"You sneaky mother-fucker!" Anthony barks, storming towards a startled Michael. "You thought you had gotten away with it, didn't you?" Anthony swung a punch at Michael's face, but Michael dodged it. "What exactly is happening right now?" Michael asks, backing away from Anthony.
"Me a go kill you rass, dat is wat is happening pussy!" "I don't understand." "Maybe a fucking bullet between your rass eyes will mek you understand better. Me can't fucking believe you! Me know it was Razor's idea to send you to my yard, now at first me wasn't too please about dat but after a while me kind a warm up to the idea, especially after you protect my family from those ass-holes dat brok in, but come on man, did you really have to fuck my little sister? What, fucking Liah wasn't enough fi you?" Anthony growls again, storming towards Michael, this time pointing his gun at Michael's head.
"Wha....what?" "You took the opportunity when you did in a me house to fuck both my sisters and now Zoey is pregnant, fi you!" "Are you high on weed or just delusional? What the hell is this you speak of?"
Michael demanded, slapping Anthony's hand that was holding the gun away from his face.
"Even allowing a disgusting thought like that to enter my mind would've been a crime," Michael growls through clenched teeth. "And yet, she is carrying your child!" "Says who?" "She did! Mama senses that something is off with her, so she takes her to the doctor, only to find out she is about two months pregnant. When asked who the father is, she says it was you! Son-of-a-bitch, I trusted you!"
"That's impossible...." "Mother fucker are you calling my baby sister a liar?" Anthony cranks his gun and again points it at Michael's head. "I don't know why, but she is lying, seeing as though Liah is the only person I've had intercourse with since waking up on this Island."
"Who's fucking lying now? Or are you forgetting that you also fucked that girl that you won in the fight, you know, the bitch that belong to you? The bitch you got sucker punch for? Who just happens to be the same age as Zoey."
Michael groans under his breath before replying. "That was different."
"Oh yeah, I bet it was, but you crossed the fucking line when you violate my baby sister." Anthony points the gun at Michael and is about to pull the trigger when Evan runs into the room and between them. "Whoa, Anthony, put the gun down man, what the fuck is going on in here? Why are you two at each other's throats?"
"I'm going to kill this pussy!" "Why?" "He got my baby sister pregnant! she's only fourteen and this fucker got her pregnant!" "Wait, that's what this is about?" "You knew about this?" Anthony growls, pointing the gun at Evan.
"About him sleeping with your little sister? No, but rass, if he deserves to die because he did that, then half of us in this house also deserves to die, or are you forgetting that we have all slept with underage girls?" Evan asks.
"That's my little sister, man!" "Every girl we've ever slept with is someone's sister or daughter, or did you not consider that when you were getting it on? Now get a fucking grip and put the gun down!"
"I trusted him!" "I know! And it's a fucked up situation, so let him take care of your sister and the child but how does it make sense to kill him for something we're all guilty off?" Evan demands.
"I'm not guilty of that," Michael states. "Come on man, we've all been there, you don't need to deny it." One of the men said from across the room. "I'll not admit to something I have not done.'
"You piece of shit!" Anthony shoves Evan aside and points the gun at Michael, but before he can pull the trigger, Michael's finger closes around his wrist like a vice grip pliers, shoving Anthony's hand upwards as the shot goes off in the ceiling.
Pulling back his other hand, Michael released it in Anthony's chest, knocking the gun from his hand and shoving Anthony a few feet from him. Michael then walks towards Anthony, kicking the gun out of his reach. He was reaching for his whip that hardly ever left his waist, but Evan grabs his hand.
"Michael, no, he's just angry, he didn't mean it." "Like hell I didn't." Anthony scrambles to his feet as more men run into the room. Anthony grabs a knife and charges towards Michael. Michael swiftly steps to the side, grabs Anthony's hand holding the knife, and twists it behind Anthony's back, knocking the knife from his hand, then shoving Anthony away from him.
"Anthony, believe me when I say I'm not guilty of this offence." "Liar!" "Quit fucking around man, you know the wrath Razor would bring down on your family if you actually kill Michael?' One of the men asks. "Razor? Man, please, no one even knows where he is. he could be dead for all we know." Anthony sucks his teeth.
"Maybe, but we don't know that for sure." "I don't give a fuck, this piece of shit dies tonight!" Grabbing a gun from one of the men's waist, he came at Michael again. The young man who had punched Michael once ran towards Anthony, kicking the gun from his hand.
"Holy fuck, I can't believe that actually worked." The young man says as astonished with his movement as everyone else in the room. "Looks like Michael's training is paying off." One of the men says, his eyes still wide with amazement.
"Are you all out of your fucking minds? You ass-holes feget sey me a the Boss in ya so, or wat?" "With all due respect, Anthony, I know you're angry, and you want to defend your sister's honour, but killing Michael isn't an option." The young man says in a cold tone, glaring at Anthony.
"You two, keep the Boss here. Evan, take Michael with you." The young man orders. "Come on. You may be one of us, but that doesn't mean we won't try to kill each other from time to time." Evan snorts.
"One of us? He will never be one of us, hear that, ass-hole, never!" Anthony shouts, charging after Michael, but one of the older men steps in front of him.
"You need to calm down and think before you do something you can't take back." "You need to move, I'm your fucking Boss, show some respect!" Anthony barks, trying to side-step the man, but the man snorts and stands his ground.
"As easily as we put you in that position is as easy as we can remove you, don't forget that, now calm the fuck down." The man snaps.
Michael walks towards one of the vehicles, gets in, and is fastening his seat belt when Evan jumps in beside him. "Where are you heading?" "I need to speak with Zoey, I need to know why she is saying these things."
"Going over there might not be such a good idea right now, man." "It matters not, I need to speak with her, now." Flooring the gas pedal, he sped towards Liah's house.
Fifteen minutes later, he came to a screeching halt at her gate, stepped out, and dialed Liah's number. "What?" She asks into the phone. "I'm at your gate, I need to speak to Zoey." Without saying anything, she ends the call. "He was trying to figure out the easiest way to pass the dogs when her front door was flung open, and she stormed out across her yard and towards him.
"Liah...." Before he could say anything else, her palm connected with the side of his face, and he could actually hear his ear ringing. "You have some nerve coming over here." She sneers. "Was I not enough for you? I'm in love with you, I trusted you, defended you. I went above and beyond to please you, Anthony even lied to keep our meetings a secret, when all this time this was just waiting to slap me in the face?
You and my sister, but you know, a part of me had a feeling that something was going on between the two of you. all those times I caught the both of you together, I knew they weren't as innocent as you made them out to be." She glared at him, tears running down her cheeks.
"All the while you were with me, you were also busy seducing my little sister. I guess I should've seen it, but I was blinded by your subtle deceit. I kept telling myself that I was wrong and that you wouldn't cross that line, but cross it you did."
"Liah, you think me capable of this?" He asks in disbelief. "So what are you saying? That she's lying? She told us everything. The first time was when you two were locked in the room together when mama and her church sister were baking.
The second time was before she record that video of you doing your sexy little workout, and the third time was the same day that the gunman came into the hospital, when we got home she was on your back Moses, while you do your push ups, are you saying all that is a lie? My sister is an innocent fourteen-year-old. This is a very serious matter, she would never lie about something like this." She fumes.
"I don't know why she is saying these things, Liah, but she's lying." "How dare you, my sister was innocent in the ways of men before you enter our house.. David was right about you. I never should've trusted you, and the fact that he turned out to be right makes me sick to my stomach." Turning on her heels, she stormed back towards her house. For a few seconds, he was rooted to the spot in utter shock, his mind devoid of all thoughts, but then it hit him: could David be the one behind all this? But before he could say anything, she was already slamming her door shut.
Clutching his chest, he sank to the ground next to her gate. "You alright, man?" Evan asks, running over to him. "I woke up on this Island in dire condition and yet I...didn't experience the pain....I'm now feeling in...my chest." Michael groaned, taking a deep, shuddering breath.
"Yeah, that's called heartbreak, man. it's a pain like no other." Even says, patting his shoulder. "I swear on my life, Evan, I'm not guilty of this." "I believe you, man. You don't seem like the type to do that, and even if you were, I doubt you would choose Liah's little sister. Come on." Evan grabs Michael's arm, pulling him to his feet.
"I'll help you get to the bottom of this, alright." After helping a dazed Michael to the passenger side of the vehicle, Evan got in the driver's side and speed away from the gate.
When the car passed a man on a donkey, Michael realized they weren't heading back to the base. "Where are you going?" He asks. "I'm taking you to my cousin's house, You can spend the night there. I'll go back to the base and try talking some sense into Anthony." Michael nodded but said nothing.
Thank you all for reading
words of encouragement
God didn't bring you this far to leave you.
Riddle from the last chap: Why did the whale cross the ocean?
Ans: To get to the other tide.
Hmm, of course, why didn't I think of that? Okay then, let's move on, try this one.
What kind of criminal doesn't bathe? Good luck.