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Mt. Olympus

One Week Earlier…

Aphrodite didn't know what to expect when the woman called Cythonna first came to her. 

Sure, there was the initial shock that a stranger, an outsider no less, had found a way into the domain of the Greek Gods, high up on Mt. Olympus. But the Goddess of Love and Beauty quickly found herself focusing on other, more alluring things. Things like Cythonna's exotic, otherworldly beauty.

The tall woman first came to Aphrodite in the dead of night, rousing the goddess from her sensual dreams. Aphrodite had been more stunned than frightened, struck silent by Cythonna's exquisite body. 

She stood at the foot of her bed, a vision of bold power and immaculate grace - Aphrodite couldn't stop her eyes from drinking in the firm muscle of the woman's full thighs, her flat stomach, her shoulders and arms. Nor could she ignore the proud curves that joined such boast worthy strength. Long legs rising into wide hips, flat tummy rising into full, gravity-defying breasts. All wrapped in a form-fitting bodice, arm-length gloves and thigh-high boots - all in icy white and dark blue. 

Against Aphrodite's own simple robes of sheer, pink silk, this pale visitor was a most stunning sight. Even her own shapely body, her delicious curves, they seemed to pale in comparison to Cythonna's stunning yet still feminine strength.

That didn't even mention her skin, smooth, flawless, and so eerily white. The same as her hair, long and wild and pale. But Cythonna's most striking features were her eyes, two stunning orbs of pale, electric blue. Aphrodite couldn't look away from them - little did the goddess know, by the time they locked eyes it was already too late.

It was all so innocent at first - as innocent as Aphrodite's dealings could be. Cythonna had offered herself as close company. It seemed like a waste for such a divine creature as Aphrodite to spend an evening alone, or so Cythonna had said. If the pale woman's influence hadn't already been touching Aphrodite's mind, the shameless flattery would have done the job. Aphrodite may have been a goddess, but she could never resist the chance to flaunt her power over the domain of lovemaking.

Just another good lay for Aphrodite. Which became another. Then another. Which led to another. And yet another. An evening of fun became the whole night. Then it spilled into the next day. And the next. And the one after that. 

Countless bouts had been fought between the silken sheets, wild sessions of fucking and being fucked. It all led to now - with the famed Goddess of Love left shivering so pathetically in her own bed. Spent, weak, and drenched in sweat and juices - both Cythonna's and her own - Aphrodite was left stunned, staring up into the high, gilded ceiling of her bedchamber.

Aphrodite had tasted her share of the sweetness this Cythonna offered. And now, so well-fucked and sated on touch and sensation and splendid feeling, so exhausted in a way she never thought possible… Aphrodite had come to a frightening conclusion.

From the very start, she had been outmatched.

Cythonna had beaten her.

But… as Aphrodite felt the sweetness of the pale woman's lips upon her neck… traveling lower… down to her breasts… tongue teasing at her hard nipples… She couldn't really find a reason to care.

"I… should have known… you were trouble… the moment you walked in." The Goddess of Love sighed softly, squirming gently on her back. A giggle bubbled up in her throat, cut short by a tiny gasp as she felt Cythonna nip at her breast with her teeth. But Aphrodite only surrendered to the treatment - she grabbed her wrist and stretched her arms high above her own head, offering her body as tribute to the woman in blue and white. "I've never… met a mortal… who can keep up with me…"

Cythonna gave a low hum, drawing her lips away from Aphrodite's bosom - but not before taking one last suck at one of those ample peaks. Aphrodite whined as the woman suckled hard, tongue lashing, swirling. Then her lover lifted her head, resting her chin on the slope of her breast.

"I'm not mortal." The pale woman declared, almost sounding insulted at the thought. Her other hand reached up to cup Aphrodite's other breast, fingers sliding over the soft flesh, seeking out the hard nub that capped the round teat. As Aphrodite gave in to the molestation, she caught the tiniest smile upon Cythonna's regal face. "You should have known that from the start, sweetling."

"I was… stunned by your beauty…" Aphrodite wiggled her shapely form, snuggling further into her lover's embrace. Cythonna was strong, and although she looked to be cold as ice, her loving touch was splendidly warm. Aphrodite couldn't get enough of it. "Can you blame me?" 

Cythonna's tiny smile grew into a smirk. And Aphrodite swore she could see the spark of desire flash through the woman's electric blue eyes - perhaps she was influencing Cythonna in turn?

The pale woman hummed softly as she drew her hand down Aphrodite's body, ghosting her palm and fingertips over the goddess' soft, flawless skin, over her bold, generous curves. Until… Cythonna's hand reached the nexus between Aphrodite's supple thighs. The goddess' divine womanhood - the source of her power and influence. 

Aphrodite whined, feeling Cythonna's fingers just graze across her silken lips. She could feel how warm she was, how her lust had turned her core into a furnace. Days of bouts of rolling between the sheets with Cythonna and still Aphrodite was dripping wet for the pale woman's touch. She felt that, too - divine arousal dripping from her pink.

Cythonna touched her then, long, slender fingers rubbing at her pussy. Aphrodite gasped, a tiny, pitiful sound, her own hands shooting down to grasp the pale woman by her wrist. Not to stop her, just… to hang on. Pleasure came like lightning, the sensation blooming from her cunt, dancing up her spine, all the way to the tips of her toes, her fingers, bursting in the back of her skull. Aphrodite felt the air depart her longs in a long, wavering moan.

Then she felt Cythonna's lips on her neck again, soft lips and wet tongue working together to break her mind. Together, with her skilled fingers, Cythonna's efforts made short work of what remained of Aphrodite's resistance.

Cythonna's digits were long, slender things, probing insistently into Aphrodite's core. Deeper they slithered, gliding through her tight, silken insides, sinking into the soaking furnace between Aphrodite's legs. Each stroke into her sex was a hot poker to the building flame in the goddess' belly, the blaze of desire that threatened to burn her out from the inside. It grew and grew and grew, spreading from her core, lighting up every inch of her body, the heat consuming all.

The goddess came and came hard - again. Cythonna had brought her to ecstasy so many times, she had lost count.

Aphrodite arched her back, her head rolling back onto the pillow as her hips rose, offering her juicy cunt to the pale woman's insistent fingers. A broken shriek ripped from her throat, splitting through the warm air of her sacred bedchamber. 

The pleasure shot through her body, her nerves lighting up with such exquisite bliss that Aphrodite felt her vision go white. And through the sensation, the Goddess of Love felt astonished. It seemed like an impossibility and yet it was happening to her - each orgasm Cythonna gave her felt even sweeter than the last.

When the ecstasy finally faded into dull pleasure, and the embers of their passion licked faintly down Aphrodite's body, the goddess sank back onto her bed. It had been turned into a mess over these last few days, silken sheets absolutely ruined by their joining. But Aphrodite did not care. 

How rare it was for a woman like Cythonna to seek her out, to beat her at her own game.

Aphrodite was so drunk on carnal delight, the woman's suspicious nature didn't even register in her mind.

"Oh, mighty Zeus…" The Greek goddess sighed, sucking in deep breaths. Her ample chest rose and fell. It was enough to entice the pale woman to reach out with one hand to tease at one of her nipples.

Cythonna nuzzled into the crook of Aphrodite's neck. Her voice came soft and sweet, seeping into Aphrodite's ears.

"You need not speak his name anymore. Not when you have me."

It was blatant treason. Even in her blissful delirium, the words were able to shock a measure of sense into Aphrodite's hazy mind. But not enough.

The Goddess of Love blinked, her eyelashes fluttering as she stared into Cythonna's bright blue eyes. Her stunned expression quickly faded - she quickly found herself mesmerized by the intensity of the pale woman's desire. Her gaze was… almost hypnotic.

"What… What are you doing to me?" Aphrodite breathed out, almost slurring her words.

But Cythonna only gave a tender smile in return. She drew her fingers from Aphrodite's cunt and began to kiss her way down the goddess' glistening, shivering body. Aphrodite sighed, enjoying the pleasure of her lover's soft lips - upon her neck, upon her collarbone, then onto her breasts, her tummy, lower and lower until Cythonna had slid down between her legs. 

Aphrodite let out a tiny whine, craning her neck up to see Cythonna holding her full, dark blue lips mere inches from her own dripping womanhood. The beautiful outsider gave a wicked smirk, her bright blue eyes full of naughty intent. Then she dipped down, making the Goddess of Love gasp with but a few teasing licks.

"I'm testing your strength. Tasting your power." Cythonna crooned, her sultry voice stoking the simmering embers in Aphrodite's belly. The heat returned slowly, each brush of the woman's lips, every swipe of her tongue fueling the fiery passion in Aphrodite's veins. Cythonna let out a deep, wavering moan as she slid her tongue up through the Goddess' slick, pink petals. "So succulent."

Cythonna dipped her head down again, locking lips with Aphrodite's sweet cunt. Lips and tongue continued the work they had started upon Aphrodite's neck and breasts. But now the goddess was all but spent, unable to do anything but writhe and squirm weakly upon her bed, pinned down by Cythonna's hands set upon her tummy. All she could do was squeal and cry as her lover lapped and drank from her poor, abused pussy.

"Oh. Oh! W-wait… please!"

It was token resistance, of course. The pleasure was exquisite. The hot bliss that poured through Aphrodite's veins was her lifeblood, the reason for her existence. The pure energy that came from lovemaking, from fucking - it was the greatest drug to ever be. And right then, the sensation was all Aphrodite cared about.

Cythonna paused her merciless licks for a moment, resting her chin upon Aphrodite's waist. She ran her fingers gently over the woman's belly, giving a low, appreciative hum. But the Goddess of Love only whined, displeased by the sudden halt to her maddening pleasure.

"Your power would be invaluable to my cause." Cythonna spoke, ever commanding. The exotic, pale woman didn't seem to have lost one bit of her strength or stamina. Aphrodite could see the power in her eyes - the power that far outstripped her own. But so too did Aphrodite see that they held mercy as well. "Serve me and I will reward you well."

Cythonna's eyes glowed brighter then - and suddenly Aphrodite was struck with a vision.

A man took prominence in her mind. He was tall. Handsome as well, flawless fair skin with shiny black hair, combed back and away from his perfectly sculpted face. Bright, willful blue eyes combined with a sincere, charming smile. He was beautiful with strength clear upon his magnificent body. But beyond that, he was powerful. Perhaps the most powerful.

Aphrodite knew the man well. She had desired him for years - and had often used her influence to spy on him more than once.

Clark Kent.



The only man on Earth whose power could challenge the gods.

It was then that Aphrodite understood - the true nature of Cythonna's dark plan slithering into her mind. She was but a means to an end, this dalliance with Cythonna simply a way of recruitment. A carnal audition. Superman was the prize.

And what a prize he is…

"Reward…" Aphrodite breathed gently, looking down at Cythonna through lidded eyes. "Do you mean to say…?"

"The one they call Superman will be mine." Cythonna declared, her voice like iron. Cold passion. Aphrodite shivered as the pale woman pressed a soft kiss to her belly. "And he will also be yours."

Aphrodite could see it then. Not from Cythonna putting a vision in her head, but from a fantasy all of her own creation. Superman stripped of his suit, his cape, revealing the perfection of his nudity to Aphrodite's hungry eyes. His manhood, so long and thick, enough to put even some gods to shame, hanging between his powerful legs, twitching with his heartbeat. Aphrodite put flat on her back, Superman looming over her, holding her down, spearing her cunt with a single thrust… Aphrodite screaming, shrieking with ecstasy as the Man of Steel proved his namesake again and again and again…

"Sweet Hera…"

A tiny giggle bubbled up in the goddess' throat, a drunken smile playing at her lips.

It was only a kiss from Cythonna that shook Aphrodite from her splendid fantasy. The weight of the pale woman's body was a small delight upon her own, Cythonna's bosom pressing into Aphrodite's as she climbed atop her exhausted lover. The Goddess of Love always found some wicked enjoyment in such possessive treatment - it made her feel wanted. But tonight, there was nothing more pleasing than the thought of getting Superman into bed.

When Cythonna finally broke their kiss, Aphrodite was breathless, her face flushed a rosy pink.

"Sweet Cythonna." The pale woman corrected her, smiling down at Aphrodite with all the affection one would show a new pet. It sent a delightful coiling in the goddess' belly. "I am the one offering you this delicious prize."

"Of course. My apologies." Aphrodite answered weakly between deep breaths.

"The Superman will be my mate. He will sire my children. And yours as well." Cythonna spoke softly then but with no less strength in her voice. Her nose brushed gently against Aphrodite's, their faces so close together that she could feel the warmth of Cythonna's breath upon her lips. "I will give you a taste of his seed, his power. But only if you serve me."

A small moan floated from Aphrodite's throat. She shivered under Cythonna, trembling at the thought of Superman seeding her fertile womb, making her belly heavy with child. Their bloodlines would come together, creating life more powerful than this world had ever seen. A paradise.

Cythonna stole a quick kiss, nipping playfully at Aphrodite's lips. Then she continued, her voice low, sultry.

"Leave behind your pantheon, swear loyalty to the goddess Cythonna, and I will make your existence one of unending pleasure."

An offer so sweet. A demand so final.

Aphrodite knew to give Cythonna an answer would be a mistake. Betraying her pantheon, her family, casting them aside for a new, foreign goddess? It was outrageous, obscene! Aphrodite knew this… but so too did she know the pleasure of the pale woman's touch.

Cythonna kissed her again, light and gentle pecks on her lips, on her chin, on her neck, lulling the Goddess of Love into a deceptive warmth. The ecstasy had faded into a soft, delightful buzz, dancing over Aphrodite's skin. But even the ghost of Cythonna's pleasure was able to drive Aphrodite to the edge of madness. And the prize that the pale woman offered… the chance to have Superman in bed… to have him father her children… Aphrodite couldn't pass that up.

"I will… I will serve!" Cried the Goddess of Love and Beauty. And so she declared, so it became the truth.

Above her, through her clouded eyes, she could see Cythonna beaming down, her eyes alight with triumph. Her blue lips spread into a wide, brilliant smile. So full of pride and praise, it made Aphrodite feel like a younger woman, eager for love and adoration. It thrilled her, excitement striking deep into her core.

It was… perfect. Aphrodite craved more.

"Hail Cythonna." Purred the lady in white and blue. Beneath her, her newest pet moaned happily, drawing up her leg to wrap around the other's waist.

"Hail Cythonna." Aphrodite repeated, almost drunk on the sensation of their bodies sliding together.

She had spoken the words not as a goddess of the Greek pantheon, but as the first sacred sister of Cythonna's new empire. She could feel that dark, divine power flowing through her then, gifted to her through the pale woman's deep touch. The wickedness coiled within her, feeding upon the desire, fueling the heat growing in her belly. 

Aphrodite loved it.

She had found a new purpose - and absolute bliss along with it. Even better, she could sense that her new queen was beyond pleased.

Cythonna, Aphrodite's pale mistress, so beautiful and radiant, reached down with one hand to gently stroke her cheek. Humming, the white goddess brushed some of her blonde locks out of the way, tucking them behind her ear.

"Now, sweetling…" Cythonna cooed, running her fingers along the line of Aphrodite's jaw. "For your first task… There is a woman who holds Kal-El's heart. A mortal. Unworthy."

She spat out that last word with such disgust. Aphrodite herself could feel her mistress' distaste, sensing it through their new bond. And as such, she felt much the same. Aphrodite nodded obediently, sneering at the thought of Superman with a woman who didn't deserve him. The thought of such a man wasting his seed on her… it was unthinkable.

Cythonna's lips twitched into a smile, deviousness in her eyes. She continued on, her voice cold and sharp.

"I want you to get her out of the way…"