the reason everyone was in attack mode at the house last night. They weren't gearing up for an attack from the other side, they were gearing up for an attack from you, just in case you had decided to accept the other side's offer. She was brought there to stop you in your tracks." Anthony said angrily.

"That man is pure evil." Michael snorts. "He is, Liah had no idea how much danger she was in last night and what's worse, I wouldn't have been able to save her." Anthony sigh heavily. "Fact, if he had hurt one hair on her head, he wouldn't have gotten the privilege of lying in a hospital nursing bullet wounds, he would be lying in a morgue right now." Michael said in a deadly tone.

"And he now knows that's something you're capable of, that's the reason you're here in my house right now instead of where he is." Anthony snorts. "And even though he would never admit it, a part of him does fear you, hell we all fear you at this moment." Anthony laughs. "I know." Michael snorts.

Thank you all for reading

verse for thought

the memory of the just is blessed but the name of the wicked shall rot (Proverbs 10 v7).

Riddle from the last ch: What do you call a man that shave 20 times a day?

Ans: A Barber.

Come on now, you didn't actually thinks he shaves himself 20 times a day, now did you? Ha, you guys are crazy as hell.

Alright let me see the crazy answer you're going to come up with for this one.

Why do fleas never catch cold?